Welcome to the Chat!!!
The chat room will be open every Thursday. For 2 hours. It will open 8:00 pm Disneyland Time and it will close at 10:00 pm by close I mean that no one new will be let in. Once you are in you can stay as long as you want. If it is a hit (Which I don't think it will be) I will keep it open longer.

OPD Chat Rules:
Sorry I have to do this but I it is my job to keep all of you safe and to keep me safe.
1. Please let's keep how we talk clean. Let's not use any of those "bad" words. I do belive kids will come and read what we have to say so let's keep it clean for them.
2. Yes there is Private chat and you can use it but let's try and keep all of the chat in the main room. That way eveyone can talk about stuff.
3.When the room is closed PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't go in there. Ok? It it that simple. It will make my job a lot better if you only use the room when the sign below of Tinker Bell says OPEN.
4.Anything said or anything that may happen in the room this is the rule "OPD is not respossible for those things that may hurt of make someone feel bad." I will try and kick off anyone who is not being a good OPD chatter. Sorry if I don't kick off all the evil people.
5.Keep the chat about Disneyland
6.Kid's never give out your real name, address or phone number!!!

More info will come soon.
If you have any more ideas for this chat please email me from the Main Page
Thank you to ED for helping me make this place possible!!!

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