Last Update was 6/22/99
Before you start:
This area is meant as an open forum, where anyone can post and/or get
information on current Construction and Changes at the Magic Kingdom!
Anyone can submit information by using this link!
I will update this site about once a week.
A little history behind this part of OPD.
Jeremy Riney was the first Webmaster. He created this
part of OPD to keep us all up todate. Then when Mr.
Liver took OPD over he must have not seen how
important this page was. So he cut it.
But now thanks to tk421 and the new OPD Webmaster (thats me)
This part of the site is back and it looks just like
it did two years ago.
Main Street USA
~ Guided Tour Gardens: Now home to a booth for AAA. Members can get
Triptiks, insurance information, or anything else they could get at a
normal AAA at the new booth. (Which raises the question, why would most
guests be getting this information in the middle of their vacation...
wouldn't this be a pre-vacation type thing to do?)
tk421 4/27/99
~ Guided Tour Gardens: On the topic of the Guided Tours, they now meet
in City Hall, since the Gardens are now home to AAA.
tk421 4/27/99

~Disney was thinking of putting the Mt. Rushmore Mickey and Minnie on the Matterhorn. Just to let you know that idea is DEAD. YEA!!!
OPD Webmaster 6/22/99
~ Disney Princesses:
Part of the line for "Snow White's Scary Adventures" was divided off and
used for "Snow White, Cinderella, Belle and Friends". This was an area where
children could walk through and meet the Disney Princesses, have their
picture taken with them and get their autographs. It runs from 10a.m. to
Ali Kimmel 5/30/99

~ Mark Twain: Close for refubishment- reopening date TBD. Meanwhile,
Fantasmic finale being played on the island.
tk421 4/27/99
~UPDATE!!! Mark Twain will be back by the 26th of June it looks like. Know more of the Dancers on the island.
ED 6/22/99
~Rumor has it that Frontierland will be the next land
to go for a total rehab. Tony Baxer was over heard
saying he would like to a new Dark ride? Only
time will tell
OPD Webmaster 4/25/99
~Update Well it looks like the Frontierland Rumor is true and the rehab will be a lot bigger then I ever thought. It will take 2 years. (they will start in Aug. 99) And they will make the rivers of America bigger and they are adding a new island and they are putting a BIG ride on the island. You will have to take a boat to get over to the ride. That is all I have been hearing.
OPD Webmaster 5/30/99
~Update Well once again I checked into it and it looks like the big new E ticket ride will come to Frontierland. But I still don't know what it is??
OPD Webmaster 6/22/99

~ The new Tarzan Tree house will be done by June 19th.
When the movie opens.
OPD Webmaster 4/25/99
~Finally, I have a chance to hop on the old 'puter and let everyone
know all about Tarzan's Treehouse. Keep in mind there might be a
few spoilers here.
I got to visit it yesterday during yet another soft opening, just after a
film crew finished up the advertisement and after the Imagineers
(Tony Baxter and Bruce Gordon were on hand that day) took a
walkthru of the attraction.
First of all, I applaud Disneyland's casting for Turk and Jane. Turk
was true to movie form (although the costume is the wrong color,
and looks distorted), dancing with the music, teasing Guests, and
having a grand old time. Jane looked exactly like the character in the
film, right down to wearing colored contacts so her eyes were the
right color. While her accent came off very close to a 'practically perfect nanny' (understandably,
since she plays both parts in the Park), her adlib ability and humor was right on track. She
attempted to get the Guests in the mood by teaching everyone the language of the gorillas. ("OOoo
EEee AAaa... that means Jane stays with Tarzan in the jungle") And she found my newfangled
camera quite remarkable... until my digital camera had a disk error, to which she responded "you
see, sometimes a simple sketchbook is better than the most modern conviniences". :)
But on to the treehouse itself: The leaves look more like the leaves of a banana tree, and the whole
thing is covered with lichen, moss, and ferns. You can hear the music- jungle inspired, drum heavy
versions of music from the film's score- all throughout that area of Adventureland. (Personally, I
would have rather it been a little more subliminal, and a lot softer) The suspension bridge is quite
rigid, only allowing a slight swing, but enough to excite the youngsters. After passing a reminder of
the old Swiss Family Treehouse ("Mind Thy Head!"), we ventured up to the topmost part of the
There we found the evil Sabor, in a tent that had seen better days. This represents how Tarzan
became orphaned. If guests attept to pet the vicious kitty, they are treated with a VERY loud roar,
and you can feel the gust of wind caused by the cat's breath. Behind you, a small whimper is heard.
You turn to see, hanging safely in the tree's branches, young Tarzan's crib. He crys for a while,
before launching into a very cute Tarzan yell. Leaving this part of the tree behind, be continue our
little tour.
The music shifts to a tender rendition of "You'll Be In My Heart" as we enter the next room. There
we see Kala and baby Tarzan gazing at a mirror. Prompted by another of Jane's sketches (which
are the key to understanding the interactive elements), we touch sketches of Baby Tarzan, Young
Tarzan, and grown up Tarzan. The mirror then shows scenes of Tarzan's life, while the music shifts
("Two Families" for Baby Tarzan, "YBIMH" for Young Tarzan, and "Strangers Like Me" for old
Down a few steps, we find Tarzan and Jane together. The music is a more rhythmic variation of the
attraction's music here, as we see Jane 'sketch' Tarzan. From here, we wander down to ground
level, into Porter's camp.
The first thing that caught my attention (other than the dirt ground, and that was just because I
slipped on it) was a familiar strain of music. From a small phonograph in the corner, Guests hear the
music of the Swisskapolka- a tip of the hat to the old SFT attraction. The first tent is filled with
scientific devices of many types. Mainly, it's a lot of the bubbly test tubes and beakers filled with a
variety of different liquids. No interactive features noted here, but then we had pressure to keep
moving from the rest of the line behind us (we were the first ones in that day). Pull on the nearby
vine, and you might just hear the roar of a lion, or the trumpet of a wild elephant. Or even Tarzan's
famous yell!
The next tent was filled with the Porters' supplies. (Beauty and the Beast's Mrs. Potts, just like in
the movie, makes a cameo here). In the air, the music from "Trashin' the Camp" is playing, and all
around Guests can find cans, pots, drums, and several other things that they can play and join in.
While we were here, the film crew came back, so you might see me in a future Tarzan ad! Also
nearyby, you can find a stone fireplace. Step on the bellows, and watch what happens! ;) A nice
touch, I might say.
The final tent is Jane's. You'll find a tree with several holes in it- stick your hand in, and try to guess
the creature inside. It also looks like perhaps the Swiss Family Treehouse's parrots might be moved
here, but they weren't out that day. A few steps away, you can meet Jane and Turk, and wave at
Tarzan (if he ever shows up... he didn't yesterday). Also, look for the Jungle Cruise's "little squirt",
now in a new home at the top of the waterfall.
If you REALLY want to see the new Tarzan walkaround, and he isn't home, watch Fantasmic. On
the lower deck of the Mark Twain, about midship next to Minnie Mouse, Jane and Tarzan can be
found waving. And let me say, I think the did a good job casting him as well. At least, it looked
kinda like Tarzan, even though a guest pointed at him and said "Hey, look! There's George of the
Overall, I enjoyed the treehouse. It wasn't the Swiss Family Treehouse, and the animated
characters looked out of place with the realistic backgrounds, but I enjoyed myself enough to want
to go back again.
tk421 6/22/99
~So far from what I have heard from everyone is that they love the Tree House. It was done really well and in a short amount of time!!
OPD Webmaster 6/22/99

~ Just wanted to remind you guys that the Disneyland Monorail is
running one way trips only until September 5th (and soon afterward,
it will close for a rehab, as will Autopia).
tk421 4/25/99

Mickey's Toon Town
~The Jolly Trolly will be down all summer. But it won't really matter because they don't use the Trollys on crowded days anyway!!
tk421 6/22/99
~ Paint Job: Finally, they have started to repaint the buildings. The
Toontown Fire Depot, long a sad, faded pink building has been repainted
a bright red once again. Let's hope they continue this thru the land,
because there are a lot of tacky areas that need touched up.
tk421 4/27/99
~ Gadget's Go Coaster: Down for a standard rehab (it will be up
4/30/99) plus some curb cuts that are going in all 'round Toontown.
tk421 4/27/99
~ Curb Cuts: All over Toontown construction walls are going up. Why?
Well last week, early in the morning, Mickey Mouse tripped off his curb
getting the newspaper. (That's one little known fact about the Mouse...
he's lost without his first cup of coffee) Realizing a safety risk when
he saw it, he got on the phone. So now, in front of every house, they
are adding a 'driveway-esque' curb ramp that will save guests from the
embarrassment of falling off a brightly colored curb because they don't
see it. It will also help guests with disabilities.
tk421 4/27/99
~ Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin: Just wanted everyone to know, there is
a new Wheezy Weasel on the ride (the one about to be whacked in the head
by Jessica Rabbit). It looks pretty good, and nobody has stolen his
cigarettes yet.
tk421 4/27/99

Critter Country
~Well for right know it looks like NO POOH RIDE. They want to bring it to the Country Bear Play House. But as of right now they don't have enough money to make a really good ride.
OPD Webmaster 6/22/99

Disneyland Hotel's
~Neverland Pool: The Neverland pool is to open July 3 1999. I am hope this is true. It was going to open in June but they are behind (Big suprise).
OPD Webmaster 5/30/99
~UPDATE The pool will open as of now on July 3rd or 4th. If it does not open they will have guest go to the Disneyland Pacific Hotel to swim. (Thats what Disney Told Me)
~Monorail: The Monorail will close in Sept. I don't know when they will bring it back. Hope it won't be gone to long.
OPD Webmaster 5/30/99

Golden State:
~ Grizzly Peak:
The largest piece of DCA construction, this new
landmark can be seen over the construction walls from th Lion King lots
and the Disneyland main entrance. It looks like they are trying to get
this, the 'Matterhorn' of DCA, ready as soon as possible.
tk421 5/1/99
Paradise Pier:
~ Orange Stinger: The framework for the large orange landmark of
Paradise Pier (which represents Orange Country, I guess) is being set
up. As you remember, this attraction will be a swing type ride with bee
themed swings spiraling in a giant orange.
tk421 5/1/99
~ Backstage building: This has been completed for some time- in fact,
it was the first structure to be finished on the DCA land. It's
basically a glorified shed, and can be seen on the corner of Katella and
tk421 5/1/99

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