My Page



See my awards.

Welcome to the Bottom of the net. I've abandoned this and all the sites under this and have made a clean start on a page about my band. None of the pages under these addresses will ever be updated again. If you want to check out my band, go to


If you wanna contact me regarding these old pages, use the address or if you wanna instant message me you can call me up by typing in: mushmutt.

You can go to four places here:

1. My tribute to Brian Pillman.

2. Visit my site on the coolest of DX, X-Pac at this place right NOW!

3. To go to the Raven's nest, click here. Not yet ready!

Sign the book. If you do, you might get a prize. Then again, you probably won't.

Voila!....Sign My Guestbook

Then....View My Guestbook

I'm not in right now,I'm out doing something... but if you leave your name and e-mail address on my guestbook, I'll be happy to track you down and confront you at an inconvenient time at my leisure.

Guestbook by Lpage

© 1996 Mail me if you must.

This page is a Golden Rod, inc. production.

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Pssst. The Seans of the world are uniting. Get organized.

This and all pages under the addresses are an exclusive Golden Rod, inc. production. Sean Bryan is the head of Golden Rod, inc.