Ten years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison etc......
The old A-team theme
The new A-team theme (season 5)
The dialogue that should have been the end of the series.
Hannibal: "I love it when a plan comes together".
Face giving a short con course in "Alive at Five"
Face: "He's on the jazz".
B.A.: "Shut up fool!".
B.A.: "I love it when a plan comes together".
B.A.: "He's on the jazz".
Murdock: Who am I?
Murdock: What are we?
A-Team Sounds in German
Samples taken from the German commercial station RTL. From the episode "Der singende Golfballe" ("Recipe For Heavy Bread")
"Ich liebe es wenn ein Plan funktioniert".
Hannibal: I love it when a plan comes together.
"Halts Maul Idiot und komm".
B.A.: Shut up fool and come on.
"Ich dachte... Du machst vielleicht (mhm) eine Story über die Probleme der Golfbälle, damit die Welt uns sieht, denn wir müssen die Aufmerksamkeit der Welt auf unseren Kampf lenken, und die Golfball Befreiungsarmee ist eine gewaltlose Gruppe."
Murdock to Amy at the end of the show: I was thinking, maybe you could write a story about the problems of golfballs, so the world could see us. We must get the worlds attention for our battle and the golfball liberation army is a non-violent group.