Burns & Allen Eposide List


        Married, But Single				10/06/42
	Marriage Manual					10/13/42
        Pooling Resources                               10/20/42
	 99-Year Lease    				10/27/42
        The Man from MGM                                11/03/42
	 Expecting A Baby                               11/10/42
        Hat Box Hostage                                 11/17/42
        Hit by a Club                                   11/24/42
        Messy Mechanics                                 12/01/42
        Being Neighborly                                12/08/42
        The Swami's Predictions                         12/15/42
        Santa & the Pirates                             12/22/42
        Gracie's Dating Service                         12/29/42
        Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Burns                           1/05/43
        Making George Jealous                            1/19/43
        King George                                      1/26/43
        Good Help is Hard to Find                        2/02/43
        Cast Your Ballot                                 2/09/43
        Beauty Mask                                      2/16/43
        Huckleberry Bucket                               2/23/43
        Playing Carnegie Hall Part 1                     3/02/43
        Playing Carnegie Hall Part 2                     3/09/43
        Making George Sick                               3/23/43
        Victory Garden                                   3/30/43
        Jack Benny's Beauty Secrets                     11/09/43
        George the Genius                                3/21/44
        Kansas City's Favorite Singer (George ?)         6/06/44
        Kansas City's Favorite Singer (George ?) part2   6/13/44 
        Gracie wants George to look young                6/18/45
        Troop Entertainment Tour                         6/25/45
        George Inherits $5,000                          11/22/45
        Jack Joins George at College                    11/29/45
        Beverly Hills Uplift society                    10/24/46
        The Acting Contest                              10/31/46
        The Literary Club                                2/20/47
        Gracie Becomes a Business Exectuive              2/27/47
        Gracie treats George like a King                 5/15/47
        Gracie wants Bing Crosby to Ritire              12/04/47
        Jack Benny and George become gypsies             1/08/48
        Door to Door Salesman                            5/13/48
        Gracie's Mother thinks George is a Looser        5/20/48
        New Neighbor                                     9/30/48
        George Collects Cats                             2/17/49
        Academy Awards                                   3/24/49
        George Proposes                                  9/25/49
        Bachelor Bill should Marry                      ??/??/49

 The list will be UpDated soon 

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