Feel Free...

Wirte Down Whatever You want

Riley - 06/30/00 21:31:43
My URL:/mspilker2000
My Email:nimitz513@aol.com
Gender: Male
Country: usa
Title: MSpilker2000's Ultimate WebSite
This is a great site. Nice work. I just made my own page and i encourage everyone to check it out at www.geocities.com/mspilker2000

- 02/22/00 06:09:56

Hiro - 04/29/99 09:31:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/Colosseum/7531/
My Email:hirotaka@worldnet.att.net
Gender: Male
Country: Japan
Title: Hello
Hey, what's up, Takashi? Did you make all of this page? I mean BBS stuff? If so, teach me how to make this, will you? Anyway, late ciao

yoshiyuki ochiai (癒師,落合 嘉幸) - 03/18/99 07:20:12
My URL:http://www.nara-cci.or.jp/nara-alc
My Email:yochiai@kcn.ne.jp
Country: 日本,奈良市
Title: 高次元宇宙医学に因る健康相談のボランティアです
私的に健康相談のボランティアをしております。 電話でどのような病気痛みかゆみでも直ります。 詳しくは下記のホームページをご覧下さい。 海外在住の方何か有りましたら電話ください。 http://www.nara-cci.or.jp/nara-alc yoshiyuki ochiai (癒師,落合 嘉幸) yochiai@kcn.ne.jp 奈良市,TEL 81−742−46−7038

Yoshiya Suga - 03/02/99 12:09:27
My Email:yoshisuga@msn.com
Gender: male
Country: Japan
Title: from tokyo
hi,this is yoshi. nobody stop me, baby.

kash - 12/15/98 01:38:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/set/3462
My Email:tyamane@hotmail.com
Country: San Diego,USA
Title: Feel Free!!
You can write down here whatever you want. Just write down something that you want to say to somebody..... Write down now, feel free!!

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