Hollywood Ring
This Hollywood Ring site
is owned by Tom Green.

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You've found your way to the old Hollywood Central, visit it's infinitely better successor at http://www.whatnext.com/movie/hcentral2/index.htm instead. This older site is maintained solely for posterity, but will be gone for good by Novmeber 1997, so go to HC2 NOW!

Welcome to our movie-related web page: Hollywood Central. Although we've only been around for two months now, we've already amassed praise from a variety of sources. Thanks to Ellen Chan and GeoCities, we're now a featured homesteader with 5MB of server space, instead of the usual two, and we've been offered 10MB of server space as part o t@p on-line's Net-X site.

Remember we still feature not just our regularly update catalogue of movie reviews, but comprehensive WWW links, theme music MIDIs, a features section and movie screenplays as well.

Take your time to browse around our site, fill in our favourite movie survey form and sign our Lpage guestbook. And if you really like (or hate) this site, why not e-mail one us?

It's easy to navigate around our site using the ever-present button bar you see above (provided your browser supports Client-Side Image Maps, that is) or the text based buttons at the bottom of the page.

In the left-hand margin you'll find our counter so (if you really care) you can find out what number visitor you are to our page. You'll also find links to Lpage (our guestbook server),and GeoCities which netiquette and common decency insisted we include, and a link button to t@p online's net-x magazine site on which we are featured (please ignore this shameless trumpet blowing). Below all those are buttons linking to other items within this page (like a jumpstation) to aid navigation. Enjoy.

And when you're finished here, why not head over to Yavin 4, our brand new Star Wars site here on GeoCities?

Please help us by taking a few seconds to fill in our favourite move survey form. Your responses will be tallied and a comprehensive census of our visitors' favourite films posted on this site in the very near future.

Your e-mail address:

Your favourite film:

Click send to submit your response:

Your feedback is vital to us. We are constantly changing and updating this website, and without your input, we would have no idea just what it is you want from us. So please e-mail us or sign our guestbook and leave a comment.

[E-mail Tom Green] [E-mail Tom Whitaker]
[Sign Our Guestbook] [View Our Guestbook]
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Copyright © 1997 Tom Green & Tom Whitaker

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