The Parody
Film Studio
Faux's Entry for Reviews & Self Training
Studio Departments -
Reviews by Category
DVD Commentary. As of October 2007 this page is being changed!
general film
The BIZ,
film business
list Special Effects
Visual Effects
DOG, The Camera
Director's Chair
Electric Chair , Video
My old Notes from Televised Entertainment Lawsuits & Studio Executive
E Lawsuits
90's Court TV
Speech by Sumner Redstone (Viacom) on running
a film studio!
21st Century
The E/CN.4/1116
papers & more, 1974 UN Docs now online. Respect for the privacy
of individuals in the light of recording devices...
Works - Reply Comment
Warfare/Technology Abuse
Teal Censorship Page -
A history
of blacklisting
Civil Suit
Curry v. The Ledger (a NY Times Company 1988-1993)
This was a Title VII lawsuit. I documented the process used in Post-Employment
Retaliation, from Libel to Data Surveillance used to ensure future discrimination.
1986-1988 Generally police acknowledged I was being
tracked by satellite by the news media, some of them acted responsibly
but others were extremely corrupt & violent:
Federal Police Officer who upon meeting me - with no explanation - asked
me if I would like to camp out in his backyard to hide from the newspapers.
of Alleged
Defense Perjury
York Times Litigation
More facts
on NY Times
& Sheriff's
As a retaliation tactic everything I did to continue my film career
after the paper was turned into some allegation of an illegal act or libel,
so I began an intense campaign to obtain proof of facts. This is only a
Green Book 1
Green Book 2
Pre 1995, Attorney's & Technology Abuse Activists,
some of these sealed documents can & should be used to obtain
Judicial Notice.
The Slumbering
Sentinel by C.G. Weeramantry, Excerpt
FCC Letter
FCC Letter
FCC Seal
of Secretary FCC
FBI Reply
to Inquiry: Investigating Satellite Surveillance, Privacy Invasion
F.B.I. Affidavit
attesting to the Authenticity of the Letter of August 1987
Fear on Trial
by H. Faulk
Karen Sue
Foley's Blacklisting excerpt
Sci-Real Links
Rights, Know Them Demand Them (Motto UN Conference on Human
Rights, Vienna Summer 1993 -
They cleared out of the Palais Library & I practically had it to myself!)
Human Rights Documents, misc. pages not found at the UN's Website.
FAQ Link at CipherWar
EchelonWatch sponsored
by the ACLU
Digital Activism
May 2005, Chaos Computer Club
is linking to Global Organizations supporting action against mass surveillance.
Sign the Petition at ICAMS.
I did. I pass up no opportunity to be on a list of registered dissident
intellectuals! Bloody fine job!
Unfortunately, as of August 2005,
they're pushing a petition against Data Retention in Europe.
This is too little, too late!
Data Retention & the
Police State:
During 2004-2005 the State of
Florida had at least 3 high profile child molestations/murders that are
directly linked to "effects" of the participation of this state in the
use of electronic eavesdropping and data surveillance. I am one of those
few Americans, who is under continued surveillance because of a civil action.
That means on a daily basis I am harassed. The last time I left town to
pickup my brother at the Tampa Airport I was deliberately singled out for
intimidation by a Tampa Police Officer on the Tampa Airport premises. They
still have time to do this despite the massive problem of child abuse in
the State of Florida. Children are being manipulated by this same technology.
Jessica Lundsford's death: the discovery of the body could have been much
faster if Law Enforcement did not continue to hide insidious uses of technology,
I knew approximately a couple of days before she was found where she was
- why didn't they? This misdirection of law enforcement in protecting
big business over human life
Catastrophic death 2005
Farewell Isis!

Film Studio Faux
Home of Sci-Real.
Pamela Jean Curry, All Rights Reserved.
October 2005 Getting leaner
& meaner.
An alternative learning website for self motivated filmmakers searching
for learning materials, cheap filmmaking techniques & ideas.I favor Focal Press books, but this Studio receives no funding or freebies from any industry source. Reviews are straight forward opinions of an ex-business trainer who had her own photography darkroom at 16 with help from a family member with a commercial photo studio. This is a website of select "notes" and not well edited completed essays, I don't have time for that type of sharing. For anyone who remembers the expression, I'm wanna blow
this pop stand, and turn it into a legitimate independent filmmakers studio.
HP is giving away a great prize pack at 50 websites Jake Ludington's HP MAgic Giveaway Gear Live .
2007: My two dedicated Studio mascots, CATS, will be featured on the front of this website in various daily Studio Activities, On October 6th the cats went to church and were blessed. What can I say it went to their heads! They are both struggling with Kidney Disease and are in their late teens. This is my Thank You to them for years of support while I worked alone!
Calling all APTED Pupils: As of February of 2006 the DGA (The Director's
Guild) reports again, that in the last 5 year, there has been NO change
by the networks in the hiring of minority directors, which is bad news.
There is a list of the shows excluding minorities in the article. DGA
Article on Minority Bias
It's also time to post a reminder about Blacklisting, the "VIGILANTES
COME RIDING" be suspicious of all horsemen. An excerpt from Henry Faulk's
long forgotten book Fear
on Trial is posted in the History of Blacklisting pages at this website.
ZoeTrope Studios, this is my review. "It's OK". Instead of running my studio I spent some of 2006 there. What can I say, I was sick. I grew up in a medium sized small town with separate Italian & German/Polish sections. I formed strong prejudices. I'd forgotten when you ask an Italian to help you get a "camera" they book you a hotel room in a foreign country! In my small town both Italians and the German/Polish ran numbers. The difference was the later really RAN. Zoetrope has multiple Studio Departments, much like us (joke), but the Director's Department has many problems. There are people there with entirely different skill and education level, many of them complaining constantly about the inability to upload and view videos on that site. Some people are not ready to compete either online or professionally and others are advanced. The forums have threads that repeat the same questions over and over. It is generally OK for Writers who want to share and Artists who need emotional support. But again there are some people too good to be there and some too bad and some desperate for a job. I'm my own job and I love myself for it! Over the past 20 years of fighting sex discrimination in America no woman even, repeat NO WOMAN ever helped me to get towards what I wanted. Many attempted to help me get by or get what they thought I should want, but NEVER to forge ahead artistically with the type of zeal and intellectual aggression I enjoy. Zoetrope was no different.
Table INDEX:
Gold - 2005
Research Links
Peach - 2005 Book
Blue - 2005 DVD
Commentary of Interest
June 20, 2005 Sci Real Research
UN Documents from E/CN.4/1116
have been quoted from repeatedly and are referenced online in papers
by individuals and groups interested in fighting political psychology and
invasion of privacy by electronic means. 30 years after this important
report, the battle rages. Ignoring this report would be a critical
error for any digital rights activist at this critical historical
moment. These documents show that the Human Rights Commission took this
issue very seriously decades ago but that economic (money) imperatives
won out. The mandate (and the UN is run and limited by mandates)
given to the ITU was not expanded to include human rights. In large
part proving how advancements in technology are being used, to the detriment
of human personality, will take the support of the ITU and other technical
& regulatory agencies.
Here is your chance to view hard to find UN Secretary
General's report of 1973. This is about what the UN knew and when, and
how they failed to take action. NGO's and Activists have recently asked
the Human Rights Commission to be party to the International Telecommunications
Union Conferences.
So far T35 being
worked on this week of June 20th 2005 (E/CN.4/1116 or all that I photocopied
of that including the Add and another 1974 conference)
is the only free host. AS OF NOV 2006 T35 HAD A CRASH AND LOST ALL THEIR FILES, WHEN I GET AROUND TO PUTTING THESE BACK UP I'LL POST THAT HERE! I have been able to find for parts of the document that I have. T35 has limits on file size, so I can't upload this entirely in .pdf. Quite frankly after the summer of 2006, I honestly believe many people in America are too stupid or lazy to understand these documents. But I still believe, the Internet should not become less a resource for research and more a place where privileged
individuals can make comment on past research. Do your own research!
The copies are bad, I was poor & probably used them for napkins at
lunch but at least you can read them.
This website is for those who have never lost their
youthful exuberance for knowledge and for those who never will.
Nothing I had and yet profusion:
The Lust for Truth, the pleasure in illusion.
from Prelude in the Theater, Goethe's Faust
Ich hatte nichts und doch genug:
Den Drang nach Wahrheit und die Lust am Trug
Vorspiel Auf Dem Theater, Goethe's Faust
Film Study Reviews - Books
June 2006, a brief review of the Text on Color Theory was
added to the Studio Reviews, it had some interesting Exercises,
are vital to anyone learning on their own! If It's Purple
Someone is going to die! was added at the Studio
May 2006, I started to read a Focal Press text with interviews
by European Editors, the introduction was well written, but I was too unfamiliar
with the films to really be able to review the interviews. European film
artists can be intimidating, particularly the Swedes. So, I decided to
invent a way to make them less intimidating. Since I've been to Scandanavia,
and I dated a scandanavian when I was younger, I'm certain pretending they're
naked would not cut it.
I decided to let geography and genes take the lead in making the
Swedes less intimidating. Did you ever look at a map of Europe?
The entire country of Sweden looks like a giant phallic symbol (dick)
hanging over Germany and Poland (my homeland minus one). OK, that's disgusting.
I'm not intimidated anymore.
That and this piece of photography will get you a free ride from Kiel to
Malmo, it appears to have done it for me. DATA FLOW...can I find any more
scandalous ways to get certain activists in Sweden to bring more attention
to non-lethal weapons?
Producer's Lab Lo- to- No Budget Filmmaking, Elliot Grove, Published by
Focal Press in Oct 2004, about 400 pages: Raindance
This textbook comes with a CD that has some decent free filmmaker's
software. It also had a few samples of film shorts and filmmaker's promotional
pieces that were nice, if you need samples. I review this as a "4 out of
5 chocolate cookie monster" book, but with apprehensions. I believe
it failed to live up to the title. The text opened with some interesting
anecdotal stories about people who actually finished films with no money,
"by the seat of their pants". But in the tradition of most of the rest
of the people who are writing textbooks, hoping they will be included in
classes, he digressed to lots of general information. There is already
plenty of that out there.
The few parts I did like included an interview with an editor who
had his own reasons for not being keen on digital editing. The text had
various apparently honest expressions of opinion about the advantages of
different film formats. He also gave specifics about who to contact and
how to contact people about using film ends or gaining access to camera
packages for low budget films. I write here LOW budget because this book
was not really about guerilla filmmaking at the rawest and did not cover
NO Budget creative ideas. In that I mean special effects and so forth that
can be created in the kitchen. Many of his low budget ideas are dependent
on the reader being located in a city where film is being shot on a regular
At my studio "NO BUDGET" means absolutely no budget.
I was really happy that some disgruntled ex-employee of a pharmaceutical
company threw out everything from his job including a like new external
48x CDRW in the box! That's no budget.
The book's author, Elliot Grove, hails from Pennsylvania Amish Country
where he escaped the oppression of his youth by moving to Toronto to start
a film career. That is in his own words. Mr. Grove went from one
male dominated and somewhat closed society to another. In that regards
this book also was not for female Director/Producers who are still living
with the repression and isolation of their lifetimes in an industry that
does not take women wanting to write and direct action/adventure films.
In fact one WGA mentor online recently suggested that women who want to
submit in genres that are still male dominated, i.e. action/adventure,
put their initials on the screenplay.
Elliot and I are still a long way from PA, also my home state, but
unlike him I still am effected by extreme "oppression", and was not impressed
by his rendition of no budget filmmaking. The British don't really do things
that differently!
As another filmmaker's reference book this was an excellent read,
too generalized in some parts, but nobody can cover all aspects of
filmmaking in one book. As a general reference it gets 4 out of 5 chocolate
cookie monsters .
The New Cinematographers, is
a nice little picture textbook about what several Cinematographers did
to start their own careers and how they worked with other men (did
I use the word men again?) Directors to make the light and film work for
their films. In the beginning of this film Studio,
I would read every page of every book I was going to review. Now I read
less and understand more. I look up cameras that I don't know about and
make mental lists of good cheap ideas that were used on sets. There are
some good ones in this book. At best I read one half of the book.
This is progress, because as comprehension grows you don't need to
read what everybody is writing and you have your own ideas. This
picture text is comparable somewhat to The American Cinematographer Magazine,
except it showed how one Cinematographer's career and skills became what
they are as compared to how one film was shot and lit - the ASC magazine.
Three Hot Coco's at best!
In APRIL 2005
this Studio once again opened the archives of reviews in the Special
Effects Department, which is presently cob webbed and decaying, to
Review Movie FX Magazine. A video
magazine about special effects.
Joel Asher's
Video Series: Directors on Acting is a short video interviewing
several directors on subjects concerning what they expect from Actors.
As an aspiring Director I found it mediocre at best, yet an aspiring actor
might find it otherwise enlightening.
Viewing & Listening
October 2005, DVD Commentary
on XXX - State of the Union by ILM actually contained educational
information for aspiring directors! They described in detail what information
they needed communicated to them from the production to enable them to
create the computer generated effects in this film.
October 2005, Script Scanners:
the following DVD's have "script scanning":
Pirates of the Caribbean;
Lost - Disc one The Pilot; Alias Season One and Season three both have
at least one disc with script scanning. You can watch the film
- or an actor's line delivery and watch thheee shooting script at the same
time, only available on your computer. This is for people too poor
to buy the script! I will put up more specifics as I find them!
It seems these hispanic
Directors just can't stop talking about themselves! That's good news for
aspiring filmmakers & directors.
Although Rodriguez only
wants to give us a 15 minute film school, it appears Del Toro has more
stamina. He's also a very bad boy, the commentary is rated R for language.
New Line Cinema's Platinum Version of Blade II Disk 2 is a production
workshop. What is particularly rare about this workshop is that
it isn't some sanitized version of production. I haven't seen a documentary
describe in detail the type of lights and filters used to light a particular
scene since the Aussi's film production with Kodak, the Master Cinematographer's
series on VHS. This DVD comes at a considerably cheaper cost than
the pricey VHS series, reviewed here
Although I'm too poor
to get my hands on it right now, I've read that Del Toro gives the
same performance in the Director's Cut of Hell Boy. My recommendation
of these DVD's is strictly for their educational content for filmmakers!
See as they saw it...June 2005
I recently screened Ridley
Scott's "Duelists" and Del Toro's "Cronos". Listening to the DVD commentary
is very useful to anyone interested in just how hard it is, even for men,
to jump start their own careers in filmmaking. Del Toro gave the very best
overall advice, make your own path into the business. Having written this
I also add this criticism.
Both of these productions
were independently created by these Directors with their own funding to
jumpstart their careers. That's admirable. In contrast, it's regrettable
that woman who even have that much financial success before their a first
film, are rarely in the position to risk all they own on an independent
a webmaster/creator with advanced to expert knowledge on censorship and
technology abuse, the Studio is proposing a new Film Genre called Sci-Real.
the studio has only been online since 1997, this research dates back to
1987 and includes parts of a lawsuit concerning 1st Amendment Rights against
major news organization, brought by this webmaster alone against two law
The lawsuit ended in the court in 1993, the "issues" of the suit are an
ongoing source of activism for this webmaster. For instance, the recent
decision of the Int'l Court at the Hague against the Church of Scientology,
who wanted to suppress the online publication of affidavits filed in a
civil action, is significant to the operation of this website.
Film Studio Faux is a Parody
, in the Hollywood Tradition it aims to insult everyone "equally". If you
have not been ethnically or professionally insulted, and want to be, leave
your request with Studio Cat at Film Studio Faux. No French kissing please.
Yes, and with an attitude like that
we at the Studio have occasionally have gone hungry. The UN is predicting
a humanitarian crisis in early 2005 in Africa, donate FOOD this Xmas, click
on this link!
- Hypocrisy JUNE 2005 < font>
for more on Censorship
Ruby Teal Censorship
This is a comic but truthful aside, for those who wonder what my schedule
is when I'm not being subjected to community hazing.
In 1988 I filed a human rights complaint with the UN's Human Rights Commission
against the US Government for participating in blacklisting. I cited CNN
as a main participant but made it clear that Congress was using the opportunity
of the media's organized hazing and blacklisting to get themselves publicity
- alot of it. Timed exactly with acts of vviiioolence against me.
Whatever the scandal you think there may be in pac funds this is bigger.
Since that time, before, during and after my lawsuit against a news organization,
a NY Times Company, I have been attempting to get the UN to act on
my continuing complaint by seeking to bring hidden uses of technology "out"
as issues for debate. I wrote in my lawsuit about how the use of
interactive eavesdropping and surveillance technology around the world
caused patterns of violence.
These patterns are discernible.
Some of that violence could have been stopped but for the silence of the
US Government. Individual members of Congress have long used this
silence to obtain free publicity for themselves, particularly through CNN.
personally despise this CNN team, they prey off of people with no hope.
In the three times I moved abroad, I grew up in tourism and have always
worked with other countries, I was told my government was instigating violence
against me with the newspapers, once by a foreign embassy worker,
once by internal affairs officer of a foreign police department after an
attempted rape and by numerous other international workers. These
people had nothing to gain by telling me this, and in fact a couple feared
This is a 5th amendment taking under the United States Constitution, not
to mention a form of slavery, in fact the US Constitution is a joke in
light of the uses of this technology. Lastly, this is a form of torture,
there is more about that at the new DataMines pages of this website.
This is not an exaggeration, I have lived
in total isolation in my country for over 17 years - I've no relationship
with my family, although I lived with them, there is extremely abusive
use of technology that I have described in detail that has prevented me
from getting health care for 17 years and I have a possibly life threatening
If you can get the TUNE (tune - like something is fishy here) going
in your head the following should be read with a little rythm...go straight
to hell boys....go straight to hell boys...
Jury Duty Update May 31, 2005
My number was not "up" for Jury Duty so I'll be busy, trying to get the
hell out of this Virtual Studio Hell and into Production!
The recording at the Courthouse said Not to bring a newspaper, it will
be taken away from you! Hell, I've been asking them to do that for
19 years...get this Press satellite off my back!
They also said not to wear anything distracting, well you could call a
several hundred ton satellite distracting. After 11 years of avoiding Shepard's
citations I made my way to the Law Library to prepare for the day of "truth".
This state really cannot handle the truth. After about twenty minutes of
total stupidity, that legal training kicked in like Martial arts. The legal
issues surrounding someone who is literally being followed by a media eavesdropping
satellite are mind boggling! So many KEYS, so many hypothetical questions,
so little time.
The 2nd half of this website is about
extreme prejudice & discrimination. It's also the groundwork
for research that is at the core of SciReal, this Studio's own film genre.
It is also about my personal coming out as someone who has been severely
affected by science and technology.
APRIL 2005
April 2005
- I filed a "reply comment" concerning thee request by the U.S. Copyright
Office for comments and reply comments about Orphan
could say I'm an Apted Pupil, which
is the next page slated for production at this fake film studio. For now
this links to the ever chauvinistic Director's Guild now showing a seminar
on Terrorism, that has no women speakers. I remember standing on the border
to Nicaragua, before the signing of the peace treaty, wondering if this
border guard could imagine how little I feared him or his gun. As I have
written many times, it isn't how you can be killed or threatened with death
that is terrorism, it is how you can be made to live. Which is a commentary
on the disgust I have of the community I live in for their participation
in blacklisting. While America has recently discovered terrorism
and it is apparently new to the men of the DGA, it has been a fact of life
for me, as an American woman blacklisted, for decades.