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Angry Sea. 64KB
George: The sea was angry that day my friends,
like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.
Assman. 47KB
Kramer: I am Kozmo Kramer, the ASSMAN!
Beef-o Rien-o. 117KB
Kramer: I'm so keen-o! On beef-o rien-o! What a delisious cuisine-o!
Fit for king and queen-o! Ya, eat up. I've got 34 more cans.
Diaphram. 78KB
Elaine: I was talking to this guy, you know, and I just happened to
throw my purse on the sofa. And my diaphram goes flying out.
Hello Newman. 11KB
Jerry: Hello Newman!
I'm George. 51KB
Elaine: It's True! I'm George! I'm George!
Be Nice. 9KB
George: You Be Nice!
Vomit. 29KB
Jerry: Noooo! I haven't vomited in thirteen years.

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People Have Visited This Page Since Febuary 10th 1998

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