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Billy Style (12 years Experience)
Healthy Low Carb/High Protein  Support Page

Taking the web by storm.  Can you believe it?  It's all Free Advice. 
Finally a diet that works for everyone and it's free.
Atkins/Low Carb/Organic/Natural/Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
 Protein Power by Michael R. Eades, MD and Mary Dan Eades, MD:
Last Update  6/13/2007
Click Here for a Healthy Atkins Phase (print it out)
Billy's New 2005 Diet Chart (Microsoft Excell)
True Atkins /Low Carb Phases
A typical eating chart for the Day.
2100 Successful Members and going strong.
Hey over 100 successful member cannot be wrong.
  2500 Added New Members As of (08/26/05)

 (don't forget to visit my site and let me know in couple of  weeks or so how things are going)

Some of the information on this website is from the Low Carb Protein Power Plan by Michael and Mary Eades. 

Attention:  Transfats Update

Sorry I don't update too much anymore!  I received 100's of email a day and are unable to.
After Photo

Billy's Personal History

It was brought to my attention that there are a few lists  at that are stressing NO Carbs on their list.  
When you find one of these lists, drop it immediately.   This is the incorrect way to do Atkins.  Good healthy carbs in the form of  (Fresh) Vegetables and Fruits are allowed.  Please avoid these lists.  They are giving false information to the members.   They are doing Atkins the Wrong Way.  When it comes to adding carbs back in your diet, it's really all about common sense.  Some say, "You cannot have fruit on a low carb diet."  This is a Myth or really down right "a lie".   The only time you don't have fruit is the first 2 weeks called induction.   The second phase (after two weeks) you can add fruit back.  Just remember it's all about Portion control on Carbs.  For Example:   One 8 oz apple has 35 carbs and  6 fiber making the net carbs 29.   What if you ate 1/2 the apple (15 net carbs) or better yet 1/4 the apple (7.25 net carbs) .   1/4 apple is well in the low carb range for Atkins.

For healthy low carb recipies watch George Stella's " Low Carb and Lovin it".  Even food you thought was forbidden like chocolate brownies, pumpkin pies etc.  He will show you a low carb version and help you stick with it.

When it comes to beef, I try to stay with Lauras Lean Beef simply because NO Harmones. 

I have a carb counter scanned but due to storage limits I'm unable to upload it.  I can give you an example in the below chart.  Here is a list of fruits, vegetables that are allowed on my lower fat version.  I have added more variety in hopes that people will make it a life change of eating.  Are you missing Oranges, Grapefruits, Cantaloupes, Apples, Peas?  Well stop your search.  You can still eat those items and maintain a healthy low carb diet.

Induction-2 weeks only
Meat, Vegetables and Fat

On-going weight loss - add fruit but exercise portion control. Could start adding soy flour or Hood's Carb Count Down Milk.
Pre-Maintenance - continue to increase carbs slowly - Fruit, Vegetables, Soy Flour
Life Time Maintenance - Add Whole Wheat but portion control is essential.

Orange = 1/2 Medium has 5.5 Carbs
1 Fruit and 1 Extra
GrapeFruit = 1/4 whole has 4.4 carbs

1 Fruit exchange

Grapes = 1/3 cup has 5.3 carbs

1 Fruit and 1 Extra

Peach 1/2 medium has 4.2

1 Fruit
Watermelon 1/2 cup has 5.5 carbs

1 Fruit and 1 extra

Cantaloupe  1/2 cup has 5.7 carbs

1 Fruit and 1 Extra
Apple Raw = 1/4 has 4.5 carbs

1 Fruit
Brown Rice 1/4 cup = 10.4 carbs

1 Starch (Maintenance Phase)

Asparagus 10 spears = 4 carbs

1 Vegetable

Peas 1/4 cup has 4.2

1 Vegetable

5 Servings of Low Carb Vegetables , 2 Servings of Low Carb Fruits  (Follows the 5 servings of recommended fruits and vegetables)

Lean Animal Protein (reduces Cholesterol, Saturated Fats and the dangerous Arachidonic acid)
Examples:  Chicken, Fish, Turkey, Lean Beef (only change made), pork, all seafood, Cheese.

Atkins  Lean Protein OK

I recommend Laura's Beef  (No Harmones)
Can Be Used On All Phases of Atkins
High Soy Protein (Cholesterol Free and Fat Free (virtually).
Special Note:  I'm not Selling Atkins Cold Cereal or Atkins Hot Cereal at this site.  It's only put here to show you what is available to you on a low carb diet.  Feel free to shop at your local grocery for Atkins Products.  Always, look for the best deals for your budget.
Atkins Supports Soy
Atkins Cold Cereal
Atkins Hot Oatmeal Cereal
Sturm's Low Carb Hot Cereal (New)
Can Be Used On All Phases of Atkins
Reduce (Lower) Fat (Not No Fat) - Reduce the Fat 
(example:  Instead of a tablespoon of butter use a teaspoon)

(example 2: Miracle Whip Salad Dressing (fat) Use a teaspoon instead of the serving size tablespoon)
Olive, Canola, Fish,  Nuts Oil, Natural Fats (Cream, Butter) are allowed.
Avoid Partially Hydrogenated (TransFats) anything.
Reduce Animal Fats (Eat Lean Meats)  (Replace animal fats with the good fats above)
Enjoy your Nuts!   Remember to eat serving size - generally 1 oz.

Atkins on Olive Oil and Good Fats.

It also refers to lean meats.
Can Be Used On All Phases of Atkins
Low Carb (No Sugar, No White Flour, No Pasta) lifestyle
Carbs that are allowed:  Vegetables , Lower carb Fruits

Always Steam Cook your Vegetables:  Maintains more nutrients and vitamins.
Can Be Used On All Phases of Atkins
Whole Wheat (bread and pasta), Brown Rice, Vegetables, Fruits
Whole Wheat , Brown Rice, Whole Wheat Pasta and Fruit additions exercise portion control
This is added only when you have reached your desired size and not before.

15 carbs max.

Decrease RED Meats and Increase Fish and Fish Oils (Omega 3 Fatty Acids) WHY?

Very Important Information - Click on Decrease Red Meat Link Above

Order His Book Here.

Important Information

The information in this section is from Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About.

There are rumors going around that certain diet foods and Fast Foods are making us fat. Why?  They have added chemicals in the food to make them addictive.  When they are addictive, you eat more.  Hence you get more weight/ fat.     I do not know if this is a true rumor but there does seem to be certain foods you eat that makes you want more, more and more.  For more information visit and watch the Info-commericals.  Example:  MSG;   Article 1 , Article 2 , Article 3    I recommend "

Eat Fresh (organic) Fruits and Vegetables

It's a known fact that Trans Fats raises the bad cholesterol.  Both Atkins and the FDA have said this.

One theory is they use the Trans Fats in products on purpose so that our bad cholesterol will go up and we have to take medicine for it.   Trans Fats are put in foods so that we have to take cholesterol medicine.

Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About

My Opinions:

1.  Eat Organic Foods
2.  Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
3.  Fish and Borage Oil supplementation
4.  Avoid anything with Trans Fats (Partially Hydrogenated Oils), Sugar,  White Flour
5.  Good Oils are Natural Fats   (Butter, Cream, Olive Oil, Canola, Walnuts, Nut Oils
6.  Nuts (Enjoy your nuts)  Be sure no Trans Fats added.  (Buy Fresh nuts)
7.  Lean Protein and Soy Protein
8.  Use Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Pasta, Splenda,  and Soy Flour  

Thursday 06/24/2004 7:27:12am
George Stella

Very Impressed by your success and dedication! sharing with others is also a great thing that you are doing!

Your Friend,
Chef George Stella
Food Network's "Low Carb and Lovin' It"

I'm not getting paid for this site.  This site is intended to show that Low carb eating is not boring.  There has been some misconceptions that it's all about eating meat and that it's a boring diet.  It's not true.  Look at what is available to you on a low carb diet  (low carb deserts, breads, pasta and more).  Below, in the link section, you will find all kinds of new products that can be used on a Low Carb Diet.  Special Note:  You should always exercise portion control on these products.Sugar Free deserts should be considered "sweet" and should be treated as any sugary deserts- example:  if it says 5 pieces is a serving only eat 1 to 2 pieces.  You will need measuring cups, spoons, and a diet scale (nuts, pasta etc) to be successful on control carb intake..    This should help you stick with the diet.

This site is done for information only.  All text and graphics are copyrighted by their respected owners.  No Infringement is meant.  I'm not making any money for the site.

Billy Recipes

Need Help Counting Calories
Truth 1 Truth 2
Truth About Splenda New Items
Laura's Beef  (All Natural Beef) - No Growth Harmones
Billy's Low Carb BlueBerry Pancakes (NEW)
Diet Coke Now has Splenda  - Taste just like a regular Coke and 0 Carbs
White FingerNails

Atkins Center (New Diet)
Atkins Home
Walden's Farms
Click Here For Some Atkins Products  (Has reduced carb All Purpose  baking flour)  Taste just like regular.  "Bake Lite"
Nuts 4 You 
Splenda Use Spenda instead of Sugar (Always)
DietRite Cola (Splenda)
Blue Bunny (low carb Yogart and Ice Cream) (NEW) 12 Carbs - 9 is in the form of fiber.  9 Fiber - that's great!!!! (NEW)
Protein Power Plan
Egg Beaters (Great Tasting Cholesterol Free Egg Product) (NEW)
Five a Day  (Five a Day of Fruit and Vegetables is a great idea on low carb diets) - Chose what Atkins recommends.
Schwans Foods - Home Delivery of Meats and Vegetables - (EExample:  Big Seams Steak - 35 grams of protein)
Low Carb Milk
Low Carb Yogurt - check out Carb Control Version
Low Carb TV Dinners
Omega 3 Fatty Acids  (Eat More Fish and Less Saturated Red Meats)  (NEW)  Supplement with Fish Oil 
Nutrients - What foods can I eat to get vitamins and mminerals - choose low carb.
Amino Acids
Has your Weight Stalled - Jump start it.
Introducing   Crisco Shortening - 0 Trans Fats
Please Pass the Jelly - Polaner All Fruit with Splenda


The above graphic is the sole property of CarbSmart.  Great Low Carb Food. 

Are you Getting Enough Protein?-Calculate Minimum Needs
Protein Calculator

Billy's Polls 

Food Exchange Warning  (2 CHO, 4 Meats, 1 Fat) (click below) 

Don't Be Deceived  by 2 Carbohydrate, 4 Meats, 1 Fat

Exercising:  (NEW)

1.  To burn Fat - Exercise in the morning before you have eatten anything.  This way you tap into your fat reserves.

2. To burn excessive carbs - Exercise in the evening.

Two 30 minutes walking workouts are all you need.  1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.

Avoid the BMI calculators.  It does not take into account your lean body mass and it also assumes that you are fat if your weight is high.  It's too biased. 

Example:  I weight about 225 and are I am not fat.  The BMI said I was obese (fat) - it lies. 

Carb Counters    Thousand of food and you can choose the size you want. 

Email Me at:

I'm using yahoo because a French guy tried to send me a worm at my home account address   The less people know of my home account the better.   I run about 5 serparate lists.  I have initated a no remove me message on all of the list.  Why?  Spammers were getting on the list just to say remove me and cause trouble. 

Folks, do not use the information on this website to Spam People.  Thanks

All Graphics and Text for Low Carb and Lovin' It are copyrighted by the Food Network. All Rights Reserved. 

A Message from George Stella

Flavor Extracts.

Can you PLEASE let all know that the imitation extracts and non-name brands seem to be the ones without sugar added! Good Luck!  George

The graphic to the left is linked to  The graphic and Low Carb and Lovin' It links may change at anytime.  You never know when they will move it or remove it. 

Low Carb and Lovin' It
New Low Carb Show Coming! (Food TV)


Emeril Lagasse
Alton Brown
Food Network
Mexican (Zorro Food)
Jamie Oliver
George Stella

Join my New Low Carb List  (Cooks, Low Carb Recipe make overs, and tips)  - This is a new list as of 1/27/04 so please bare with me has we begin. 

Click to subscribe to bltatkins

Billy's New Low Carb Store (Amazon)

The Two Villians of Dieting

I.      Scales

Throw the scales away:  They lie.  Scales do not reflect  what is actually going on in the body.  The best way is to use a tape measure and measure how lean you are becomming.  Another good test is how loose your clothes fit.  Those are the true test the diet is working.  Avoid Scale!  Remember Scale does not  tell the truth.   All Scales really do is discourage you.  You are building muscle and you step on the scale and see a weight gain.  You think - this diet is not working but in reality it is.

II.     Mirrors

Mirrors are one the worst things when it comes to weight loss.  You look in the mirror and you say "look at that fat".  They make you look bigger than what you are.
  People with Aneroxia Nervosa sees themselves has fat even though they are skin and bones.

Scales and Mirrors damages fat loss.
Positive Article Section
Plenty of Positive Low Carb Atricles
Truth About Atkins Diet
FDA Aligns with Atkins on Trans Fats

Sugar Alcohol Information


Avoid anything with TRANS FATS in it.  Examples:  Hydrogenated Oils or Paritally Hydrogenated.  It raises the Bad Cholesterol.

Definition:  Trans fatty acids: Also known as trans fats, a Fat that has been altered to a form that the body    cannot Digest. Examples include hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils createdby a manufacturing process as well as fats that have been exposed to excessive heat by cooking. 

Hydrogenated oil: A man-made product (unsaturated fat to which a hydrogen molecule is added) causing an oil to become more solid at room temperature. Considered a Saturated fat, it is used by the food industry to prolong the shelf life of many Processed foods, such as sliced bread,margarine, vegetable shortenings, soups, chips, crackers, cookies, pastries and even some pasta
and rice mixes. 

Billy's Before and After Photo. 

Before  315 lbs  -  Size 50 
Low Fat Diet -  195 lbs  - 42 inches around waist 
Billy's Atkins Style - 215 pounds and  37 (and dropping) inches around the waist.  (Weight gain is muscles- you know it can't be fat because my size is getting smaller).  Muscles are more condense and weight more.  Fat takes up more volume. 

Photo taken from my Western Kentucky University ID Card.  Color one is current. 

Old Diet - 195 pounds   42 inches around waist 

Low Fat diets make you fat and raises cholesterol levels  Here's proof. 

Low Fat, Low Protein, High Carbs  = Dads Cholesterol 700
 Atkins Diet = Dads Cholesterol 162

New Atkins Diet  -  225 Pounds    37  Inches around waist. 
Weight gain is in the form of dense muscles. 

Eat Low Carb, Low fat, High Lean  Protein (mostly soy).

Low carb is 20-60

Nutritional links to enjoy a low carb lifestyle
McDonalds  (Choose Customize and Item)   Example:  Removing Bun and Ketchup reduces carbs from 38 down to  5
Burger King
Dairy Queen
Red Lobstersetstats1
Hardees  (Low Carb Items or Customize an Item)

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