[Whitney High School]
Whitney High School, Class of 1992

Class of 1992

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[Whitney 1992 Now!]


Population: 159
Mascot: Donald Duck
Color: Blue & Black

There is a sense of wonderment and curiousity - where have our wings taken each and every one. Are many of you still friends? Does anyone still remeber their High School years with fondness? Have you found your dreams yet? Are you still striving towards the top?

Do you still remember all those years that the rumors abounded about getting a gym or Mr. Reller going on and on about the Cubs? Or the ditch day that got cancelled?

When one considers how many people I've remained in touch with from Whitney - none, one has to wonder why I'm even attempting this. I was never terribly friendly with people and even worse at staying in touch. I have the time and the ability to run this page, so... here it is. If you know how to get in touch with people, please don't hesitate to drop me a line at uruki@earthlink.net

The URL for this site is: http://welcome.to/Whitney - the real URL really doesn't make much sense ince it's just one of the tonnes of homepages I have but never used the space for. If for any odd reason the welcome.to address doesn't work, I suppose you could bookmark http://www.geocities.com/kakyuu/ but... that's just a bit confusing I think.

Information I am trying to collect:

  • E-mail Address
  • Homepage/ICQ or AIM Number
  • Are you still in the area?
  • What are you up to? Are you married?

[ Created: 06/02/00 | ]