Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dave coleman - 12/10/00 22:24:10
My Email:dave@dcoleman46.fsnet.co.uk
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: about 3 years ago
Did you like it?: loved it
Have you read the books?: only the first
How did you find me?: search engine

why do disney appear to disown this film it much better than some of there other crap petes dragon for example so why do they never mention it i know it lost lots of money but it's still one of there most beautiful

Dave Coleman - 12/10/00 22:20:34
My Email:dave@dcoleman46.fsnet.co.uk
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: about 3 years ago
Did you like it?: loved it
Have you read the books?: only read the first


hello - 12/07/00 23:38:55
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Hen Wen!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: recently
Did you like it?: you bet!
Have you read the books?: no, but I'd Like to
How did you find me?: search engine

The Black Cauldron is super! So is your site! In fact, this is the BEST site I have found for fan info on this movie:) One of my favoritew things about the Black Cauldron is the fact that Taran learns to be humbled about being a hero, but he also turns to be one! Hen Wen is a cute little pig too! I like how everyone stays cheerful in this movie:)

Gennady B - 11/18/00 04:55:28
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Characters?
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: see what now?
Did you like it?: noo...wait yes.. no
Have you read the books?: there are books?
How did you find me?: im a bounty hunter

Hi sarah... the black cauldron eh? Im convinced that you truly are wierd...keep it up. See ya.

Sherrie' - 11/01/00 15:23:36
My URL:/devoted_to_dimitri/index.html
My Email:Dimitri1926@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: GURGI!!!!!!!!!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: When it first came out on video
Did you like it?: YES!!!
Have you read the books?: No... But I'm planning to!
How did you find me?: Well... eh, I was surfing and somehow ended up on your page... but I'm not sure HOW... LOL!

WOW, totally awesome! This is a GREAT site! I LOVE IT! LONG LIVE GURGI!!!!!! :D

Princess Eilonwy of Llyr - 10/19/00 23:23:08
My Email:RoxyStarPrincess@aol.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Couldn't you tell *hint, look at my "name"*
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: err.....about a year ago
Did you like it?: Yeah, but the books were so much better
Have you read the books?: Duh!
How did you find me?: Webring

What a fabulous site! I have to say, I'm really impressed, Sarah. Keep up the good work! I LOVE the Chronicles of Prydain more than any other books in the world, and I REALLY want them to make a live-action movie of the Chronicles. I'm planning to mak a petition about it. If anyone knows how I could do that, or if anyone agrees with me, PLEASE e-mail me! Thanx!

Razzek Mecotl - 10/18/00 01:59:57
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Razzek
My Email:fuzzyvision19@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Spring Break '00!
Did you like it?: Did I like it? What a question!
Have you read the books?: Oh yeah!
How did you find me?: A Black Cauldron page I found on Yahoo

Hi Sarah! I signed your guestbook before but now I'm gonna' sign it again! Great site! I finally have a copy of the move for my very own now and I'm working on owning all the books too! Good job! Razzek M.

Nautilus - 10/16/00 09:52:17
My URL:http://nautilus.home.dhs.org
My Email:nautilus@geocities.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Princess Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: 1985
Did you like it?: Oh yeah!
Have you read the books?: Yeap
How did you find me?: In a guest book

When a watch Black Cauldron (O Caldeirão Mágico) here in Brazil, at theather in 1985, and I love the movie immediatelly! Last month it was released on video here, with the original dubbing voices of 1985! :)

Emily - 09/28/00 01:33:07
My URL:http://www.expage.com/emhome
My Email:EMWhisker@aol.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Can't remember... when it came out on video I guess... I was too young to see it in the movie theators
Did you like it?: Of course!
Have you read the books?: Most of them. Castle of Llyr is my favorite one.
How did you find me?: Through the Snimated Films Webring

Black Cauldron is certainly a great movie! I really like it cause I can imiatate most of the charactors' voices, but you don't really care about that, do you? Anywho... great site! Thanks for typing up the script, that must have taken a w

1derbunny - 09/11/00 22:27:33
My Email:you know ;)
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: GURGI
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: freshman year
Did you like it?: oh yeah!
Have you read the books?: nope
How did you find me?: CSSSA silly head!

just saying "hi!" and i hate you being so far away so we can't hang out on weekends or something I MISS YOU!! JOJO

1derbunny - 09/10/00 01:52:40
My Email:you know ;)
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: GURGIE
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: freshman year
Did you like it?: oh yeah
Have you read the books?: nope
How did you find me?: CSSSA silly head!

AHHH!youve got evil impire disney on your site AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! LOVE JOJO :)

Greggory - 09/03/00 18:14:17
My Email:gergs@mail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Eilonwy and Taran
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: uh, i don't know
Did you like it?: I LOVE IT
Have you read the books?: i just started too, yesterday...i'm starting book 2 today
How did you find me?: another bc page

i love this site...once the dvd comes out (oct.3) i'm gonna start my own using nothing but the end credit pictures...cool eh. i too am looking for the soundtrack but have gotten several of the full tracks from the vinyl on napster.

Marike - 09/01/00 18:03:07
My URL:http://eddingscodex.homestead.com/entry.html
My Email:dweia@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi and Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: When I was fourteen
Did you like it?: Loved it!
Have you read the books?: Yes, even before I saw the movie
How did you find me?: I think you've made a great site!

Dear Sarah, I think you've made a wonderful site about a wonderful movie! The Disney film and the Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander have always been among my favourite stories, as is Harry Potter and the fantasy books of David Eddings (of which I h ve a site). Keep up the good work, princess of Llyr! ("Munchings and crunchings in here somewhere...")

DD VITA - 09/01/00 09:59:27
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
How did you find me?: From a Friend

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital D lilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Thessa - 09/01/00 07:59:31
My URL:http://fan.starwars.com/TheClubObiWan
My Email:clubobiwan@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: In 1987
Did you like it?: I LOVED it!
Have you read the books?: Yes; they are very nice
How did you find me?: on Disneyseek.com

Wonderful! Finally an extensive site on The Black Cauldron. I was only six years old when it first came out, but did not see it until the re-release in the Netherlands, where I live. It has sort of always been my favourite Disney movie, and I was very glad when it finally came to video. Now I want to find the soundtrack; your MIDI-files are a good start! Keep up the good work! P.S.: Mind if I put a link to your site on my own (soon to be reconstructed) links page?

Eduardo Castelan - 07/31/00 00:34:09
My Email:eddcas@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Metacrawler

Hello, excuse me do you know what happened with Ruben A. Procopio? I need to contact him, I will appreciate your kindly help. Than

Aerra (The princess) - 07/08/00 04:56:52
My Email:RinoaHeartilly@go.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Princess Eilonwy/Taran/Henwen
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: about a year ago
Did you like it?: HELL YES!
Have you read the books?: I read likr half of one, does that count?
How did you find me?: Friend

Your page is way cool! I loooove the black cauldron and your page is totally helpful! I never knew stuff untill I came to your site! Keep up the good work!

katherine - 07/02/00 02:21:25
My URL:http://yahoo
My Email:katherine_jimmorrison@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: gurgi and the horned king
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: about a week and on the seventh time seeeing it on video
Did you like it?: you bet
Have you read the books?: not yet
How did you find me?: other tbc websites

there has to be more horned king stuff because he sscares the living hell out of me. and one more thing the voice of eliowny was voiced by a thirtysomething year old actress i found out on another page couldn't the casting directors find a teen actress to play her because her character was near tarans age.

Justin - 06/27/00 17:19:22
My Email:jwjarrell17@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi and Taran
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: August 4,1998 (when it first came to video)
Did you like it?: Extremely!!
Have you read the books?: The Black Cauldron (It's the only one I have)
How did you find me?: Through the Pocahontas Forum

The Black Cauldron is the absolute BEST fantasy film the Disney studios ever did. It has everything: adventure, excitement, comedy, romance, mysticism, and colorful and intense animation. I wish I could have seen it when it was released in theaters; I was only 4 at the time. It ranks among the best of the 1980's fantasy films that I just love exceedingly! I hope to read the rest of the Chronicles series someday soon. I've had the Black Cauldron for over a decade now and have read it several times. I love i ! I just wish this film could have received greater recognition like many of Disney's films which deserved greater treatment also. Fortunately, today, everyone loves it again and I am so very, VERY GLAD!!

Razzek Mecotl - 05/17/00 23:10:50
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Razzprydain
My Email:fuzzyvision19@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran, no contest!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: over spring break
Did you like it?: YES!!!
Have you read the books?: Oh yes!
How did you find me?: Through another Black Cauldron site

I loved the books so much that I wrote a letter to Lloyd Alexander and he wrote me back! And the move was pretty cool too!

Ulrich - 05/09/00 18:37:04
My Email:Caercoed@gmx.net
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran and Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Dec. 7th, 1985
Did you like it?: absolutely
Have you read the books?: again and again
How did you find me?: during a net search

This movie is wonderful, the beautiful and tragic example of what the Disney AF could have been. Your page is overwhelming, probably the best TBC-related site at all. You did well my girl! ;-)

Gurgi526 - 05/08/00 00:25:44
My Email:Nicoreads@Yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: when I was 5
Did you like it?: yes
Have you read the books?: yes
How did you find me?: webring

Gurgi got scorings! With bits of his wits he scored a perfect score!

Mickey's Trading Post - 05/05/00 20:17:34
My URL:http://MickeysTradingPost.homestead.com
My Email:mickeystrading@hotmail.com

Howdy, Partners! Just wanted to fill you in on a NEW Disney site!! Mosey on over to the best Trading Post on the web! Lots of Disney items for sale or trade. Cast Member exclusives, limited editions, out-of-prints, etc. of watches, lithos, buttons, pins books, beanies and more. List your items for sale, or list a Wanted ad to find that special something...

Gwyneth - 04/18/00 15:21:07
My Email:TinkRoxy12@aol.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Eilonwy all the way
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: About 6 months ago
Did you like it?: Yes, but not as much as the books
Have you read the books?: About a zillion times
How did you find me?: Link from another site

The Chronicles of Prydain rock, especially The Black Cauldron. Eilonwy is the best character in the whole world! She is my role model. I REALLY wish they would make a live action movie of TBC. I really wouldn't mind being Eilonwy! Great site, keep up he good work!

Brett Davies - 04/10/00 04:31:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/harrylavender/poll.html
My Email:brett_c_davies@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: 3 April 2000
Did you like it?: Loved it
Have you read the books?: No
How did you find me?: I think it was through the Animation Artist site

Wow, what a page. I've just discovered this movie and your page has been so helpful, it has supplied me with so much info I think my head may explode LOL

Princess Hollywood - 04/05/00 02:48:34
My Email:princesshollywood@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Saturday, March 25, 2000
Did you like it?: Yes.
Have you read the books?: Am right now.
How did you find me?: A friend.

Well deserved credit for a nice web site!

Razzek Mecotl - 04/05/00 02:46:44
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/Razzek
My Email:fuzzyvision19@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Saturday, March 25, 2000
Did you like it?: Oh yeah!
Have you read the books?: Working on that.
How did you find me?: Through another Black Cauldron site

Finally, a page that has more stuff than just a few out dated press releases! I hope you keep updating this page. Good work!

Steph - 03/06/00 05:43:25
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gwydion (from the book)
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: never
Did you like it?: I haven't seen it
Have you read the books?: Yes, they're awesome!
How did you find me?: Altavista

I love your page! I haven't seen the movie but I have read the books. They are the best books I have ever read! Your page is the best Black Cauldron page! After reading the movie summary I was really dissapointed that Gwydion wasn't in the movie! He's the coolest! Was Medwyn in the movie? He's cool too! Great site! THE PRYDAIN CHRONICLES RULES!

Jaime - 02/10/00 22:17:50
My Email:booboo4710snwbrd@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi and Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: When it came out on video
Did you like it?: Yes!
Have you read the books?: Yes.
How did you find me?: Surfin'.

This is probably the most organized Black Cauldron website I have ever seen. It had a lot of information.

laura, jenni, kirtsy - 01/19/00 14:43:34
My Email:www.heartsease.com.uk
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: you
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: today
Did you like it?: yes
Have you read the books?: some
How did you find me?: under faries

very good liked it a lot

Stephanie - 01/17/00 04:03:44
My URL:http://www.princeton.edu/~saobodda
My Email:saobodda@princeton.edu
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: the horned king
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: when i was very little
Did you like it?: yes
Have you read the books?: no
How did you find me?: hmmm....search engine i think

the black cauldron was the first movie i saw in the theatre! well, just wanted to stop by and say nice page. i like the music on your main page too. keep up the good work...

nicholas - 11/20/99 16:05:20
My URL:http://network54.com/hide/forum/27202
My Email:wd77@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Tarzan/Gurgi/Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Aug. 4, 1998!
Did you like it?: HECK YES!!
Have you read the books?: YUP!
How did you find me?: duh!! its me!

hi sarah, i finally signed your guest book! :) THE BLACK CAULDRON RULES!!!!

angela - 11/13/99 02:42:12
My Email:bubblerose6@yahoo.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: about a year ago
Did you like it?: fell in love with it!
Have you read the books?: yes
How did you find me?: just surfed on

Love the movie and your site! Do you know anyone who has Black Cauldron fanfiction, stories by fans about the movie? I know not a lot of people would write about it, but will you send me any site that does? Thanx!

Laurie - 11/11/99 18:39:53
My URL:http://lwong.homepage.com
My Email:laurie@india.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Taran
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: couple of months ago
Did you like it?: Yes (but I liked the books better)
Have you read the books?: Yes!!
How did you find me?: Thru Harry Potter Fan Site

Hi! This is a really good page! I think there should be movies on all of the Prydain Chronicles. I loved the books!

TT - 10/21/99 05:04:26
My Email:Don't Worry
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Horned King
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: 1984 or 85 whenever
Did you like it?: Then no, now absolutely
Have you read the books?: No
How did you find me?: Go figure

When I saw this movie I was five and the Horned King scared the Hell out of me. I also admit that Teran was my favorite character. But I must say I waited a long time for this movie to get released and it goes in the record books as one of the best Disn y movies of all time. Horned King rules

krista - 10/11/99 00:57:48
My URL:http://?
My Email:? only my mom knows
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: taran elonway and gurgin
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: in the fall of 1998
Did you like it?: YES!!
Have you read the books?: no
How did you find me?: I wrote in the black caudron

I like your hompage

powerpuff - 09/24/99 01:02:47
My Email:cant tell you
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: they all stink
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: when my mom forced me to
Did you like it?: no!
Have you read the books?: no!
How did you find me?: I dunno

I hate black caudron!!!!!

Dan Pacheco - 08/19/99 01:10:13
My Email:pelusadepacheco@sprint.ca
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: The Horned king
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: Summer 98 video release
Did you like it?: only the best disney movie ever,of course
Have you read the books?: All six of them
How did you find me?: Using Lycos

Great site. Needs more pictures of the horned king,know where to find lots of pictures even from the books. E-mail me

Gurgi 1910 - 08/10/99 23:32:18
My Email:http://gurgi1510@.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: all of them
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: last year
Did you like it?: it is my favorite movie
Have you read the books?: I am in the process of reading the books
How did you find me?: another black cauldron page's link section

This is a great web page. I cant wait to see your black cauldron artwork. keep up the good work.

Chelsea Christensen - 07/14/99 23:53:58
My URL:http://movies.acmecity.com/silent/392
My Email:dsnyfrek@pacbell.net
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Princess Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: On the release
Did you like it?: Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you read the books?: Nope.
How did you find me?: Through the Disney Web Ring

I love this movie, and your web page is amazing! I am going to add a link back to your page as soon as I get my black cauldron pages up. I think that you are amazing for writing up the entire script and I think you are so awesome!!! This site impressed me so much that I decided to sign your guestbook, which I normally do not do. *O* Keep up the great work!

purrl - 07/09/99 13:54:41
My Email:purrl@spiritmail.zzn.org
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: princess eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: i haven't as of yet (7/8/99)
Did you like it?: see above
Have you read the books?: i read "the black cauldron" and got interested
How did you find me?: using a "search" button

this is a pretty neat page (even if i AM used to ones w/ a little more color. hehe) it's LOADS more informative than disney's page(s)! good luck uploading all of your pictures and stuff, and thanks again. -purrl

- 07/09/99 13:50:21


tante Soesa.. - 06/22/99 13:00:56
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/wcbrilae
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi, those dragons, that fairie, uhm the light bubble!
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: begin 1999
Did you like it?: Yes
Have you read the books?: No.......
How did you find me?: Webring thing

I like this movie, and I can't imagine that Disney is ashamed of this. But anyway I like your page............... More Bubbles!!!!!!!! I think those lightseffects with the bubble are really amazing for the 80's... Blblblablabala who cares? Qui donne? Wie geeft? C u!...?

Dawn - 06/17/99 16:37:18
My Email:sunrise_md@email.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Movie: Gurgi, Books:Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: nearly a year ago
Did you like it?: Good flick, but don't compare it to the books
Have you read the books?: YES!!!
How did you find me?: Just surfing

Nice page. Check your links though; some of them aren't working. Does anybody out there know if there's a site that focuses more on the books than the movie? I could discuss them for hours, and anyone of like mind is welcome to write to me. Nice chara ter synopses; I'm glad you pointed out the differences between the movie characters and the books. I wondered if anyone else noticed the way the Peladryn kept dissapearing. (Got a perfect score on the quiz, BTW) Keep up the good work!

Brittany Leuzinger - 06/14/99 20:51:52
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Princess
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: since in last summer in 1998
Did you like it?: YEA and yes
Have you read the books?: yes
How did you find me?: I found disney in computer


Tessa - 05/28/99 00:59:44
My Email:none
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Horned King
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: when my sister got it (bootleg)
Did you like it?: yeah
Have you read the books?: no
How did you find me?: Sarah's my sis

Great page

Jess - 05/02/99 11:56:56
My Email:crematia@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: November 1998 (I think)
Did you like it?: Yes
Have you read the books?: Some of them
How did you find me?: I asked you what the address was...

Hi Sarah! Your page is really good! I am impressed that it has come along so well! I can't wait until you get your sketches up! See you, Jess

your sister - 04/14/99 23:55:51
My Email:you know what it is
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: NONE they all suck
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: by force
Did you like it?: Heck NO!!!!
Have you read the books?: HEck NOOO!!!
How did you find me?: Duh

you page is dumb-heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh!!!

Meghan Gates - 04/07/99 19:27:08
My URL:http://welcome.to/thetitanicpage
My Email:jack_jessi@hotmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: At your house, duh!
Did you like it?: Yes, very much
Have you read the books?: no, but I've seen your collection
How did you find me?: You told me to come

Cool page. It is coming along very nicely. MORE GURGI AND HENWIN. Good luck. Keep up the great work.

Dan Bailey - 04/05/99 22:57:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/6876/index.html
My Email:Henwen@rocketmail.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Gurgi
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: 1985
Did you like it?: Yes
Have you read the books?: Yes all 5
How did you find me?: Pretty Easily

Nice page keep up the good work.

Sarah - 04/05/99 21:09:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/2677
My Email:MonkeeMD1@aol.com
Who's your fav. Black Cauldron character?: Princess Eilonwy
When did you first see the Black Cauldron?: About 2 1/2 years ago
Did you like it?: YES!!!
Have you read the books?: YES!!!
How did you find me?: I made this page


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