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Encounter At Farpoint
Where in the Galaxy?They start out at Earth and head for Deneb IV.

Species of note: Bandi, the gray-haired guys who run Deneb IV. Q, you know who he is! The spaceship that is actually a weird kind of space jellyfish the lion fish in Picard's Ready Room
Ships that pass in the night:USS Hood

Musical ability: Data tries to whistle.

Super Troi: Troi uses powers to sense Q's presence. Troi senses space jellyfish's existence as one organism.Troi and Riker talk empathically. Troi senses that Groppler Zorn is lying.
Where credit is due: Crusher buys cloth, apparently using money or credits.

Super Geordi Geordi and Bev talk about replacing VISOR. Geordi's white eyes show when he removes VISOR. Geordi uses special VISOR capabilities to examine underneath Farpoint.
Guests of note Dr. McCoy O'Brien

Smartypants Wesley: He knows how to work the panels on the Captain's chair.

Odd clothing Troi wears the blue miniskirt for only one of two times.A man wears a dress in the hallway.A man wears a dress in Engineering.A man wears a dress on Farpoint Station.
Ship shape: They separate the saucer section.The helm seems to be on the wrong side, or Data is driving.Captain's chair arm controls are on opposite sides than usual.
Super Data: He lifts Wesley with one hand. He imitates Q and Picard. He knows where the holodeck wall is. He jumps out of the tree without getting hurt.
Fisticuffs and hand-to-hand: Yar kicks 21st-century guard.

Holo Pursuits: Data, Riker, and Wes go to holodeck. Wes brings water off the holodeck.

Inquiry!The word "snoop?"

Quotables:(Picard to Worf) Lieutenant! Do you intend to blast a hole in the viewer?"

GunplayData shoots at forcefield holding ZornSpace jellyfish shoots at cityEnterprise shoots energy beam at Farpoint
By Any Other Name...Troi empathically calls Riker "Imzadi"Riker calls Data "Pinocchio"Bev, talking to Riker, refers to Picard as "Jean-Luc"
Musical TalentData tries to whistle "Pop Goes the Weasel"Riker whistles "Pop Goes the Weasel"

The Naked Now
Troublesome little man-childWesley seals off main engineering.Wesley fakes Picard's voice to get rid of MacDougal.

VISOR SNAFUSGeordi goes nuts, takes off VISOR, shows white eyes again.


By any other name...Troi calls Riker "Bill."Bev and Jean-Luc have hilarious argument about calling each other Beverly and Jean-Luc.

Love in spaceBev and Jean-Luc hot for each other.Troi begs Riker to be alone with her in his mind.Yar kisses some guy in the hall. Oh, yeah, Data and Yar have sex.
Quotables"There was a young lady from Venus whose body was shaped like a" "Data!""Data, at least you're functional." "Fully."

Smartypants WesleyHe turns the tractor beam backwards and pushes off from Tsiolkovsky at the end.

Ginchy GadgetsDr. Who fans love the sonic driver.Isolinear optical chipsWesley's toy tractor beam

Code Of Honor
Where in the galaxy?They start out at Ligon II to get vaccine. At end of show, they go to Styrus IV, which has a disease.

Holo PursuitsYar takes Lutan and his assistant to the holodeck, where she demonstrates aikido on holofighter and assistant.

Species of NoteLigonians

Fisticuffs and hand-to-handYar fights YarinaLutan's assistant grabs YarYar fights holofighterYar fights Lutan's assistant
Humor--I love itData tells kiddley joke to Geordi

Datus interruptusData descibes possible combinations of metal bars. Picard cuts him off.

Troublesome litte man-childWesley screws around on the bridge for no reason

Prime factorsData and Picard fret over stealing the vaccine and violating the Prime Directive

scenes of noteGeordi and Data discuss shaving

The Last Outpost
Where in the Galaxy?They go to Delphi Argu

Ginchy GadgetsT-9 energy converterChinese finger puzzles
By any other nameBev calls Picard Jean at the end

Games beings playData plays with Chinese finger puzzles

Datus interruptusData lists a lot of flags. Picard cuts him off.

Scenes of noteGeordi is bitchy to Riker while hanging upside down Riker kicks children out of observation lounge.
Fisticuffs and hand-to-handWorf, Data, Riker fight with Ferengi Ferengi use energy whips on away team.Portal goes after Riker with axe
Species of noteFerengiPortal
Super DataData picks up and holds Ferengi with one hand

Trans-gressionsTransporter screws up because of crystals and sets them down all over the planet

Where No One Has Gone Before
Ships that pass in the nightThey rendezvous with the USS Fearless

Species of noteThe Traveler from Tau Alpha CcatKlingon targ
Guests of notePicard's momKozinskiChief Engineer Argyle The Traveller
Musical abilityguy plays the violinLt or Ensign dances

Odd clothingGeneric man wears a dress

Altered statesPicard's mom serves him tea 2 people run away from somethingA guy sees fire Yar thinks she and kitty are on their home planet
guy thinks he is in a string quartetLt or Ensign thinks she is a ballerina Picard thinks he is getting sucked into space from the turboliftWorf sees a targ
Datus interruptusData talks about how long it will take for a message to get to the Federation. Picard cuts him off.

Where in the Galaxy?They go to galaxy M33Then they go to some weird place, either the end or begining of universe

Smartypants WesleyWesley notices the traveler is phasing

Lonely Among Us
Species of noteweird energy beingsAnticansSelayLion fish
Where in the galaxy?They come from planet AnticaThey go to planet SelayThey start going to planet ParliamentThey go back to energy cloud
Fire!Data smokes a real pipe, which is actually lit

Assorted violenceWorf gets zapped by beingEngineer Singh gets zapped by beingSelay lasso RikerAnticans kill a Selay
Odd ClothingPicard, Riker, Yar wear dress uniform with tights Beverly wears a pink dress

Inquiry!Private eye?

Ginchy gadgetsTroi uses weird hypnosis device on Worf and Bev Data's pipeData's magnifying glass
QuotablesData: "It's elementary, my dear Riker. Thir."fish: "blorp." Picard/energy hybrid: "Everything's fine now."
Guests of noteO'Brien as a security guardEngineer Singh

Mutiny!Senior officers discuss Picard's nutty behavior

Trans-gressionsPicard transports out, energy onlyPicard sneaks his energy in, and they remake his body out of the trace

Where in the GalaxyThey came from Strnab colonyThey go to Rubicum IIIAfterwards, back to Strnab to get the colonists
Shore leaveThey are investigating Rubicum III as a shore leave planet

Species of noteThe Edopowerful interdimensional life-form Edo's flowers
Super GeordiGeordi looks out the window to investigate "God" ship

Super Dataglobe-type device interfaces with Data

Troublesome little man-childWes screws up by falling in the flowers

Datus interruptusData babbles about the emotion of motherhood. Bev storms out. Data blabs about planets in area. Picard doesn't want to hear it.

Assorted violenceglobe knocks over DataWes breaks greenhouse enforcers try to kill WesEdo god starts to ram Enterprise
Primitives in aweEdo woman beams abourd the shipShe tries to worship Picard

Prime factorsPicard frets with Bev about the Prime Directive Picard yells at god about the Prime Directive

QuotablesPicard: "Why does everything become a something or a whatever?"

By any other name...Beverly calls Picard Jean-Luc

The Battle
SpeciesFerengiDamon Bok must be part Ferengi and part something else, because Troi can sense himvarious fish
Ships that pass in the nightUSS StargazerFerengi ship, ?

Ginchy gadgetsMind-control ball and transmitterthing that Bev puts on Picard's head so he won't wake up

GunplayPicard shoots mind-control ball

Altered StatesPicard has hallucination that he's in the Battle of MaxiaPicard dreams about Battle of Maxiain staff meeting, Picard thinks he's captain of the Stargazer
QuotablesKazago: "As you humans say, I'm all ears."

Smartypants WesleyWes figures out about the Ferengi transmissions to Picard

By any Other name...Bev calls Riker "Number One"

Hide And Q
Where in the Galaxy?They start out at Starbase G-6 to drop off Troi They go to Quadra Sigma III to rescue people from a mining disasterQ takes Riker, Data, Geordi, Worf, Yar to "some planet"
Species of noteQvicious animal-thingsQ takes the form of an Aldebaran serpent and an androidRiker makes a Klingon woman
QuotablesQ: "Oh, your species is always suffering and dying." Q: "And that angered you, did it, 'seized my vessel, seized my vessel?'"

Love in spaceYar gets horny over Picard when she is in the penalty box Picard acts paternal to Yar

GunplayRiker shoots two animal things

Assorted violenceWorf gets stabbed by animal thingWes gets stabbed by animal thing

Musical talentAnimal thing plays bugle

Supernatural stuffRiker gives eyes to Geordi and takes them back, thus showing us Levar's real eyes and the white contacts.Riker makes Wes grow up.Riker gives Klingon woman to WorfRiker puts Q-fence in front of animal things and sends away team back to the ship.
Super DataData uses super strength to open door.Data uses super strength to lift rocks.

Super GeordiGeordi uses super sight to look at animal things Geordi uses super sight to look for girl under the rocks.

By Any Other NameRiker calls Picard "Jean-Luc."Picard calls Riker "Will" in a funny way to get back at him.

Where in the Galaxy?They arrive at Planet Haven for shore leave

Species of noteBetazoidsHaven people ??TerelliansSnake- type plant
Chameleon rose

Musical TalentMr. Homm plays a gong every time Lwaxana eats

Ginchy gadgetsRiker watches a little holo-TV with 2 girls playing harps. When he turns it off, the harps disappear, but the sound keeps going.Silver box with talking face on itprayer gong
Assorted violenceWyatt knocks out transporter guy with hypospray Troi knocks over gong and storms out of the dinner

Strange?Deanna just visited home in the last episode, but nobody told her she was going to get married.Locking tractor beams on the ship means they can't beam down

Holo pursuitsTroi, Riker, and Wyatt go to the holodeck.

QuotablesData: "Could you please continue the petty bickering?"

Odd ClothingTroi wears a shiny pink outfit.

The Big Goodbye
Where in the Galaxy?They are heading toward Jaradan space

Odd clothingBev wears peach dress and black hat with veilPicard wears black hat, trenchcoat, black suit Data wears black suit and beige hat
Holo pursuitsPicard, Data, Bev, Whalen play Dixon Hill on the Holodeck Picard brings lipstick off the holodeckThe Jarada scan causes a holodeck malfunctionWes causes holodeck to simulate winter
Smartypants WesleyWes manages to reopen the holodeck exit

Species of notethe Jarada (not seen)

Scenes of noteData picks up a lamp and brings it to Bev, accidentally unplugging it. Picard plugs it back in.Bev eats gum.

Gunplayhologuy shoots Whalen on the holodeck

Fisticuffs and hand-to-handData smacks holothugPicard smacks holothug

Super DataData uses his strength to bend gun

Where in the Galaxy?They are heading for Omicron Theta.Afterwards, they go somewhere for a computer refit.

Species of noteAndroidCrystalline entity

Ginchy gadgetsLong red blinky light devicemold of Data's face Off switch
scenes of noteAt the beginning, Data practices sneezing.

GunplayLore shoots Bev.Lore starts to shoot Data, but gets beamed out.Lore brandishes phaser at Wes.
Fisticuffs and hand-to-handWorf hits Lore.Lore beats up Worf. Lore kicks Data.Data and Lore throw stuff at each other.
Assorted ViolenceLore poisons Data.Lore kicks Data in the head, chipping off some skin.Lore flips Data on and off, and drops him on the floor. Lore gives Data a facial tic.
Multiplicity2 Brents at a time

QuotablesJean-Luc: "Shut up, Wesley!"Bev: "Shut up, Wesley!" Lore: "I say to-may-to, and you say to-mah-to, I say po-tay-to, and you say po-tah -to."Wes: "I heard you know how to tuurn them on."
Musical TalentLore sings Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

Trans-gressionsWes supposedly beams Lore out with shields up. Later we learn that didn't happen.

Smartypants WesleyWes figures out who is Data and who is Lore.

Angel One
Where in the Galaxy?They are in orbit around Angel One after finding the freighter OdinAfterwards, they head for the Neutral Zone.

Ships that pass in the nightfreighter Odin (not seen)

Holo pursuitsWes goes skiing on holodeckWes throws snow off holodeck.a "smell disease" gets out of holodeck
"I am an android."Data says to Mistress Beatta

Ginchy GadgetsPlatinum wingsperfumeAlbanian meditation crystalAngel one execution device
Datus InterruptusData blabs about how long it took the escape pods to reach Angel One. Riker cuts him off.

Love in spaceRiker has sex with Beatta.Riker pats Data on the shoulder. Data is confused.

We can assumeThere are gray-haired identical twins working on the Enterprise.

QuotablesGeordi: "A Klingon sneeze?" Worf: "Only kind I know."

Odd ClothingRiker wears manly outfit: shiny blue shirt where we get to see half his chest, purple pants, earring, thongs around legsWes wears silver ski outfit

Where in the Galaxy?They came from Omicon PascalThey start out at Starbase 74 to get the computer fixed. Picard, Riker, Bynars go to Bynis.Afterwards, they head for Pelios V.
Holo PursuitsRiker simulates jazz club on holodeck. Picard joins him.

Musical talentRiker plays holo-trombonehologuys play piano, bass, drums

Games beings playData and Geordi paint.Yar and Worf play Parrisses squares.

Trans-gressionsPicard and Riker beam right from transporter room to bridge.

Odd ClothingAs they are abandoning ship, a man in the hall wears a dress.Yar and Worf wear blue and black P.S. uniforms.

Ship shapeThey have to evacuate the Enterprise.Picard and Riker set auto-destruct.

Too Short a Season
Datus InterruptusData describes the type of phaser that is shooting at them. Picard interrupts him.

Gunplayterrorists shoot at away teamWorf and Yar cut door with phasersYar shoots two of Karnas's guards.
Super GeordiGeordi sees IR beam electric eye in tunnel.

When the Bough Breaks
Where in the Galaxy?They start at the mythical planet of Aldea in the Epsilon Minos system.Aldeans zip them to boondocks somewhere.They go back to Aldea.
Ginchy Gadgetsthe Custodianmusic machinecarving machine
Trans-gressionsThey can't beam up and down through Aldea's special shield.

Species of noteAldeans

Scenes of notegirl sticks feather to Jean-Luc's back

Home Soil
Where in the Galaxy?They are at Valara III to check out terraforming.
Species of notemicro-brain (crystal life forms)
Ginchy gadgetsrobot drill
gunplaylaser drill shoots Arthurlaser drill shoots at Data
Super DataData outmaneuvers laser drillData breaks laser drill
Super GeordiGeordi looks in mining tunnel and sees life patterns Geordi examines micro-brain in lab jar
Trans-gressionsmicro-brain absorbs all transporter energy, so they can't beam it.
Assorted violencemicro-brain declares war on the humanshumans turn off lights in lab to starve micro-brain
Ship shapemicro-brain takes over some ship's systems

Coming Of Age
Where in the Galaxy?They are at Relva VIIAt the end, they go to Algeron IV
By Any Other NamePicard introduces Tasha as Natasha

ShuttlesKid steals unknown shuttlecraft

Species of NoteVulcan taking testsBenzite taking tests Obnoxious webbed guy from planet Zoldar
PromotionsPicard gets offered Admiral job

Android, duhRemmick tells Data, "You are an android."

Prime factorsRemmick hassles everyone about all the times Picard broke the Prime Directive and other mistakes:he mentions Naked Now, pilot, Justice
Odd clothingPicard wears dress uniform w/pants to meet with Admiral

scenes of noteWes talks with Worf about the psych testWorf is nasty to Remmick

Heart Of Glory
Super GeordiGeordi uses VISOR to look at weak spot inwall of Talarian shipGeordi transmits VISOR images with visual acuity transmitterGeordi sees halo on Data
Trans-gressionsThere is too much radiation to get a good transporter lock in Talarian ship

By Any Other NamePicard isn't sure whether the ship is Talarian or Taralian

Ships that pass in the nightthe Batris, a Talarian shipKlingon ship
Super DataData uses strength to force Talarian doorData goes through toxic gas to get to the Klingon
Species of noteKlingons

Alien customsWorf and other 2 Klingons do the Klingon death howlOne of the Klingons mentions planet? "Kling.""age of inclusion"
Ship shapeRiker asks Picard if they should separate to saucer. Picard says no.

Brigthey put the Klingons in the brig

Ginchy gadgetsVisual Acuity Transmitterdouble-barreled phaser the Klingons make out of hidden parts(always strip-search them Klingons before you put them in the brig)
Where in the Galaxy?At the end of the show, they go to Starbase 84.

The Arsenal Of Freedom
Where In the Galaxy?They are exploring the Lorenz clusterThey orbit planet Minos Saucer section goes toward starbaseBattle section leaves and comes back
Species of notehologram of MinosianAnticoagulant-root plant

GunplayData shoots stasis fieldYar, Riker, and Data shoot echo papa 607 unitsecho papa shoots at Picard and Bevecho papa 607 shoots EnterpriseEnterprise shoots echo papa 607
Ship shapeThey separate the saucer sectionGeordi commands battle sectionJerk engineer Logan commands saucer sectionthey go into atmosphere so they can see unit
Love in SpaceBev gets suggestive with Jean-Luc in cave

Super Datahe jumps down into cave without getting hurt

Assorted violenceRiker gets paralyzed by echo papa 607

QuotablesRiker: "The name of my ship is the Lollipop. It's just been commissioned. It's a good ship."

Where in the Galaxy?They are exploring the star of the Delos system After, Geordi picks Opraline system because they've never been there.
Ships that pass in the nightOrnaran freighter Sanction
Trans-gressionsThey can't use the transporter because of solar flares They have to link 2 transporters in series
GunplayYar shoots Ornaran and Breccian
Assorted violenceOrnaran zaps Riker with electricityOrnaran and Breccian zap each other
Species of noteOrnaransBreccians
Datus interruptusData estimates the number of doses of Felicium. Picard cuts him off.
Prime factorsPicard frets to Bev about the Prime DirectiveHe won't tell Ornarans about drug
Blah BlahYar preaches to Wes about drugs

Skin Of Evil
Where in the Galaxy?They're in the Zed Capis sectorThey're on their way to meet Deanna's shuttle.Deanna crash-lands on planet Vagra II.
Species of noteArmus, black tar guy

Good scenesWorf and Yar talk about martial arts competition.Worf decides to stay at tactical instead of beaming down

Trans-gressionsArmus interferes with transporter so they can't beam. Troi and Picard make Armus upset so they can beam up.

ShuttlecraftShuttlecraft 13 carrying Troi and BenThey destroy it at the end of the show.

By any other name...Armus calls Data "Tin Man."Picard refers to Yar as "Natasha."Troi calls Riker "Imzadi"Picard calls Troi "Troi"
GunplayData and Riker shoot ArmusArmus makes Data threaten Bev, Picard, Geordi, and himself with phaser.Enterprise shoots shuttleGeordi's phaser drops in the slime
Assorted violenceArmus sucks Riker inArmus zaps Yar, killing herData (Armus) threatens Bev, Geordi, Picard, Data with phaser
VISOR SNAFUSArmus steals Geordi's VISORGeordi looks around with the white eyes

Holo PursuitsMain characters all go to holodeck for Yar's funeral

She's dead, JimYar gets killed by Armus

Where in the Galaxy?They are headed to Pacifica for shore leaveSecret message sends them to Ditalix B, an asteroid in the Mira systemThey go to Earth to investigate
Guests of noteCommander Remmick

Datus interruptusData describes Ditalix B using different synonyms. Riker stops him.Data explains to computer about talking to yourself. Computer cuts him off.

QuotablesTroi: "Data, have you ever been for a real moonlight swim?"Data: "One can swim in moonlight?"Worf: "Swimming is too much like...bathing."
Odd clothingPicard wears black jammies, short, low neckA man wears a dress in the hallway at Starfleet Command

Species of noteBug-type aliens with pointy gillsVulcan admiralCapt. Rixx? Bolian? or unknown speciesMother alien in Remmick
Super TroiTroi can tell someone at Starfleet Command is hiding something

Humor--I love it!Geordi tells a joke to Data: "Just try that in hyperspace."Data sort of laughs at Geordi's joke

Fisticuffs and hand-to-handAdmiral Quinn beats up RikerAdmiral Quinn throws Geordi through doorsAdmiral Quinn beats up Worf
Assorted violenceMother alien rips Remmick's chest openVulcan Admiral nerve-pinches Riker

Super DataData reads all Starfleet's orders really fastData analyzes all Starfleet's orders

GunplayRixx and Scott threaten Picard with phasersCrusher shoots Admiral Quinn Riker shoots guardRiker shoots Scott
Admiral shoots at Picard and RikerPicard and Riker shoot Remmick and blow his head offPicard and Riker shoot mother alien when it breaks out of Remmick

We'll Always Have Paris
Where in the Galaxy?At the beginning, they're on their way to Serona VIII for shore leaveThey answer a distress call from Pegos Minor, but no one is thereThey find the lab in the Vandor system, Vandor IVAfterwards, they continue on their way to Serona VIII
Games beings playPicard and generic guy fence at beginning

Time and AgainThey all experience a time loop when Picard is fencing They meet past selves in turboliftMannheim is floating through 2 time periods Data encounters a past and future self in lab
Love in SpaceJenice kisses Jean-LucBev admits she has feelings for Jean-Luc

Odd clothingPicard wears white fencing outfit, mask, gloves

Holo pursuitsPicard simulates the Cafe Des Artistes, ParisLater Jenice joins him there to say goodbye

Datus interruptusData blabs about comparing the time loop to a bodily function. Picard cuts him off.

Trans-gressionsThey can't beam down because of a security systemThey almost get lost in the transporter beamLater, Data beams to an exact location
"I am an android."Data says to Paul MannheimData tells Picard, "After all, I am a machine."

Multiplicity2 Patricks in and near turbolift2 Jonathans in and near turbolift2 Brents in and near turbolift3 Brents in lab
blah blah...Troi gives unsolicited advice to Bev about liking Jean-LucTroi give unsolicited advice to Jean-Luc about his feelings

GunplayLaser beam in lab shoots at DataData shoots laser gun

Where credit is due...At the end of show, they talk about a bar. Picard says Deanna is "buying" drinks.

The Neutral Zone
Where in the Galaxy?They are in the middle of nowhere waiting for PicardThey go to Science Station Delta 5, near the Neutral ZoneAfterward, they go to Terra IX
Species of noteRomulansBorg--sort of, it is they who destroyed the stations

Ships that pass in the nightRomulan battle cruiserAncient earth cryonic chamber

QuotablesData: "Homemaker. Must be some kind of construction work."Offenhaus: "A military career has never been considered to be...upwardly mobile."Bev:"Much obliged." (After LQ pats her butt.)Data: "Pit woofies?"
Musical talentLQ plays the guitar

Games beings playThere is a 3D chess set in the humans' quarters

Super TroiTroi senses that the human woman feels profoundly sad

"Inquiry!"Data wants to know why LQ is so happy.

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