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This is the page that connects my two disparate and unproductive hobbies:
The Beatles and Star Trek. First: What do The Beatles and Star Trek have in common?

Did you know...

The Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode "The Inner Light" was named after the Beatles song.

The same guy also wanted to name "Starship Mine" "Revolution," but TPTB told him no because they already had a show named "Evolution."

Gene Roddenberry was going to make a movie starring Paul McCartney as a rock singer from outer space. Paul couldn't decide whether to do it or not. Then Gene changed his mind when Paramount asked him to do Star Trek I.

In Time's Arrow, the TNG stars are supposedly playing A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Beatles also did this.

Everyone knows the motto of the USS Enterprise: To boldly go where no one has gone before. But what about the USS Sutherland, the ship Data commanded in the Klingon civil war? Its motto: "There will be an answer; let it be."

Here's the ultimate Beatles/Star Trek crossover:
Yes, it's that perennial internet fave, Captain Kirk singing Lucy in the Sky! (388K, .au format)
(Complete song and other Beatles gems available on Golden Throats 4--Celebrities Butcher Songs Of the Beatles.)

That's where the twain meet--now for the separate stuff!

The Beatles vs. Startrek: England's Most Popular Vocal Group Meets Boldly-Going Starfleet Denizens
I have Star Trek and related fanfic, mostly about characters played by the lovely and talented Brent Spiner. Also some great Star Trek comedy. Got a Data story? Give me a yell. A smattering of Beatles fanfic, not too much yet, but I'm desperately seeking more, so write me please.
If you've ever wondered about Geordi's VISOR problems, where Wes saved the ship, Deanna and Data's powers, or other ST:TNG minutiae, go to my Trivial TNG Questions. Or just skip to my Fun Facts, Season One and Season Two. I'll get the other seasons done someday, honest! I love collecting and watching Beatles video and have an extensive collection. But I don't have everything! So please take a look at it, and maybe we can trade.
I'm a sucker for a pretty face and cute butt, so of course I enjoy pictures of the lovely and talented Brent Spiner (Data of TNG fame.) I have some unusual pictures of him from various non-star-trek shows. If you heard a Beatles song you like, but you're not sure which CD it's on, click here to go to my Beatles song CD cross-reference page. I also have Beatles Anthology editing oddities and two Ringo concert reviews.

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Links, Links, Links!

To further my narcissism, here are some of my favorite links.

Check out R. J.'s homepage. R. J. wrote one of the Data/Maddox stories on my Star Trek fanfic page.

The Liverpool Beatles Album

Latest info about Paul

All about ST:TNG

Spiner's Domain--all about Brent Spiner

Lots more Star Trek fanfic at The alt.startrek.creative archives!

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