
Thank you for visiting our website. Here you can get anything you want related to CGI. That includes CGI Scripts, and even hosting! Your website will be so technologically advanced, you'll be getting double the hits guaranteed.

Enjoy :)

What CGI can we do?

If you become a FCS (Free CGI Services) member, you will be eligible for:

  1. 100% Customizable Guestbook - Forget LPage!
  2. Random Links
  3. Advertising - You can charge for it!
  4. Password Protection sites
  5. Counter
  6. Time/Date
  7. Secret Tracker - tracks down everything about the person who surfed your website, even their e-mail!
  8. Browser Redirector - directs a user to a certain page depending on their browser without even having to ask what browser their using!
  9. Way better chatrooms - you can SEE the other person. before you enter, you get to pick your clothes and appearance. Really worth it!

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