Grow America 2000

The Marijuana Legalization and Distribution Act of the Year 2000

Welcome to the Grow America 2000 Homepage, this page is dedicated to the promotion of Marijuana asa legal medicinal and recreational plant. I have a dream, a dream much like that of Johnny Appleseed's,in fact, why not call me Johnny AppleWEED. My dream is that by the summer of the year 2001 there will be an abundance of Marijuana plants in the wild of the USA. This dream is not unreachable, nor is it unreasonable.

There is an estimated 10 million pot smokers in the USA and if one in 100 of those people carry out this plan there will be 100,000 strong unified front of planters. Let me now explain my plan:

My plan is that on April 20 (4/20), 1999, people across the nation will plant all the MJ seeds they have in the wild, simply by burying the seeds. MJ is a weed which can grow in extreme conditions, you do not need to care for it necessarily just plant it and let nature take care of the rest. Once the seeds are planted and nature takes care of the rest the plants will fertilize each other and soon the weed will grow in abundance. To replenish your stash all you will have to do is simply take a walk in the forest and grab some leaves.

Next time you buy some bud collect the seeds and put them in a freezer, this will prevent them from dying, come april 1999 you will have a large amount of seeds, take them to a field and plant them 1/4 of an inch to 1/2 an inch into the soil, by the end of the summer you may have the beginning of a MJ crop.

Soon I may put my email on here and update the site so check back later, right now im just unsure about the legality of this site. Right now the site is rudimentary and I hope to be able to update it. Thank you Links An excellent Drug Related Information Site more links to be added later... Peace Out and Smoke the Buddah