My Picture Collection
(A glimpse into my little piece of this world)

there's my sweet lil boy!

aka "Dennis the Menace" and "Dum-Dum"
showed up at the house after Hurricane Dennis came thru

aka "Lulu" - my sweet girl that lives with my mama...she's about 13 years old now

aka "Kitty baby"

"CQ, CQ, this is Kilo Four Alpha Tango calling CQ"

aka "Big Mama"

aka "Smokebomb" or "Lil kitty"

Yaesu FT-100D in the trunk
(display remotely mounted in car)

Trailer home in the boonies - bought it in 2002

ship my brother served on in the Navy
Feb. 2000 to May 2005

Left to right - my brother, Corey and my mama, Judy
(I snapped this pic at our family reunion when they weren't paying attention - that's why the funny looks/expressions.)

2003 Grand Prix GT 1
2003 Grand Prix GT - the day I bought it
aka "the silver bullet"

2003 Grand Prix GT 2
View most people usually see!
(no antennas yet)

20,000 miles
Only 20,000 miles...won't see that for long!
(the mileage on my car the day I bought it)

3.8 L V6
3.8L V6 (still nice and clean)
GO POWER for da "silver bullet"

antennas now
Still the view most people will see!
(but there's the antennas now)

ft100 in gp
Yaesu FT-100D remotely mounted in new car!

October 14, 2000 - my wedding day of course
Left to right - my daddy, Aubrey - my mama, Judy - me, of course and my husband, Jimmy ( yes, I know, the pic is ugly - we had a crappy scanner at the time and I haven't scanned better pics yet)

More Coming Soon!