there's my sweet lil boy!

aka "Dennis the Menace" and "Dum-Dum"
showed up at the house after Hurricane Dennis came thru |

aka "Lulu" - my sweet girl that lives with my mama...she's about 13
years old now

aka "Kitty baby"

"CQ, CQ, this is Kilo Four Alpha
Tango calling CQ"

aka "Big Mama" |

aka "Smokebomb" or "Lil kitty"
Yaesu FT-100D in the trunk
(display remotely mounted in car)
Trailer home in the boonies - bought it in 2002

ship my brother served on in the Navy
Feb. 2000 to May 2005 |

Left to right - my brother, Corey and my
mama, Judy
(I snapped this pic at our family reunion when they weren't paying
attention - that's why the funny looks/expressions.) |

2003 Grand Prix GT -
the day I bought it
"the silver bullet"
View most people usually see!
(no antennas yet)

Only 20,000 miles...won't see that for long!
(the mileage on my car the day I bought it)
3.8L V6 (still nice and clean)
GO POWER for da "silver bullet"

Still the view most people will see!
(but there's the antennas now)
Yaesu FT-100D remotely mounted in new car!

October 14, 2000 - my wedding day of course
Left to right - my daddy, Aubrey - my mama,
Judy - me, of course and my husband, Jimmy ( yes, I know, the pic is
ugly - we had a crappy scanner at the time and I haven't scanned better
pics yet) |