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Whisper CD Cover


An experimental drug, created by the CIA to induce psionic abilities, gets out on the street. A ragtag collection of strangers find themselves pitted against a secret society bent on taking control of the entire planet.
Track List
1. Main Theme 17.7K 3:08
2. The Emperor's New Clothes 17.1K 3:29
3. Cops and Robbers 0.0K 0:00
4. Confessional 3.4K 1:20
5. Tim Buys a Gun 0.0K 0:00
6. The Sons of Solomon 0.0K 0:00
7. Mandy 0.0K 0:00
8. Chase in the Alleys 0.0K 0:00
9. Enter Cutter 0.0K 0:00
10. Whisper 0.0K 0:00
11. Eddie Gets Laid 0.0K 0:00
12. The Gun 0.0K 0:00
13. The Whispering Assassin 0.0K 0:00
14. Revelations 0.0K 0:00
15. The Sons Whisper Again 0.0K 0:00
16. Rendezvous 0.0K 0:00
17. Cutter Saves the Mayor 0.0K 0:00
18. Requiem for Tim and Eddie 0.0K 0:00
19. Showdown 0.0K 0:00
20. Finale/End Credits 25.5K 8:34


Boko CD Cover
A New Orleans cop decides to take justice in his own hands by using the evil side of Voodoo.
Track List
1. Prologue 29.2K 2:18
2. Stake-out 0.0K 0:00
3. Escape (I) 0.0K 0:00
4. Ritual 0.0K 0:00
5. Fire 0.0K 0:00
6. Temptation 0.0K 0:00
7. Prayer 0.0K 0:00
8. Initiation 12.2K 1:57
9. Crime 0.0K 0:00
10. Death 0.0K 0:00
11. Ice 0.0K 0:00
12. Punishment 3.6K 0:54
13. Reward 0.0K 0:00
14. Capture (I) 0.0K 0:00
15. Escape (II) 0.0K 0:00
16. Hell 0.0K 0:00
17. Cell 0.0K 0:00
18. Capture (II) 3.9K 0:57
19. Paradise 0.0K 0:00
20. Epilogue 31.6K 5:07

Assassination CD Cover


The high priest of the Aztec empire plans the assassination of the emperor with a handful of senior ministers. Little do they know that their plan will be foiled by a homeless teen.
Track List
1. Opening Credits 0.0K 0:00
2. The Plot (I) 0.0K 0:00
3. Rats 0.0K 0:00
4. Morning Ritual 0.0K 0:00
5. Blood! Blood! Blood! 0.0K 0:00
6. The Game 0.0K 0:00
7. Dinner 0.0K 0:00
8. The Plot (II) 0.0K 0:00
9. Young, Tasty Flesh 0.0K 0:00
10. Growing Unrest 0.0K 0:00
11. 0.0K 0:00
12. 0.0K 0:00
13. 0.0K 0:00
14. 0.0K 0:00
15. 0.0K 0:00
16. 0.0K 0:00
17. Starvation 0.0K 0:00
18. Ending Credits 0.0K 0:00

The Saturday Man

The Saturday Man CD Cover
A man starts out of bed, his hands covered in blood. Does he really commit murder in his sleep, or is someone playing a sick joke on him?
Track List
1. Overture 0.0K 0:00
2. Pontius Pilate Syndrome 0.0K 0:00
3. 0.0K 0:00
4. 0.0K 0:00
5. 0.0K 0:00
6. 0.0K 0:00
7. 0.0K 0:00
8. 0.0K 0:00
9. 0.0K 0:00
10. 0.0K 0:00
11. 0.0K 0:00
12. 0.0K 0:00
13. 0.0K 0:00
14. 0.0K 0:00
15. 0.0K 0:00
16. 0.0K 0:00
17. 0.0K 0:00
18. 0.0K 0:00
19. Ending Credits 0.0K 0:00

The Tithers CD Cover

The Tithers

To run a business in the town of Regina, you must pay the Church, or the Tithers will be dispatched. Who are these mysterious beings, and just exactly how old are they?
Track List
1. Opening Titles 32.2K 3:01
2. Malleus Maleficarum 0.0K 0:00
3. Welcome to Regina 0.0K 0:00
4. Party Time 0.0K 0:00
5. Pews 0.0K 0:00
6. The Bank Loan 0.0K 0:00
7. Real Estate 0.0K 0:00
8. Opening Day 12.2K 1:57
9. A Visit from the Father 0.0K 0:00
10. Curioser and Curioser 0.0K 0:00
11. Another Visit from the Good Father 0.0K 0:00
12. The Tithers Ride In 0.0K 0:00
13. Coercion 0.0K 0:00
14. The Advice of Neighbors 0.0K 0:00
15. A Visit to the Bank 0.0K 0:00
16. No More Visits from the Good Father 0.0K 0:00
17. The Witches' Hammer 0.0K 0:00
18. Stand-off 0.0K 0:00
19. Finale 0.0K 0:00
20. End Titles 0.0K 0:00


Codebreakers CD Cover
A documentary chronicling the history of the true computer hackers who broke into systems not for financial gain, but simply because they could. It traces the origin and destiny of the "hacker," from members of MIT's Model Railroad Club circa 1950's, to present-day giants like Steven Jobs and Bill Gates, to whoever will be next in the future.
Track List
1. Opening Credits 32.4K 2:11
2. Introduction 0.0K 0:00
3. Railroads 0.0K 0:00
4. 0.0K 0:00
5. 0.0K 0:00
6. 0.0K 0:00
7. 0.0K 0:00
8. 0.0K 0:00
9. 0.0K 0:00
10. 0.0K 0:00
11. 0.0K 0:00
12. Closing Credits 0.0K 0:00

The Creep CD Cover

The Creep

A superhero wannabe, a self-appointed vigilante, goes too far, killing criminals instead of bringing them to justice.
Track List
1. Opening Credits 29.5K 3:05
2. Urban War Montage 0.0K 0:00
3. Love Theme: The Bedroom 0.0K 0:00
4. Family Fugue 0.0K 0:00
5. The Creep Aborns/Marcia Funebre 7.3K 1:36
6. The Creep to the Rescue! 0.0K 0:00
7. Bloodlust 0.0K 0:00
8. Whispered Oath 0.0K 0:00
9. Marcia Funebre/The Creep Seethes 0.0K 0:00
10. The Chase Is On 0.0K 0:00
11. Love Theme: The Morgue 0.0K 0:00
12. Rat Race, Rough Day at the Office 0.0K 0:00
13. Miller Time 0.0K 0:00
14. The Creep to the Rescue... oops! 0.0K 0:00
15. Close Call 1.75K 0:59
16. The Chase Is On/The Creep Nears/Whispered Oath 0.0K 0:00
17. Here, Creep, Good Creep 0.0K 0:00
18. The Trial/End Titles 0.0K 0:00

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Created 08/12/98 / Last modified 02/21/03 by
Giovanni Dania
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