The Highlander Sword Site

swords used on the Highlander series.

Ok everyone, I finally got tired of all the E-Mail (actually I just had time to change this *header*. This site is broken. Well... about 50% of the links are broken. Between school and my business, I just don't have time to fix it. I may in the future, but not right now. I have other things to deal with. These pages haven't been deleted mainly because I still get E-Mail from people saying "Best site for Highlander swords on the net!" (I don't pretend to understand it) I reply "I'm thinking of taking it down" the write back "NO!!!". So hey - no skin off my back. Maybe i'll fix it up someday... but probably not. I'm moving on to more interesting things (not that I don't like Highlander, or swords... hell I "live by the sword" and expect to "die by the sword" (or chemical weapons from Iraq...) It's just that making up a statistical site with information about swords that anyone can get just by going to a search engine and typing the name of a blade just doesn't appeal anymore. I learned what I wanted to from this (how to make a html file (this was made before those high powered editors existed) ). I understand that alot of people can't find references to what type of sword a certain immortal used, and that's why they like my site (and the few other sites that do make references all have what I have and came after me which leads me to believe that the got the info from me... but I digress...) so the site may be modified just to include that info without shopping info... we'll see... anyway enough rambeling and please excuse the poor spelling. G'Nigh all!

*Attention Vendors*
If you do not wish to be represented on this site, or I have mistakenly left you out, please E-Mail me.

Here is the list of vendors that are represented on this site.

Without further ado, here are the swords used on the Highlander series.

May 16 1997 By:

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