This is Sam Alexander, one of the three members of Low Key Productions. Sam is mostly into music, and he thinks he's really cool. He's fifteen years old and goes to Brentwood, the school from hell, in Los Angeles. Andy and Gary used to go there (if fact, that's where all three of them met) but they got out while they were still alive. This is a picture of Sam from the filming of Andy's short film "Fries". Because Sam just has to be different, he has his own web page apart from this one (because this one is really maintained mostly by Andy). It has a bunch of cool stuff on it. You can go to it now if you want to, but we'd rather that you go through this web site first.

Go To Sam's Web Page

Go To Sam's New and Improved Web Page (different address)



This is Gary Nardino, the second part of Low Key Productions. Gary is fifteen (as are Sam and Andy) and goes to Beverly Hills High School. Gary is the director, producer, writer, and editory of Gary's crappy-ass action movie (not the official title, but that's what Andy's calling it until Gary finishes the damn thing), a short action video Gary, Sam, Andy, and Gary's friend Brian made over the summer. This is a picture of Gary during the filming of "Fries" and, in case you're wondering, that thing in the upper-left of the picture is the boom mic that didn't work. Gary also made a sucide video this year which was really cool, but it lost a contest to ZACH FORREST WHO LIVES IN MARYLAND AND MADE A STUPID VIDEO CALLED SATURDAY THAT WAS REALLY BAD! No hard feelings, though.



We haven't gotten around to scanning a picture of Andy yet, so until it happens he's just going to have to be this idiot sun. Andy is fifteen and goes to Oakwood School in North Hollywood. Andy is the one who started Low Key Productions, and then later on took on Sam and Gary because he was tired of everybody making fun of him because he was the only person in Low Key Productions. Andy does all the work. He runs the company, pays for everything, basically does all the bullshit work, and then has Sam and Gary make fun of him. But that's okay, because Andy says that when he finally makes his movie and becomes rich and famous, he's leaving Sam and Gary in the dust.


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