Hey, everybody! Well, chances are that anyone who ever tried to regularly visit the Low Key Productions home page gave up a long time ago, but here's an update for those of you who might happen to wander in here. I know, I know, we're sorry, our page-making program stopped working, and we've been too lazy to do anything about it for the past two or so years, but we've decided to re-do the page because it's just so disgustingly out-dated. Things soon to come: Andy's films "The Commercial", "Overactive Imagination", and his up-coming music video; Gary's new movie "Freelance" and the editing work he's done on a number of different films; the always somewhat entertaining antics of Sam and Hayden; and finally Low Key's venture into theater with "The Crusaders" and "Acquaintances". So, please take pity on us and check back soon, and this time we'll try not to screw it up. Really.
Any questions, please write to us.
© 1997 lowkey@linkonline.net