Jeremy's Page of Movie Schlock in Review.

Comedy, Fantasy, And ScienceFiction

This webPage creator hates frames , and fancy-schmancey Pages that take forever to load, and here by does not offer these things. He will have jpegs and gifs
And loads of comedy but under no circumstances will he have blinking text
(except on special occasions)

Well, I'm pretty much finished. Some of the Movies aren't reviewed, but I'm getting around to it. Some new ones have been added and others will constantly,so check the sections for new ones, or my Movie page will list the new ones for the month. Book mark this page, because more stuff than just movie reviews will be added, and the INDEX page will be the only way to find out what they are. Allways look for new sections and coming soon. Well thats about it, enjoy everything else.

REVIEWS OF MODERN MOVIESHERE!! Click Here! (Well I thought it was special)

Coming Soon! Love Advice From Me! Hey, why are you laughing?

Coming in May! My Monthly Oppinion on Entertainment News.

( Next May: Nicholos Cage = SuperDork)

Want a more kind view of the movies? Than visit MOVIES AT HOME It has more reviews than I have, but it's not size, it's how you use it. (My last 3 girlfriends assured me of this)

If you like bad films, and my site, you should take a look at MST3K.

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