The Tombstone
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Latest Updates

April 25th, 2004 - Both of the tag team title changes from last week are now updated.

March 23rd, 2004 - Tag Team title change from last night is up.

March 18th, 2004 - A new Tombstone is up that documents my experience during Wrestlemania XX weekend in New York City.

March 17th, 2004 - The title changes from Wrestlemania XX are added to the title histories.

March 11th, 2004 - The Wrestlemania columns are now updated all the way through last year's Wrestlemania XIX.

February 25th, 2004 - The Wrestlemania columns now run through Wrestlemania X-7.

February 24th, 2004 - Title histories have been updated.

February 8th, 2004 - WWE tag title history is updated and the Wrestlemania columns now run through Wrestlemania XIV.

World Heavyweight Title Chris Benoit 03/14/04
WWE Championship Eddie Guerrero 02/15/04
Intercontinental Title Randy Orton 12/14/03
United States Championship John Cena 03/14/04
World Tag Team Titles Chris Benoit & Edge 04/19/04
WWE Tag Team Championship Charlie Haas & Rico 04/20/04
Women's Title Victoria 02/23/04
Cruiserweight Championship Chavo Guerrero Jr. 02/15/04


This page is in no way affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, WWE, or any individual wrestler/celebrity. I guess what I'm saying is if you email me thinking I'm Kane or something, you're a moron.