Fascination of Bowie

Wilkommen, Bievienue, Welcome--to quote "Cabaret"...to my
humble page dedicated to quite possibly the greatest rock-and-roll
artist of all time, David Bowie. Born in London
over fifty years ago, he is a man of many faces, many sounds, and endless
imagination. His music (and style) has influenced
scores of other artists ranging from U2 to Nirvana, from Madonna
to Marilyn Manson. Now, on with the show!

Parodies and Fanfics

Splitting Headache All of Bowie's famous personas--Aladdin Sane,
the Thin White Duke and many others run amok in New York City!
Can they find a way home, or will the evil Duke destroy them all?
Completed! Updated 11/12/03!
Bowie Parody Place A little (too much) fun with lyrics.


While I have your attention, come check out some other Bowie links:
Bowie's Official Site Did you know Bowie ran his own ISP? Really!
Go check it out for everything you ever wanted to know about his
Thin White Highness.
Teenage Wildlife Superb fan site dedicated to...who else?
RepetitionInterpretive essays of Bowie's work
plus another cool message board!
Little WonderworldA very informative Bowie site--
updates on concerts, TV appearances, you name it...
Glam Genome Project A Bowie site with a humorous twist!
Simone's WallpapersThank Simone for the lovely background of this
particular page. You rock, Simone!
Hexgirl's Domain Hexgirl supplied me with the great drawing of
Aladdin Sane and Iggy (see parody page).
Come see her other fabulous artwork!
Running With ScissorsYet another lovely Bowie page
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