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250,000 Members Join AllAdvantage.com in Less Than 10 Days

Palo Alto, Calif.—April 13, 1999—AllAdvantage.com, a membership-driven Internet service company announced today that 250,000 Internet users joined its free membership service in less than 10 days of operation. The service pays members to be online in exchange for putting the AllAdvantage.com Viewbar™ at the bottom of their browser window when surfing.

"The excitement of AllAdvantage.com has spread much quicker than we expected," says Jim Jorgensen, CEO of AllAdvantage.com. "We look forward to helping these thousands of new AllAdvantage.com members reap the rewards of their affiliation with a large Internet group."

AllAdvantage.com members earn money anytime they are online and display the AllAdvantage.com Viewbar™, which opens automatically whenever their browser is launched. The small Viewbar™ sits at the bottom of the browser window and acts like a time clock, crediting members 50 cents for every hour they spend online (up to 40 hours or $20 per month). They can also receive additional money through AllAdvantage.com's referral payment system. Members can turn the Viewbar™ off and on at will, choosing to "clock out" or "clock in" anytime they like.

Once members sign up, they receive an e-mail confirmation with a registration number. A few weeks later, they will receive notice that they can download the Viewbar™ to begin earning money. Members can start to build their referral lists now, maximizing their earning potential.

The heavy traffic created by new members registering and current members checking their referral accounts caused some delays at the website. Recent equipment upgrades have the servers now operating efficiently.

"Quite honestly, we were not prepared for the enormous sign up rate," says Jorgensen. "At this point the popularity of the program is its biggest problem. While we have had to close the site and database on occasion, we haven't lost any member records, and we are able to correct any problems that exist."

Privacy Policy
AllAdvantage.com is committed to the privacy of its members and the information they share with the company. AllAdvantage.com does not sell, rent or exchange any identifiable personal information regarding its customers to any third party, holding it with the utmost security.

About AllAdvantage.com
AllAdvantage.com is a free, membership-driven Internet service company committed to leveraging the earning potential and buying power of a large online community into an array of value-added features that members can enjoy without sacrificing their need for privacy and control. The company was founded in February 1999 by four partners, including Jim Jorgensen, a co-founder and former CEO of Discovery Zone. For more information, visit:

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©1999 AllAdvantage.com All Rights Reserved.

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