~Welp this is a new page for ya jacob :) ~
~Hey babe welp this is a new page for you just so u dont forget me an im gonna write suff on here for ya while ur away cose im not gonna talk to u very oftern :(
~ps.  hope ya like the background i took the pic myself :)~

~12/8/00~   hey babe i hope your good  me welp ive got tonnes of assignments to do but oh well it'll all be over soon enough i guess  what ya been up to? lots i'll bet  man its late an i cant sleep yet again i swear id kill for a proper nights sleep  i think i'll have ta go to a doctor or soemthing an get some sleeping tablets cose its gettin real bad like nightmears an stuff  but yeah enough of that stuff  ima keep writing her for u an ya better email me when ya can so i know ya still alive :)
~a poem for u~
Whenever i close my eyes and dream,
I think of only you,
And when i wake they fade away,
I wish they would come true,
You swerl around in my head at night,
You are the one for me,
I see you standing in my dreams ,
And know we're ment to be,
Your image crowds my mind at day ,
I cant get you out of my head,
Through the day your with me,
I want no one else instead,
You know i'll love you forever,
You are the only one.
ok time to go try sleep    love ya babe
~snugglez~  till next time :X

~20/8/00~hey there welp just a little note from me, i hope your havin a really good time an meeting heapes of new people, things here arnt too bad  could be better but thats always the way :) mso found ya self a nice chick yet? if ya have i hope shes good to u and if u havent  why not?? im sure theres plenty for ya to choose from  anyway i had better go an do some more scholl work seems my two art projects are due tomorrow :(   okies welp love ya an miss ya

~5/12/00~Hi there babe :)  im sorry i havent written in so long but stupid geocities wouldnt work on my comp for the past few months seriously. So what have u been up to?? Me not alot  finishing school going to the formal an i got a letter yesterday sayin im getting an award at the prize giving on the 13th so i dunno what thats for proberbly my art stuff i dunno its cool neways. The formal was quite good  went clubbin for the first time after it an it was mad :). So hows holland going? good id exspect which is good im glad ur heaps happy ova there  xmas will b hard no doubt but u'll b fine :) xmas here will b strange for me too it wont b the same as back in nz but i dunno im kinda glad i moved its opend my eyes so much to whats out there i swear everyone should b made to move like me cose it so makes u think about the big picture more like livin in nelson u think u'll never get away an never get out an i know now for sure im not going to move back there  not for a long time yet neways  im hopeing to go on a holiday to nz in feb then i'll come back here work for awhile an maybe travel im not quite sure on that one but hopefully i will b able to travel cose i so want to  but we'll see. so r ya plannin on goin back to nz or do u wanna live ova there now ?  welp babe i had better b off  check out my new formal pics there at the botom link on my pics page :)
love u an missing u so much