Wasson High School

Finally, you're thinking, the long awaited redesigning of the Wasson High School webpage.  A special thanks to the Microsoft Team in Washington for the help.

A new year slowly approaches us and soon enough will come band camp.  Ahhh, the dreaded band camp.  Hours and hours under the hot sun, sweating like cats and dogs.  It is well worth it in the end, when the results can bring cheers from hundreds of on lookers.

This website is here for those who don't know who Wasson is and what they do.  You will find an online yearbook, most with short biographies on each of the students.  Just click on the link, available on most students, to see their picture and biography.

Wasson High School | Senior Class of 2000 | Junior Class of 2001 | Sophomore Class of 2002 | Freshman Class of 2003 | Email Forum | Band Pictures | Upcoming Events | Drum Major Notes | Director Notes

Wasson High School
2115 Afton Way
Colorado Springs, Co

Phone: 719.520.2936
Fax: Unavailable
Email: jared@pcisys.net