Dear fans and friends, I would be most grateful if you could email me any International press releases you may have regarding my title. There was also a poster picture featured of myself, that a fan spoke of ie New York Times. Please email to and we will feature it here. PS. Place your mouse pointer over these photos for a brief description.
Thank you.Andrea
Andrea Williams is currently featured in ASIANS in the Millenium, page 194 a who's who directory published and released year 2000 by Ethnic Media Group Publications, UK. For the purpose of recognition and honour of Asian Achievements. Andrea is a Singer songwriter and acclaimed poet in two anthologies, National Poetry Library and International Poetry Society who have recently nominated her as Poet of Year 2000. MISS ASIA and MISS CARRIBEAN & COMMONWEALTH LIVE VIA SATELITTE VIDEOS AVAILABLE for press, publicity and verification purposes. PHOTO CREDITS: MAIN PORTRAIT BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS BY SHAH AHMED SADEQUE. PHOTOJOURNALIST NOTUN DIN, ETC. EASTERN EYE ASIAN WOMANS PAGE: PHOTO CREDIT: DAVID CONDON HAMPSTEAD MODEL AGENCY. COLOUR GALLERY PHOTOS AND ROUNDWOOD PARK OUTDOOR SHOOT PHOTOGRAPHS ABU SAIED/SHAH AHMED SADEQUE - PHOTO JOURNALISTS.