All about movies!!!

This page is dedicated to movies!! Here you will find movies of various types such as romance, horror, comedy, and action!!! Right now this page is under construction so be patient. If there is a movie that isn't here that you want a review for, please e-mail me. thanx!!

Notting Hill

This movie is a fairly good movie, I've seen better but this one had a good plot although it could have been shortened a tad. Summary: A middle class man named William Thacker (Hugh Grant) meets a famous actress named Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) in his small book store. He falls in love with her instantly. The only problem is she's an actress and he's a shop keep. Could they possibly become lovers?

Big Daddy

Inorder to prove his responsibility to his girlfriend, Sonny Koufax (Adam Sandler) decides to adopt. He ends up adopting a child named Julian (Cole and Dylan Sprouse) and has to deal with the trials and tribulations of raising a child by himself.

"Go to She's All That "Go to the Cruel Intentions Plot

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