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I would like to draw your attention to :

Sunset Central Link

Sunset Central is the ultimate web site for Sunset Beach information. I am a staff member and without help from Jennifer Ofiana, who runs the site, and StarrLight26, another staff member, this page would not have been as good as it is. Jennifer Ofiana let me borrow the basic design for Sunset Central and StarrLight26 came up with the name Celestial Fiction. Thank you both. Now go visit as it has just been updated with lots of exciting Sunset Beach things.

Or return to the Main Menu

UPDATE : 9th August 1999

Alpha Wave has been launched. My old web page of Galaxy ONE has been abandoned. Most of the information is here, such as the Short Stories, Plays and Poems. Some of the information such as Sci-Fi news is gone. The reason for this? Well Galaxy ONE had a great main page consisting of a JAVA menu with real buttons unfortunately not everyone can access JAVA and so I decided that it was time to change. Add to that the fact that once you got past the Java menu you were dumped into old fashioned looking Web pages with very little appeal to them. the backgrounds were harsh and the colour schemes contrasted horribly. Another factor is time, I no longer have time to constantly update my page with news and things.

In the past 2 years I have had three distinct web pages. First came Ian Hopkins The Official Home Page which was created to satisfy an IT assignment for University. I slowly adapted it to become a good web page about myself. It was about August last year that I revamped it to Galaxy ONE. The emphasis was on Sci-fi news, my fiction and a theme which the entire web page was based around. The backgrounds and pages began to look old and tatty so in January I launched Galaxy ONE Version 2. By all accounts this was the same web page but it had been updated to allow you to move around a bit better and the JAVA menu was created.

It was around this time that instead of just going to a web site for information I also began to look at the design of the pages and realised that mine were, how could I put it, awful! After joining the staff of Sunset Central I began to learn some web techniques involving tables. so on the back of that I am now launching Alpha Wave. Here's hoping it lasts for a lot longer than all the others as it takes forever to actually update an entire set of pages! Boo!

Page content, text and graphics, copyrighted - Ian Hopkins
Except Sunset Central graphics, copyright - Jennifer Ofiana
Design copyrighted - Ian Hopkins and Jennifer Ofiana
Additional help - StarrLight26
All Rights Reserved