Updated: April 11, 2005

Hey everyone. Well, as the heading says, I have updated my site. I'm tryin to decide what else my site needs, so if you think of anything, lemme know. I added some more recent pics. I've been working on some collages, they look pretty decent. I'm slowly adding an explanation after each poem. Be sure and go to Face the Jury and vote for me, my name is Nekid on there.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail me at


And feel free to ask me anything. I love people asking me questions.
My yahoo name is beta1078.
My MSN name is mysterio136@hotmail.com.
My AIM screen name is KiddNekid.
And please sign my guestbook.


If you think you can out-party me, then sign my guestbook, write me an e-mail, IM me on AIM/Yahoo/MSN, or whatever. This is an open challenge to any and all. You out-party me, I'll let it be known, but good luck doing that. Late.

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Its been a wicked long time since I last updated this site. Over 2 years...damn I'm lazy. I put some new pics up and added some new facts and some quotes.