
Episode #10/"Finally" (Dec.15, 1998)
Felicity and Noel arn't sure were there stand.But before there able to figure it out Noel has to go to florida to visit his unkle whos in a comma. Midterms are like 5 days away so Felicity and Noel make a pact. They wont see at each other for the entire 3 days before midterms. Juring th two days they make-out alot. But then one of the adviseys catches them and this of coarse is aginst all of the RA laws. He threatens to tell so he goes chasing after him. Bens roomy decide to try and sell fuit but it dosn't work too well so he gets Julie to do it for him in return he will help her study for her midterms. I wont ruin the end.
Episode #9/"Thanksgiving" (Nov. 23, 1998)
Felicity stays in New York over Thanksgiving to keep Julie company since Julie isn't ready to face her parents about the rape. Julie isn't the only one at odds with her parents over the holidays. Ben, Ben's roommate, Elena and even Felicity's boss are all jilted in one way or another and end up at the dorm for Felicity and Julie's attempt at a Thanksgiving dinner. Noel becomes a babbling fool trying to juggle his emotions for his visiting girlfriend who is making plans to move to New York, and Felicity. The passion explodes in the men's bathroom where Felicity and Noel get caught by Ben making out. Just when the love triangle is blooming Noel's girlfriend, Hannah, admits she has a beau back in the Midwest. Noel and Hannah have a realization that their romance is over, and break up. Felicity even consoles Hannah in the women's bathroom. Could Hannah know that Felicity is "the other woman?" Despite their broken hearts the entire group manages to come together for a feast. Elena's dad makes a surprise entrance, and the rest of the group gets to see some real thanks being given as Elena and her father make up and they all enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner.
Episode #8/"Drawing the line/Part 2" (Nov. 17, 1998)
Felicity convinces Julie to get a medical exam after Zack's assault, but Julie refuses to press charges with the police or the college. She blames herself and worries that it wasn't rape since she didn't fight or scream; the doctor and Felicity assure her it was. Julie wants to keep the attack a secret but word spreads after Felicity confides in Noel, and Julie feels betrayed. Elena volunteers to take a high-school guest off Felicity's hands. Zack confronts Julie when he learns of her accusation. Having come to blows with Zack, Ben consoles Julie by assuring her it's not her fault. Julie reports the attack, then confronts Zack, who admits he did force her to have sex. He leaves Julie a letter apologizing and the hope that some day she won't hate him. According to Sally, sometimes bad things just happen, and we spend our life picking up the pieces.
Episode #7/"Drawing the line/Part 1" (Nov. 10, 1998)
Noel finally draws the line: No more talking about Ben. Huh? This totally throws Felicity for a loop. Confused and rejected, Felicity teams up with Elena's new beau, Blair to commiserate. Of course, Blair convinces Felicity to meddle again and illegally obtains Elena's files from the Admissions Office to find out why she might have to leave school. After learning of Elena's scholarship that fell through, Felicity finds an alternative scholarship for Elena. But, Elena is furious and ashamed of her lower-income status. Noel convinces Elena that she's not the only poor college student and Elena ends up with a new scholarship and even thanks Felicity. Ben softens when he hears the story and finally breaks the ice with Felicity. Meanwhile, Julie and Zack have grown closer, without the pressure of sex. That changes swiftly when Zack becomes more amorous. In a tragic turn, Felicity finds Julie upset after a night out with Zack. It appears she wasn't ready for them to go all the way, but Zack wouldn't take "no" for an answer. What will Julie do now?
Episode #6/"Cheating" (Nov. 3, 1998)
Felicity and Ben are getting closer -- so close that Felicity takes the liberty of rewriting his English essay without telling him. When Ben is accused of plagiarism, she confesses; he's furious and bewildered. Elena pushes away her Halloween fling but he sees through her forced aloofness. Julie suffers through a five-hour Russian film -- twice! -- to impress Zack. Ben refuses Felicity's offer of help and pretends he wrote the paper himself, only to break down in front of the English review board. Felicity barges in and claims responsibility; Ben accuses her of thinking he's too stupid to write a good paper. He gets an "F" instead of the "B" he would have gotten. Felicity flunks on all counts.

Episode #5/"Spooked" (Oct. 27, 1998)
After Felicity and Ben are robbed at gunpoint, they share a special bond. Inititally, Ben leans on Felicity with 2 a.m. calls and visits for company but then distances himself. Things get weird at the Halloween festivities: Julie runs for cover when Zack (The Pink Guy) moves in for a kiss. Ben takes his Rat Pack costume to heart, sneaking off to make out with a Pink Power Ranger. Felicity feels like a fool dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein and tells Ben off, then throws up in Noel's lap at the end of his pep talk. Felicity is mollified when Ben shows up with a peace offering at her new job at trendy Dean & Deluca. Zack is prepared for the "let's just be friends" speech from Julie when she plants a big kiss right back at him. Elena gets busted with the Tin Man in her room the morning after the bash by Noel, who missed the whole party.

Episode #4/"Boggled" (Oct. 20, 1998)
Noel surprises Felicity with a passionate kiss during an innocent game of Boggle. The kiss confuses Felicity, who is still seeking Ben's attention and thinks of Noel as a (really cute) friend. Julie and Felicity agree Ben is fair game, but Julie gives Ben a gentle brush-off anyway. Ben comes in last in his track-team tryout but tells Felicity he changed his mind about joining. Julie hangs out with Zack (guest star Devon Gummersall), a freshman film student. Felicity and feisty New Yorker Elena get to know each other better when they're partnered for a chemistry lab. Noel asks Felicity to dinner so they can talk about their relationship, then tells her he has a long-distance girlfriend named Hannah. Felicity is revolted and storms out of the restaurant. Later, Noel and Felicity mend their new friendship when he explains he and Hannah agreed to see other people and that he misses his girlfriend.
Episode #3/"Hot Objects" (Oct. 13, 1998)
Felicity builds up her first college party to epic proportions. While Noel is hoping to dance with Felicity, Felicity is brooding about how to ask Ben, and Ben is still pursuing Julie, who's resisting out of loyalty to Felicity. Everything comes to a head during the party. Felicity confronts Julie about her suspicious closeness with Ben. Julie confesses Ben has been chasing her and she'd like to stop running just to spare Felicity's feelings. Even worse, a tape Felicity made for Sally is played over the loud speakers...revealing her intimate thoughts on her sexual inexperience in stereo. Felicity is thrilled to be studying with a legendary chemistry professor, who thinks she's a teacher's pet and takes an instant dislike to her. Ben is less than thrilled to be stuck in a drama class, where he must share his emotions. Felicity gets a taste of true New York attitude when she meets fellow student Elena Tyler (Tangi Miller).
Episode #2/"The Last Stand" (Oct. 6, 1998)
When a "young man" calls the admission office hoping to see Felicity's application, she assumes it's Ben. Against Noel's advice, Felicity mails Ben a copy of her college essay, which was all about him. Her reasoning? You should never be embarrassed by the truth. Unless, of course, it was your dad who called to see your essay, snooping for insight about your recent snap decision. Her parents remain in New York to check up on her. Felicity tries to explain her decision, but a simple story about a hamburger goes horribly awry, and her mom storms out. Just when it's looking bleak, Dad comes around and offers to pay for her tuition. Noel reassures Felicity's parents that he'll look out for her, and Julie confides that she's adopted and has come to New York to find her birth mother. Felicity has a heart-to-heart with her mom, who admits she's afraid for her future, as much as for Felicity's, and says, "I'm proud of my brave daughter." She also thinks Ben is cute. (Like mother, like daughter.)
Episode #1/The Pilot (Sept. 29, 1998)
At her high-school graduation, Felicity Porter summons the courage to ask the most popular boy in school, Ben Covington, to sign her yearbook. What he writes changes her life. To her parents' consternation, Felicity abandons a full ride to Stanford and plans for medical school. She follows Ben to the Big Apple, where she discovers life is harder than she imagined. Her roommate is nowhere to be seen, she's lonely and confused, and on top of it Ben doesn't even remember her. Felicity confides her feelings to Ben, telling him how she ended up in New York and that she just wants to be friends. That friendship is strained when Ben is interested in her new friend, Julie. It looks like Felicity has made "a colossal mistake." Her parents arrive in New York and practically bribe her to come back home. Her cute RA, Noel, advises her to stay and pursue her dream of becoming an artist. Felicity surprises everyone -- including herself -- by deciding to stick it out.

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