Did You Know?
  Will's favorite colors are red and black.
  Will can't swim and hates heights.
  At school he was always good at math.
  Will loves golf. He's even got a hole in his garden.
  Steven Spielberg called Will at his house to do "Men in Black", when
      Will was in his underwear. Will felt uncomfortable talking to a man of
      his caliber so he put Steven on hold while he got dressed. When he
      got back to the phone, Steven sent a helicopter to come get Will, so
      they could talk at his house.
Steven's kids sat with them during the whole "MiB" conversation. It
      was because they liked him so much Steven knew Will was such a
Men in Black made over 247 million dollars!
Will got $12 millions for ID4.
Will and Jada hasn't signed a prenop, and Jada thinks that's tough of
      him, considering his been through a divorce and Will has got over 100
      million dollars.
Will met Jada for the first time on the set of "Fresh Prince". She was
      auditioning for his girlfriend, but she didn't get part... The producer said
      Will needed someone taller (Jada is just 1,52 m). Jada was really
      angry and ran into Will on her way out. Will said "Hey, what's
      happening?" and Jada said "How are you doing?" and walked passed
      him. She was so mad she hardly noticed him. Not exactly love at first
      sight... But when his ex-wife Sheree Zampino left him in 1995 Jada
      helped him to the mourning, actually Jada was also mourning at the
      moment. The more time they spent together, the more their love grew.
      They moved to Will's apartment, a little outside Los Angeles. At the
      same time Will's career was really taking off with "Independence Day".
      Will was always going around saying: Hey, why don't we get married?
      but it took a long time before Jada felt ready, but she was ready in
      November and when Will asked her again she said yes right away.
Will loves cars. He own several fast, cool sports cars, and he drives
      fast and long when he gets the opportunity. One time, a couple
      of years a go, things went wrong. He was surprised by the police in
      what you can safely call way too fast. Luckily, he only got a ticket.