Because One Solo Is Enough

OK, after I have listened to this Millenium CD about a zillion and 53 and 1/3 times, I have just gotten a liiitle sick of a certain person's voice. No, not Brian. Although, it is heard a little excessively on the Millenium CD. No, not AJ. He didn't sing as much on this cd as he did on the other one. No, it's definetly not Howie or Kevin, don't I have to hear them more than twice to get sick of them? You guessed it, (it sure did take you long enough) it's nick's voice i'm getting a little tired of. OK, I may even be the first nick-basher to admit that "I Need You Tonight" is one of my favorite love songs of the year. Or whatever. But come on.
One Solo Is Enough.
Do you know what it's going to do to me if they make a whole cd of nick?? JUST nick? It'd kill me. It'd be all over the radio. All over Mtv. The Box (an all-music video channel, if you've ever heard of it) would change it's name to the "All nick-all the time" channel. Can I live through this? I guess we'll have to see. But we've got to be able to do something. I've never really liked the fact that nick was in the Backstreet Boys, but now I realize if he wasn't, or if he dropped out, he would start a solo career, and then it would be more nick than I care for. I'm scared. Help me Mommy. Thanks to the Backstreet Boys for keeping him in their group, so I don't have to see more of him.