

Dissapointed? Hoping you were actually going to laugh and thought this site was just too stupid? Or maybe you're like "yeah, this is a cool site, but is there ever going to be more shit on it?" Well, here is a list of more funny things I is gonna add to 'dis site.

*Caroline pulls up her to do list and types it up on this page*

1. Backstreet Horocopes
A New monthly article about what the Backstreet Boy's horoscopes hold in store for them. Trust me on this one. It's gonna rock

2. Isn't One Solo Enough?
My dreading of nick's up-and-coming solo album (a whole album of nick! Quick! Run for the hills!)

3. No More nick Sheet
Have a lot of Backstreet posters, calanders and pictures in your room? Does nick just for some reason keep showing up on them? Want him outta there? You've come to the right place!

4. Backstreet Boys Safari
My whole brand new up-and-coming site that shows that I am also a Backstreet fan. Man this site is gonna rock. for a preview, go here Backstreet Safari (Note: only the front page is working!! Please do not put this link anywhere else! I do not want the link getting out before the site is done!)

Things that will be a little further off in the future...

A fun interactive humorous Backstreet Boys choose your own adventure game. I know everyone has one, but I'm gonna make mine creative!

A new Backstreet Boys humor story. I dunno what it will be about. Wait.. I think I got an idea. I hope no one does it first. This is gonna rock. This is too good I can't let it out on the internet. Someone might try to get to it first!!

BSB: The Fake Interview. I once had this really good idea for it and then i forgot it. I'm still trying to think of what it was.

All About Me. I'm putting this off until i have nothing better to do, because I figure no one's gonna be very interested in it.

Got any good ideas for me?? I'm desperate!!