7/30- Shame on me! Ay yi, so much for keeping up with the news. Anyways, to be extremely breif, school was let out on the 1st of June and is starting up again on the 16th of August. My brother moved out and has been gone for summer school, but he'll be comming back on Friday (the 3rd). On the 5th I left for Norman to go to what I thought was an All-State workshop, which is wasn't (those Sooners tricked me ;), and came home on the 7th. Just in time to watch Dale Earnhardt Jr. take his first win of the season. Go Jr! Then the next morning (the 8th), I left for Dwight Mission where I would be staying for the next two weeks. (I'll try to make an atempt at writing up some sort of report soon.) And now I've been home for about a week or so, and I'll be leaving again on Saturday (the 4th) to go on vacation with my family to D.C. We should be getting back the 8th (or 9th), and on the 10th I'll be going to see one of my friends off as she goes to Austria for 11 months. Then the next day, I'll celebrate my birthday! :) But I'm getting ahead of myself. Peace!

4/9-  It's been a long time since I've updated this thing, and I've got lots to say too.  When I went to the specialist, he couldn't figure out what was wrong with me, so he schedualed an endoscopy (that's where they stick a litte camera down my throat to look around).  So on April 5 I had my endoscopy, and the though thing was a mess, but we found out what was wrong with me.  It turns out that I have a severly inflammed duodenum, I have my follow-up on the 13th, and I will be given some medicine to take care of it.  After the test I had an exteremly sore throat, and that put a damper on my singing for a couple days, but I am fine at the moment.  So that's the most recent stuff, thought I'd share!

3/9- The offical results are in: my stomach/galbladder/liver all looked fine. So now I have to go talk to a specialist (I couldn't tell you what he's called, but it's a about a mile long.)  and then we'll decide from there. Oy, this whole thing is a mess... I just want it over with.

3/8- Our choir performed twice today for the little kids during school. I had to wear my dress all day, and that was really the only bad thing (cause I hate that dress), but ah well. Today was the last day of the Arts Festival, and Channel 6 news was there. (I wasn't on, but it was kinda neat.)

3/7- I got my ultra sound today, and everything looked normal which was not what we wanted to hear. So now I have to talk to the doctor and figure out what's going to happen. :(

3/6- My ensamble performed tonight for the Arts Festival. We did pretty good, but the microphone kept turning and pointing at me. (Freaked me out pretty much.) Ah well, the unexpected of live performances. :)

3/5- Claremore is having their first (hopefully annual) Fine Arts Festival! The choir concert was tonight, and we performed our three contest peices along with two others done by each class (Freshmen, Upper classmen). It was pretty spiffy, and I hope that this arts festival keeps going on for more years. :)

3/3- I burned my hand on an iron today (slick one there). Unfortunatly, the wrinkles did not come out of my hand..just kidding. ;-) Other than that it's been a pretty frustrating day, so when that happened I just started crying. Thought I'd share! :)

2/27- I went back to the doctor yet again, because the medicine I took before didn't work at all. So he decided that I'm going to get an ultra sound (joyous), and if that doesn't work then they're going to put a tube down my throat. So, I'm praying the ultra sound works, and then they'll give me a magic little pill that will fix everything. They also drew some blood (and I of course didn't know, and I hate needles with a passion), so I made feel sorry for me noises (the nurse thought I was going to pass out. (Heh, heh) Ah well, wish me luck!

2/16- I went to choir contest today. The choir here sang three songs: "And the Glory", "Cry Out", and "Ching-a-Ring Chaw". We recieved 1s from all three judges :) I also ate at Long John Silver which I hadn't eatten at in years, and it was so very very good. :) Mmm!

2/14- Well, today's Valentine's Day. Not my favorite holiday, but oh well. OSU Cowboys played OU Sooners, and we whooped them so very nicely. :) The final score was 72-44 (I think, I could be wrong, but it's something like that.) That game made the day so much brighter...*g*

2/11- Well, the results are in..My ensamble got a 1, and my solo got a 2. A lot of people that sang in the room I was in got cheated, myself included. Everyone who sang in that room that deserved 1s got 2s. I read my judges sheet, and just reading it made me mad. I did everything on there that my judge said I didn't, with the exception of phrasing (and that was because I had just ran over to their from singing in my ensamble). Ugh..anways. This happens every year....*sighs*

2/10- Solo/Ensamble contest is today. I'm taking a solo ("Vergin ttuo Amour") and I'm in an ensamble ("See the World Through Children's Eyes"). Wish me luck!

2/8- I went back  to the doctor today. At my appointment last month I took some acid medicine, and it worked so-so. Today I was given some stronger medicine to take for a month. If this doesn't work then I have to go back for an ultra sound or an Upper GI, so hopefully this stuff will work smoothly.

1/16- I've bee having problems with my stomach lately. It seems that I can't eat without feeling neasous. I have a doctor's appointment in a week so, and we'll see what's happening.
