This is my first entry, and I'm not exactly sure what I want to put. I guess I could rant on about things or people, but I know for a fact that I'll do that later, so I'll spare you for now.
Maybe I should introduce myself? Well, my name is Kristen, but I also go by Krusty..or Krustmus. :)
Well, it's now 2001, it seems strange, because I can clearly remember New Years for 2000. This whole year flew by so fast, and I didn't even notice all of the things that happened. It seemed strange to think that Christmas came so quick, when it is normally supposed to feel like centuries for it to get here. I didn't even noticed that the year was almost up until around Halloween.
As I think back apon this past year, I think about everything that could've been better, fights that shouldn't have happened, and people that I'm really wishing that I hadn't met.
I also think about how sad I was throughout the whole year. I purposly closed myself off to the world, and wouldn't let people in. I had absolutly no trust for anyone, and it seemed like everytime I opened up to someone, then they'd take advantage of the situation, and hurt me in some way.
After that happened so many times, I just closed myself off, and wouldn't let anyone in. Soon, it became a habit, and the reason for it was lost, and I became very bitter.
It feels strange to write this..I'm usually the last person who would be hard and bitter, but I was. Soon, I met someone who changed that, someone that I accepted as a friend..but I'm not friends with them now. We didn't see each other anymore, and we stopped talking..But it was still that person who got me to open up..It's weird.
That's all I have to say.
