The Box
Part two

When she fell asleep that night, Torizo was hoping to dream a continuation  of the dream she had had the night before and when she fell asleep she was happy to find the dream was a continuation of the other dream.  Though when she fell  completely asleep, she remembered nothing of it being a dream...

She was being dragged away, yelling and kicking, by Macavity's henchCats.   One of them hit her on the head and she slipped into unconsciousness, Macavity's laughter echoing in her mind.

When she awoke, she found herself in a dark, stone-walled, cell along with  TC, Vima, and Ruby.  TC was searching for a door, feeling along the wall for  secret passageways while Vima was rubbing her head and Ruby was still unconscious. Torizo got up but sat down immediately, feeling quite dizzy.  She called to  TC "Don't try to find a door, I don't think there is one.  He's using magic to  keep us in here."

TC started at the noise, but quickly recovered and came to sit next to  Tori.

"I see you're awake.  You've got a big bump on your head, you know.  But how do you know that he's using magic to keep us in here?"

Tori felt the bump on her head.  "The bump's not that bad.  Umm... I don't  know how I know that he's using magic, I just.... know."

Mevima glanced over at her and laughed.  "Great explanation, Tori.  Ooo...  " she rubbed her head where her headache was starting up again.

Tori looked over at Vima and giggled.  "You're gonna burn a hole through  your head if you don't stop rubbing it."

RubyFire sat up suddenly then, groaned, and laid back down.  "My head...  stupid Pollicles... "

"Pollicles?" asked Tori as she rushed to Ruby's side.  "Are you okay?

Those were Macavity's henchCats, not Pollicles."

"Ha.  Are you okay?  This is Ruby, remember?" Mevima stood up and helped RubyFire to her feet.  "She's not entirely sane - and she probably misses  Erik, too."  Ruby nodded and smiled in thanks at the small Queen.

TC hurried up to them.  "Who's Erik?  Is anyone okay?  Is there a door anywhere? What Pollicles?  Who's sane?  What other questions should I ask?"

After glaring at the frantic Tom for a moment, Vima replied, "RubyFire's  Tom.

If you mean in the head, no.  No.  There aren't any here.  Nobody I know.  And  no more questions!" then turned back to Ruby.

"Geez, you don't have to be so harsh on him."  Tori glared at her best  friend.

"He's only a Tom."

"Hm.  Forgot about that - Toms can't handle anything, at least where I come from. Well, except for Misto and Quaxo.  And once Erik had to babysit Ruby when  she accidentally drank a rejuvination potion."

TC looked like he would lunge at Vima, but didn't because she still had her  arm around Ruby, supporting her.  Besides, Mevima was more than capable of  knocking him out single-pawedly.

Torizo all of a sudden looked up in the air and then shouted, "Run!  Over there! That way!"  She pointed at the far wall, and without questioning, everyone  ran towards it, barely escaping a large boulder which landed where they had been standing. RubyFire gasped, trying to catch her breath. "Now... the question is:...  why would Macavity want to squish us?"

TC eyed Tori, "And how did you know he was going to try?"

Torizo shrugged "I-I really don't know.  It's just that something inside of  me was telling me to look up."

TC started to ask a question, but at the look from Vima he stopped, his  mouth wide open.

Tori gasped and pointed to a door in the wall beside them.  "A-a-a d-door."  she stuttered, her face turning white.

TC walked up to the door.  "Hmm...  That wasn't there before.  How did it  get there?"  He turned to the others, but they were all too shocked about the  door to notice him.

"Dare we try it?"  Asked Vima, yet knowing that they would have to. "Well, I don't see any other way out, and we'll starve if we stay in here." Ruby pointed  out.

They nervously went through the door and....

She woke up again, angered at her mom for waking her up at such a time in  her dream.  She hurried to get ready for school, grumbling about it the whole  time.

And don't forget about the next night...


No More!!!!