Sol and Luna

(Author warning: There is a bit of mushiness in this story. If ya don't like it then don't read it!)

Sol crouched behind the rusting carcass of an old car in the junkyard.
Just a little longer now.
Then a pair of slender white legs came into sight. Her gate was so delicate that you would think she was walking on air.
Sol's legs tensed like a coiled spring and he pounced just as his target came into view.
"Got you!" cried Sol in a victorious voice. His unsuspecting victim let out a shocked yelp and fell to the ground. "Sol, I'm going to kill you! You are just as immature as your father." Victoria scolded as she batted her assailant playfully with her paw.  
Sol grinned. "No you won't!" And with that he took off across the junkyard with Victoria in hot pursuit. But he was quickly stopped by a flash of silver fur.
"Wha' ya doin' Sol?" asked Luna from on top of him. Sol struggled to free himself from Luna's grasp.  "Clowning around like normal." Sol finally freed himself and turned to look at his own attacker. Suddenly they both heard a high pitched giggle followed by the usual "SHHHH!"
"Me mum an' dad are 'ere." exclaimed Luna. Grinning she turned to greet the new arrivals.   "Well, Well, look a' wha' tha' cat drug in." called Mungojerrie as he and Rumpleteazer entered the junkyard. "Who're ya pickin' on this time Luna?" asked Teazer as they approached. "Why don' ya leave these poor lads alone? Otherwise you'll never 'ave a mate!!"
Both Luna and Sol were nearly adult cats, ready to find a mate.
"Mum!?!?!" Luna looked to her mother with an exasperated expression on her silver and gray face.   "Don't 'mum' me young lady!" Teazer hissed in mock severity at her daughter. "I'll neva be a grandma if you keep on like this. Throwing young toms in the dirt isn't gonna leave a sweet taste in their mouth's."
"Well Teazer, ya 'ave ta remember tha's 'ow ya got me," laughed Mungo. Teazer turned and glared at her mate. "Ya 'ad to say it didn't ya?!?" She eased closer to Jerrie with to sweet look on her face. Then pounced.   Jerrie, taken totally off guard, staggered back but couldn't stay on his feet. He and Teazer tumbled to the ground. "And I still can too!" she announced as she stood over him. "Don't mess with this Queen mista! I can still take care o' meself!!" Suddenly both Teazer and Jerrie heard laughter. They looked over to see Luna and Sol laughing themselves silly.
"Mum, ya just tol' me ta not do tha'!" Luna said gasping for air. Sol on the other paw was almost passed out from over exertion.
"Hey Sol, Luna, come play with us!" called Electra and Etcetera as they bounded past the two kittens. "We are going to play hide and seek down by the docks." Luna stiffened and turned to her father, but Jerrie and Teazer were gone. Ever since she was a little kitten, Jerrie had told her horror stories about the docks and the rough cats that frequented them. She was sort of afraid to go, but since he and Teazer seemed to have already disappeared and she wasn't about to let the other kittens know she was afraid, she followed after. Especially not Sol!
Luna liked Sol but didn't know how to tell him. She knew that he has a crush on Victoria, but Vicki already had a mate. Luna was hoping that he would notice her, especially now that she was beginning to mature.  She wasn't sure if she wanted to be his mate just yet, but she did think they made a good match. She just wished she knew his feelings toward her!
"Hey Luna, are you coming or not?"  Sol asked, turning to wait for her.  It was then that Luna decided.  Without a doubt that today was the day. She could wait no longer! Today she was going to find out exactly how Sol felt about her. 
"Sol. Can I ask ya somethin'?" she said quietly.
\"What?" Sol asked with a curious tone.
"Umm, Well, I was wonderin'."
"Me too."  Sol answered.  "This trip to the dock's probably is not such a good idea.  In fact, let's let them go ahead.  We can go play hide and seek by ourselves."
Luna rolled her eyes in frustration. "Tha's not wha' I wuz gonna ask!"  Sol looked at her and said, "Then what we're you going to ask?"
"I want ta know 'ow ya feel 'bout me?" Sol looked at her quizzically.  "What do you mean?"  His expression so bewildered that Luna knew without a doubt he had no idea what she was talking about. He wasn't making this easy, but she had to know.   Luna took a deep breath and took the plunge. "Do ya like me?"
"Well, Of course. You're my best friend."
"No! I mean really like me." For a split second a shadow crossed his golden face and she was terrified of his answer.  But then his eyes cleared and he took her in his arms and kissed her firmly on the lips. "Does tha' mean ya do?" Luna said when she finally caught her breath. Sol nodded, but still held her.
"I can't believe it!" Sol said, holding her so tightly, that she thought she might suffocate. But she was too giddy with excitement to care. She was in Sol's arms, and nothing else in the world mattered to her at that moment. "What's that sweetie?"  Luna purred burying her face in his golden mane.
"I've dreamed of this moment since the day I met you, but I never actually expected it to really happen! It's more wonderful than I could have ever imagined!!"
"Me too." Luna purred.  At that moment they heard a loud crash from the direction of the docks! Then Electra and Etcetera came rushing towards them.  "Luna! Sol! RUN!!!!!!"
"Wha's wrong aunt 'Cetera?"
Etcetera yelled only one word, "MACAVITY!!!!!!!!!" Luna tensed and could not move. Sol grabbed her and pulled her to safety. "Come on Luna!"
He got her to a safe corner and looked at her carefully. "What's wrong love?" Sol asked with worry. "Macavity." was all she whispered.
"I know. He's a cat to not mess with."
"No!   He's the reason my brothers and sisters are dead," She whispered hoarsely.
At this moment the infamous mystery cat strode into the Junkyard.
"Where is that kitten?!?!?" he yelled at his Henchrats. The rats scurried about but didn't find anything. This made Macavity even angrier.
"FIND HER NOW!!!!"  Luna knew exactly who he was looking for. He was looking for her! She closed her eyes and silently prayed to the Everlasting Cat that he wouldn't find her. But the Everlasting Cat didn't hear her in time, or so she believed.
"There you are!" Macavity grabbed Luna from Sol. "I'll have revenge on Mungojerrie now! You'll be one of my Henchcats mates. Isn't that wonderful?!?" he sneered.
Suddenly Sol leapt out and tried to get Luna back from the larger tom. "Let her go!" Sol tore at Macavity for all he was worth. Macavity did drop Luna, extremely hard.
"Pest!" Macavity snarled. And with that he flung Sol off of himself. Luna being free raced to Sol.
"I wish tha other cats were 'ere." She then began to cry for she knew that her fate was sealed. She would have to submit or Macavity would kill Sol. She understood that she would never be with her true love either.
"Looks like trouble. Mind if we help?" came a familiar voice. Luna looked up to see Alonzo, Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, and many others of the tribe. They all jumped onto Macavity and his rats. Luna guessed that the Everlasting Cat had heard her but that it took a while for it to get something done. She pulled Sol slowly away from the battle. He was unconscious.
She watched as the fighting Jellicles sent Macavity packing. Then Tugger came over to her and Sol.  "How is he?" he asked with concern.  Luna smiled at Sol's father.
"I think 'e'll be fine once 'e wakes up." As she spoke Sol was coming out it. "Luna!?!" She stroked his face to calm him.
"Shh. I'm alright." He tried to sit up but she stopped him with a kiss.
Munkustrap walked over to them at this moment. "I think you two need to be check over by Jennyanydots." With that the two nearly grown kittens to the main part of the junkyard.
* * *
Once Jenny had looked over them she said that all they needed was to rest.
They were each taken to their homes. But Sol asked his mother, Bombalurina, if he could take a walk. He told her that it would make him feel better. She told him to be careful and he promised that he would.
His walk incidentally led him directly to a house on Victoria Grove. He walked in trough the kitty door, hoping that none of the humans were home. They weren't.
He sniffed about till he found where Luna was. As he entered he noticed Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer fussing over her. He had never seen them so parental.
"Ahem, am I interrupting?" he asked.
Rumpleteazer looked over to him. He could see that she had been crying.
"Sol!" Luna cried from her basket in front of her mother and father. He rushed over to her. He could see that she had quite a few scrapes from Macavity's roughness.
"Are you okay darling?" Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer looked at each other in surprise.
"Jus' a little sore. " She tried to smile but didn't do too well.
Sol looked to Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer but all they did was look surprised. Sol crawled into Luna's basket and laid down next to her. Soon they were both sleeping peacefully.
"Ya know Jerrie, I neva thought our lil Luna would eva find a mate."
"Yup. Then she winds up wit' 'er best friend." Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer watched them sleep then decided to let them be.
  Sol woke up and looked at Luna who, woke up also, and said, "You know what?"
"Wha'?" she replied staring into his deep blue eyes.
"We are mates. We chose each other today. I guess we were supposed to be mates when we first met. Even though we disagree. But I guess that's just because of how different we are."
"Yeah. I'm different cause I understand tha moon. An' yur different cause ya understand tha sun. Ya know, we are gonna 'ave ta tell tha rest o' the tribe we are mates now."
Sol simply nodded. "Let's get some rest sweetie." And with that they went back to sleep.
* * *
A few days later, when Sol and Luna had recuperated they had to tell the tribe what happened that day.
Luna began, "Well Sol an' I was jus' talkin' then Aunt 'Cetera and 'Lectra come runnin' by yellin' tha' Macavity was 'ere."
Sol continued, "Luna froze up so I pulled her to safety. Macavity and his rats showed up and found us. He grabbed Luna and dragged her out. He said something about revenge on Mungojerrie. Then he said that she would be one of his Henchcat's mate. The thought of my best friend being forced into that made me extremely mad. I jumped out at Macavity and did what I could but I'm not like my dad, all big and tough." At this Tugger almost seemed to blush.
Sol went on, "Then Macavity dropped Luna and flung me aside and that's all I remember until I woke up."
Luna started back up, "It was then tha' I 'eard everyone. Then y'all know the rest."
"Thank you. We now know why Macavity came back. Mungojerrie!" called Munkustrap.
"One more thin'!" cried Luna. "Sol an' I 'ave an announcement." She looked at Sol for encouragement. He stood next to her holding her paw. "Sol an' I are mates now."
All the tribe was shocked that they have chosen each other.
Tugger's jaw just hit the floor because he saw that Luna was a very beautiful young queen. He walked up behind Sol and slapped him on the back. "Good pick son! I couldn't have done better." Bombalurina glared at him. "I mean you have your father's taste." Tugger grinned at his mate. She smiled softly.
The entire tribe was happy for the new pair of cats. 
