Thank you!!!

A Huge thank you to Jessica (a.k.a. My Sister) for everything, for being there for me, for talking to me, and for all the help on this page. If you hadn't been here then I might've gone insane! Peace girly.

A thank you to Richard "Mr. Salior Man" for all the fun on the RUG board, the fic fights, and helping me fight the Fishies.

I want to thank Jennifer for the pictures you drew. Even though I haven't talked you ya in a bit you're still a homie of mine. Peace.

To Lisa "Munk" and Chris "Tanto" for talking to me on the RPG and on IM, making me laugh and voting for videos 50 billion times on TRL.

This will be a big thank you to alot of people...
First, to Cinders for being my cyber mommy and talking to me on the RUG board and IM.
To Karen "ResQdog" for being there when I was seriously down and needed to talk to someone, but also just talking to me like everyone else.
To Lori for laughing so hard when I was talking about Victoria's solo, and keeping me updated on everything.
To Cindy "My Sunshine" for telling me everything that's been happening on Broadway, and for passing notes on from me to the Broadway peoples.
To Sharon for the huge box of food that I got at camp, for being absolutly hilarious and the fun on the RUG board.
Aunty Jazz!!! *lol* You crack me up, I swer. For also keeping me updated on what's happening on Broadway. For the many hugs and for cheering me up.
Aubrey! Where have you been???? Talk to me! Anywaz, thank you for all the fun on the RUG board and saying I was awesome (even though I was an alto >:P )
Yall are awesome! Thank you!!!!!!

To Gaelic for making me laugh, being there for me, talking to me on RPGs, and for great history lessons.

To Luna for being the first to send me fics, for all the surveys.....I don't know why I'm thanking you for that ;-) and the funny stories and joke.

To Jada for letting me on the list and helping me with my stories.

To Mirax who never fails to surprise me, for the evil ideas and who could for get the "Funky Munki"?

To Talis! For helping me understand your story, for saying I'm not slow......even though I still think I am. *wink*

Frank! Frankfrankfraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank!!!!!! (hee) For all the jokes, for the long e-mails, and for keeping me updated on a lot of things! You're coo, man!!!!! Peace!

To Jen for telling me the differences between the live show and the video, for talking to be and being absolutly awesome!

And last but not least to Caleb. Ya bonehead! Who said I wanted a ring? You know what I mean! Anywaz, thank you for making me laugh, for telling me stuff, and for making summer vacation in Oklahoma interesting.

Peace and Thank you all!!!!!!!!

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