Demeter and Munkustrap held paws as they continued on their way to the menacing lair of Macavity. After many months they finally had found him and enough information there to get Chrychaesa out of Macavity’s grasp.
Munkustrap shuddered in his disguise at the sight of Macavity’s lair. To think that she was in there because he didn’t want Demeter unhappy and she didn’t want to see him killed by Macavity. She had sacrificed herself as Demeter. She was still Demeter. She had also been living with Macavity all this time. Munkustrap feared that she mightn’t be alive, but there was always that hope.
Demeter sensed what he was thinking and gave his paw a squeeze to let him know that she loved him and that she was there. They found the entrance and approached. The guard looked at them and demanded
“What color beverage does HE like and what beverage is it?”
“Redrum.” They said together.
“You may pass.” They walked solidly past them and entered the wild room full of cutthroat thieves and scoundrels.
“What have you brought?” several voices shouted at them. Munkustrap and Demeter brought their bags that they were carrying to the center of the room. “Submitted for the approval of his excellence Macavity, this.” They opened the sack and saw all the gems that Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie had stolen for them to get Chryssie back.
“His excellence finds the present thoughtful and considerate, and accepts them with welcome to the thieves.” Rawtawny said.
“Come take a seat. Macavity and his mistress Demeter will soon be here.” The two took a seat near the place where Macavity sat. Soon they saw the hideous face of Macavity, and by his side, Chryssie as Demeter walked. She had a cold, unfeeling look on her face.
“All hail Macavity and his Queen of Ice!” the scoundrels all yelled. They took seats on roughly designed thrones. Then all the cats soon took part in a festival of evil. Showing, speaking evil everywhere. There were plays put on as the evil doer always won. Macavity (Munkustrap and Demeter saw ), greatly enjoyed himself as he clapped and grinned and pointed out everything. His queen, Chrychaesa sat stiff and silent, showing no emotion. She sat so still and stared only at the actors with cold eyes and a face set to no encouragement.
“Oh Chryssie what has he done to you?” Munkustrap murmured. Demeter nodded her head slightly in agreement. Then as if she had heard them, Chryssie turned her head and stared straight at them. Still cold. They froze, in fear of her hearing. Maybe she would tell Macavity. Had they set her to their side? Her coldness sent shivers up Munkustrap’s spine. Never did she melt or falter, just straight gaze and coldness.
Then Macavity ran his paw up and down her back and whispered something to her. She only turned her gaze back to the actors. Satisfied he stopped his stroking and then turned his attention back to the actors.
Soon the festivities were over. Some of the soldiers followed Macavity and Rawtawny but some of them stayed behind with the Ice Queen. She sat erect and tall. Then the soldiers started saying soothing sweet words to her then followed by snickers which made evident what they wanted the queen for. She only stared at them and it grew colder. The soldiers shrank back and proceeded to join Macavity and Rawtawny in plans. Soon it was only Demeter, Munkustrap and the Queen. Chryssie stood up.
“Chryssie?” Demeter called softly. The Queen looked a little frightened and turned to face the two soldiers.
“Who are you to know me?” She asked coldly. Her words seemed to burn Demeter for she stepped back. Munkustrap spoke.
“Please Chryssie, we’re not soldiers. We are your friends. Please come back to us.”
“I have had friends that deserted me long ago. I did something special to keep what my friends had alive but they have neglected me. They have forgotten that I am here and are only happy with what they have with each other. After they promised me they would rescue me from this horrible place.”
“No you’re wrong Chryssie.”
“How is it that you know me? No one else knows. I am Demeter in your eyes.” Munkustrap took a step forward.
“No you are Chrychaesa, and you sacrificed everything so that Demeter and Munkustrap could have each other even though you loved Munkustrap with all your heart. You believed in them although it would mean you had to suffer in silence for you believe that one day all three of you could be close.”
“No! No more, they were petty dreams. I dreamt them once. I dreamt that I could love him and they could love each other. I dreamt that so no one would know how I felt for him but it’s so confusing. I loved him and yet I didn’t want him separated from she who loved him before I knew him. It is too confusing. For time, which seems never ending, I have fought against Macavity. Nightly he tries to seduce and entice me with words, to make me come to him, so that he could exercise his “pleasure.” I can’t bear it, go leave me!” and Chryssie rushed off through dark halls.
“Follow her Demeter!” Munkustrap said as he started after her. “Right, we can’t let her live in this.” Throughout winding corridors they silently followed. Chryssie stopped for a moment breathless, then turned a corner that lead into a silent moonlit room. Munkustrap and Demeter followed silently. Chryssie then sat on the floor and cried.
“Please,” she sobbed.
“Please Old Deuteronomy, Skimble anyone, help me. I have been alone. Surrounded in a mad, drunk stupor, my life taken away and forced to fight off Macavity every night. I can’t stand it for much longer. If nothing happens I am going to leave it all. I have to get out some how and if this is the only way, then I shall end it.” She held out a knife that she had found. It was sharp and ready to use.
“Chryssie?” She turned abruptly and saw the two guards that were trying to make her remember. She glared and asked
“Will you two ever give up?”
“No. We are very stubborn.”
“I can see that. Why are you two here? You are nothing like the other guards and there is something familiar about you two.”
“Well we’re glad you said that because that means Macavity hasn’t driven you to insanity fully.”
“What do you mean? Why do you sound so Feminine? Who are you two?”
“Well, you know us. Let’s show her.”
“Make sure it is safe though.”
“Have no fear, none of Macavity’s agents know about this place. The only one you should worry about is right here and you have my word, I won’t tell.”
“All right then.” Munkustrap walked to her so he only needed to look down at her. He was so close he could reach out and touch her face without using the full extent of his arm. He brought his paws to his mask and pulled it off. Demeter walked close and pulled off her mask as well. Chryssie gasped in shock.
“You! Munkustrap and Demeter.”
“We have come to get you out Chryssie. We are all set. We took so long because we wanted Macavity to have no notice of us. We had to get everything perfect. Mistoffelees is waiting right outside along with Skimble. We are just waiting to give the signal.”
“Then I’m afraid that you won’t send it.” A raspy voice said from behind them.
“Rawtawny!” Chryssie said menacingly.
“Yes Kitty, I am here. I also know who’s who now. Nakcheem come and undo Mistoffelees’ magic.” A big cat came forward and waved his hand over Chryssie. Instantly her true form appeared as the magic broke around her.
“Now we get all, the Chryssie cat, Demeter AND Munkustrap. Guards take him to the dungeon, return The Queen of Ice to her King and deliver Chryssie to my lodging.” Guards surrounded them and separated them.
Skimble twitched and then moaned down cast.
“What’s the matter Skimble?” Tugger asked.
“Oh m’friend, I think a wee thing’s gone wrong. I think they’ve been discovered for we should have had a signal by now.”
“Your right. Lets stay put just in case.”
“Aye, maybe we can hatch out something to do for them.”
The guards lead Chryssie to a warm room with soft pillows everywhere. “Thank you. Hello, Kit. You may leave us now.” The guards released their hold on her and then left.
“Come sit down.” He got close to her.
“We have a lot to catch up on.”
“I’d rather stand and stay behind, thank you.” She snapped and got up. He leapt to his feet and wrapped her in a hug that was a bit close.
“No you’ll be up to date on all the current events.” He said and planted a kiss on her forehead. It was anything but gentle. She brought a paw up and wacked him on the nose. He released his hold and said,
“Maybe a few days in chains will change your mind.” he then yelled for guards to take her away. Once outside with the guards she started to use her persuasion.
“Hey guys” she said.
“I’ll go where ever you want me to go, you don’t have to hold me, I’ll go quietly. No sir, you won’t have any trouble from me.” They took the chance and let her arms down. She then walked with them, keeping pace and quiet. Then she fell.
“Ouch” she said.
“Guys I might have done something to my foot. Can you help me up?” One of the guards reached down and grabbed her and yanked her to her feet. In that time, she slipped the keys away from a collar that he wore, and hid them in her collar. The guards then chained her in a cell. “All right guys. Give me time to think of this Rawtawny business.” The guards nodded and left. She then began the task of unchaining herself. As soon as she did that she looked outside. There was a guard. She settled in a corner and started yelling
“Guard, guard! Hey! There is a nasty.. looking.. bug in here! It.. looks.. poisonous and I can’t move anything to kill it! Please! Hello? I think that Rawtawny would be very unhappy with you if you let me die! Please it’s getting closer! Oh my Goldfish it has teeth and very sharp looking ones at that! Oh Please kill it please!”
She heard the key in the latch and saw the guard come in. Quick as a flash she jumped on him and knocked his head on the ground. He was out cold. She chained him up in her place and muffled him. She then took his keys out of the door and closed and locked it. She then raced to the Guard database where Macavity’s guards did a very sophisticated record of prisoners. She saw Munkustrap’s name and saw that he was scheduled to be killed at midnight. She needed to find cell block A7. She raced to the A blocks and found his cell. She had to hurry.
She saw that there were guards. She doubled back and saw a nice hiding place that if she were fast enough then she could ditch the guards, and if she wasn’t, well, her goose was cooked.
She then returned to Munkustrap’s guards and took the risk. She let them see her and she whistled. They took off after her. She ran quickly to the place and darted inside. She was fast enough. The three guards ran past her. She then felt a bony hand on her shoulder. She turned around and managed to stifle a scream because a skeleton cat’s bony hand had fallen on her. She lifted the bones off her and then started to Munkustrap.
She fumbled with the guards keys and then finally found the right one. She inserted it in the lock and turned it. It opened easy. Then she gave a big tug on the door. It opened enough for a cat of her size to go through. She closed the door behind her.
There was Munkustrap, chained and unconscious. She hated to see him like that. She hated the black chains that surrounded his body. She hated the moonlight which shined through a window and made him seem to be in sorrow.
She knelt before him and touched his paws. They were warm and velvet like. She gently rubbed her face against his paw and it sent shivers through her. Still he didn’t wake.
She lifted his face with her paws, wishing they felt like velvety like his. He still didn’t wake.
She allowed her paws to stroke his cheek but he still didn’t wake. She gently lowered his head and then she put her arms around him. She whispered, “I am so sorry Munkustrap.” She stopped hugging him and then lifted up his face again. She then kissed his lips and gently lowered his face again. She then heard guards coming. She scampered to a corner and put her back to a wall. The guards peeked in the window.
“Good he’s still out cold, and there is no one else in here.” Another guard said
“Well she’s not here. Don’t you understand, if we don’t find her Rawtawny will have our heads.”
“Come on, we’ll double our search.” Then they ran off. Chrychaesa waited a few moments to make sure it was safe. Then she quickly hurried to Munkustrap and began the task of unchaining him. Munkustrap’s eyes slowly opened.
“Oh what’s happening? Chryssie? Is that you? Where is she? Demeter? Oh I am lost. Who are you?”
“Oh Munkustrap what have they done to you? It’s me, Chryssie, you know me. I am your friend remember?”
“Oh Chryssie. Hmm, I could have sworn... never mind.” She succeeded in unchaining half of him.
“You could have sworn what?”
“I could have sworn that Demeter was in here a few minutes ago.” “Oh well, I haven’t seen her. She’s probably at the hands of Macavity right now. I have really blown it. I have escaped and now the guards are aware of it, we are going to have to be careful.”
“Chryssie, when did you start acting like yourself?” She paused a moment and looked him straight in the eye.
“When I first saw your and Demeter’s smiles.”
“You know I know now.”
“Know what now?”
“About how you feel now. You don’t have to act anymore Chryssie, I know.”
“Munkustrap, I am always going to have to act now. It will never change. I am torn Munkustrap. I want you and Demeter to be happy and in love with another for you are a match in heaven. The other side of me wants to treat you as Demeter does and wants affections to be returned, it doesn’t want the suffering, all the fighting. It wants you, but my belief constantly fights it and wins. That’s why I do this. I don’t want what I want because if I get it, then I am going to hurt another, and that’s something even worse. So it’s better me suffer then Demeter, I know what she means to you.” Chryssie felt better, having told him how she fights with herself.
“You fight your desires and deny yourself what you want for Demeter. So Cassandra is wrong. You are doing it for Demeter and me, not just because you love me.”
“You’re right Munkustrap.” She finished unchaining him. He then stood up and stretched. Chryssie was looking out the window of the door.
“It’s all clear Munkustrap, we can get out now.” She pushed on the door. It budged a bit. Then they heard voices and she yanked it shut.
“We have to hide.”
“Well when you were unconscious I hid right here. But there is only room for one.”
“Then we’ll make two fit.” and he sat down in the corner and pulled her down with him. They were incredibly close and she was shaking.
This close to the perfect one and I owe it to Macavity, She thought miserably. But still she liked the feel of his strong arms about her and the steady rise and fall of his breathing. The guards ran by and peeked in. “Holy Cats he’s out too!”
“Oh now we’re in for it, That was Macavity’s!”
“We should sound the alarm!”
“Are you crazy you fool. If we sound the alarm then Macavity will know that we let his prisoner escape!”
“So what are we going to do?”
“Look in every nook and cranny. Come on, follow me.” The two guards started running down the hall. Munkustrap and Chryssie waited a few minutes, scarcely breathing.
Munkustrap felt Chryssie tense and relax, then tense and relax again. Then she sighed and got up and let a hand down for him to help him up. He took her paw and pulled himself up. Chryssie then once again pushed on the door.
“Oh dang those guards, they like to lean on the door as they speak and that gets it stuck.” She pushed harder. She then felt Munkustrap behind her, and he started pushing on the door with her. The door then opened easy. They both scampered out and closed the door.
“Next stop, Demeter.”
“No next stop, get Chryssie out of here, then Munkustrap looks for Demeter.”
“Munkustrap! I am staying with you. You or Demeter might need help!”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
“I know you are except that you would have been dead if I hadn’t had bailed you out.” She then turned her back to him and tried to keep from crying. Munkustrap looked at her and
“She really cares enough to stay with me and Demeter. Already she has saved Demeter’s and my life twice.”
Then he remembered feeling a small kiss in the prison cell. Chryssie had said she hid in the corner they hid in before. The kiss abruptly ended when they had heard guards coming. She had hid when guards came. That meant that SHE had kissed him.
For once, he smiled, she couldn’t win the fight. Her tenderness had won. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
“You are right.” he whispered in her ear.
“You have saved her and me, so you should stay until you can see we are all right. It’s all right to cry. I know.”
She twisted in his arms so she was facing him and then just lowered her head and let the tears fall. Munkustrap held her to him and permitted her to cry. Then abruptly she stopped and yanked away from him. He nodded because he understood that she wouldn’t let herself.
“Come on, lets go find Demeter.” She nodded and then she smiled and said,
“Come, I know of a way that we can find out if Macavity has her in a cell.”
“Just follow me.” She led him to the book she had seen and used to find him.
“Hmm, she’s not here.”
“Then she has to be up there somewhere.”
“Yes, come on.” She took him to a stairway.
“This is to the back halls.” she whispered.
“You already know your way around? Wow, I thought you would be scared from Macavity.”
“I’m two and a half, give me a break. I am still scared of Macavity. Now this stairway is rather narrow, it’s only wide enough for you and me standing shoulder to shoulder. We have to walk quickly because it is still in use. Now you have to watch your step, the stairs crumble and I found out that we are over a great pool of water, so watch out, it’s a long way down.”
“Right. I’ll go first.” He walked up the first flight fine. She was right behind him. Then they started the second. He got to the middle of the staircase and then fell. Chryssie dived to catch him and just caught his hand. He was hanging suspended only by her paw over churning, rushing water. He looked calm.
“All right Munkustrap. Come on.” Chryssie started to pull. The stairs beside her started to crumble. She didn’t have much time. She pulled with all her strength and soon Munkustrap was able to grab a hold of the wood and pull himself up. They both fell back with their backs to the stone.
“That was close.” Chryssie panted.
“Lets see, I think that’s three now for Chryssie, and one for me.”
“Come on we have to find Demeter.”
“Wait a minute.”
“Munkustrap, we need to get off these stairs. They are crumbling beneath us even now.” Munkustrap got to his feet and they both raced up the stairs. Chryssie had just reached the floor when most of the stairs they were walking on crumbled.
“Once again, that was close.”
“You’re telling me.”
“Wait a minute now, and let me catch my breath.”
“Right I need a second wind anyway.”
“Why did you do it?”
“Do what?”
“Kiss me when I was unconscious.”
“Oh, so you did feel it. I did it because, well, I lost my first major battle.” She slid down the wall she was leaning on into a sitting position where she folded her arms around her knees and just sat there in an embarrassed heap. He could hear her sigh deeply.
“You don’t need to be ashamed. You have to lose once in a while.”
“I thought I was stronger then that.”
“You are strong, stronger then me. I can’t deny myself some things that I want badly. Some times it’s just too hard to bear sometimes.”
“I’m glad you see it Munkustrap.” she said and looked down at the staircase. He sat down beside her and stroked her cheek.
“It’s OK.” he said sincerely. She looked down. Then she stiffened a bit. Then darted to her feet. She turned around and pulled him up to his feet. “Come on, we have to go, they are coming.” She ran down the hall.
“Here is Macavity’s chamber.” She stopped outside the door.
“I don’t know what we’ll see in there. It may not be pretty. But I want you to know that I am here for you.” He nodded and took her paw and gave it a squeeze. She took a deep breath and pushed open the door. There was Macavity, and Demeter was struggling to fight him off. They looked up and saw Chryssie and Munkustrap.
“I thought you were with Rawtawny, Kit, and you are supposed to be dead Muckascab.”
“Munkustrap, you thing.” Chryssie corrected.
“Let her go.”
“Hear that Rawtawny, your kitty just demanded me to let her go.” “How rude.” She whirled around and saw only Rawtawny. He smiled that sick little smirk of his then started to advance. Macavity threw Demeter by a table. He started to advance on them as well. Munkustrap and Chryssie backed up till they were back to back, where they crouched for battle.
“You take care of Rawtawny, I’ll go for Macavity.”
“Be careful.” They both took steps toward their opponents. Macavity waited Munkustrap. Rawtawny took a swipe at Chryssie, then tackled her and threw her by Demeter.
Then both the males started to advance on Munkustrap. Rawtawny and Macavity both started bounding Munkustrap. Then Rawtawny was in perfect position, He leaped, and then roared because Chryssie had landed a jump on him, that messed him up completely.
Then Chryssie started to attack Rawtawny ferociously, with an intense anger and hatred. Demeter saw that hatred in her eyes and knew that Rawtawny had little chance. Chryssie was all over him, placing deep scratches all over him, and going so quickly that he didn’t have enough time to land a good one on her. She then stopped and screamed
“I have kept my word Rawtawny! I have shortened all nine of your lives. Fall back now!” He backed off.
Then Demeter got to her feet, Munkustrap stood and Chryssie started too. They all were turning on Macavity. Demeter and Chryssie made sure he couldn’t escape. Then Munkustrap started on him. Carefully yet cleverly lining up attack and striking at strategic areas.
But Macavity had other plans. He ran back to a curtain and yanked on a cord. He then disappeared. They heard yelling coming from the other end of the fortress.
Demeter walked up to Munkustrap. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. She returned his kiss. Chryssie looked at the floor because she knew what was happening and she didn’t want her heart to break again.
Then she screamed as something hit her hard from behind, scratching her, clawing her back and side, it was overwhelming.
Demeter turned and saw Rawtawny clawing a helpless Chryssie. She screamed at him. Munkustrap took off like a flash and nailed Rawtawny.
“You have caused us enough pain my friend, if she doesn’t live through what you’ve done then I will hunt you down, even to the rest of my days if I have to!” Rawtawny slunk off.
“She’s mine, you hear! You gray Tabby, she is mine. My property. I can do as I wish. She will always be mine and that will remain so.”
“She is not a property to possess!” Munkustrap yelled.
“Still she is mine, and you cannot change that. Farewell there she-cat, and I guarantee, we will meet again.”
With that he left the room.
“Two for Munkustrap, three for Chryssie.” She said weakly. “Oh Demeter, and Munkustrap. Get out of here. Don’t stay. They are coming, Macavity’s guards. I’d slow everyone down. Please, just go.”
“Nope! You’re coming with us. I’ll have none of that. Help me Munkustrap.” Munkustrap lifted her up.
“Remember you said you’d stay with a friend, even if it would cost you your own life?” Munkustrap asked her. Chryssie nodded weakly.
“Well, we’re doing it now.”
“Now we have to find a way out of here.”
“Do you see the passage that Macavity used?” Chryssie asked ineffectually.
“Go down that. If we come to a left turn the very first one, we go down. It should lead us to steps. We go down them. Then we come to a long fork, we want to go right.”
Demeter found the passage. It was pitch dark, but was no concern for cats could see in the dark. She opened it wide enough for Munkustrap and Chryssie and then followed them. She left the door ajar. They both went left at the very first tunnel and proceeded down the steps. They heard voices echo through the halls
“They went down the passage way!”
“Find them!”
“Don’t let them get away!”
“We want them dead or alive!”
“And this little one isn’t going to last much longer if we don’t move quickly.” Munkustrap warned Demeter.
“Well we are at the fork. We need to go right.”
“Lets go.”
“It should take us into the wilderness. I hope we can find everyone.” Chryssie said and then passed out. Demeter and Munkustrap hurried through the passage. It seemed endless. Then they felt fresh air, and quickened their pace. They then found themselves in a forest with tall trees.
“Mistoffelees, Skimble and Tugger are by the lake, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteaser and Electra are by the Glenn, Victoria Plato and Jemima are by the meadow and Jennyanydots, Jellylorum and Bombalurina are our best bet.”
“What about Tumblebrutus, Pouncival and Admetus or Coricopat, Tantomile, Pouncival, Etcetera, Asparagus, Exotica or Alonzo?” Demeter asked.
“No, too far away.”
“Well come on then.” They started dashing through the trees. They saw Jellylorum looking anxiously out. They called to her. She lit up and immediately began running toward them.
Jennyanydots, and Bombalurina followed close behind. They all stopped short when they saw Chryssie. Jennyanydots worried and then said to Bombalurina “Go to all the sites that are close and tell everyone to get back to the Jellicle site, it is safest there. Go Bombalurina!” She took off at once. Then Jellylorum said
“Come we must go to the Jellicle ball site.” She and Jennyanydots led the way. Soon they came to the site where they set her down in Jennyanydots’ trunk.
Soon all the cats were present and they rejoiced at seeing Demeter and Munkustrap safe, but their joy turned to sorrow when Jennyanydots showed them what had happened to Chryssie. She was very pale, and she was scarcely breathing. They feared they had lost her already. Skimble rushed in.
“Where is she m’dears? I have brought someone who might help.” Then Old Deuteronomy appeared. All the cats were happy but couldn’t express it. Old Deuteronomy walked to the trunk.
“Get her home. See her farmer. He healed my Grandson a while ago, He will do the same for his cat. Mistoffelees. Your magic is strong enough to transport her and yourself to her farm. The rest of us will travel there. Get her home and have her farmer see to her.” Mistoffelees bowed and then blew his magic over her and himself. They then began to glow and soon only their forms were visible. Then their forms shattered into pieces.
“Come my friends, we walk. If you wish to go now. If you’d just assume to go later, rest until daybreak.” Old Deuteronomy the started walking in the direction of her farm. All the cats had no desire to wait so they started towards her farm.
Mistoffelees, by that time was furiously pounding on the door of the garage, in which, Chryssie’s parents lived. Father opened the door and came face to face with Mistoffelees.
“Who the devil are you and what do you want at such a late hour of the night?”
“I am Mr. Mistoffelees and I come here on an important matter. It’s about your daughter.”
“My daughter! Quick speak!” Chryssie’s mother came rushing to the door. “Chryssie has been injured in a terrible fight. She is in critical condition and I need your farmer to do what he can.”
“Where is she?”
“Right here.” Mr. Mistoffelees said and stepped aside to where Chryssie was laying on the ground. She was paler but still breathing.
“Chrychaesa, our dear Chrychaesa! Mr. Mistoffelees, who sent you?”
“Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap... His Grandson.”
“Was he the same Munkustrap that..?”
“Yes he was.”
“Goodness Gracious.”
Chryssie’s father then started to the house and climbed to the window where he started howling loudly. Chryssie’s mother joined him. Soon the light was on and the farmer still in his nightclothes rushed outside.
“What is the matter?” The cats took him to the garage where he saw Chrychaesa.
“Oh poor Puss, come come we have work to do.” He then reached to a little cupboard and took out some bandages and medicine. He also took some warm water. He proceeded to wash Chryssie and then applied some Medicine.
“Here you go, Puss. This will keep it from scarring, and it will make it feel better. Yes I know it doesn’t smell the nicest but it will do.” Then he wrapped up her scratches with bandages. He wrapped her in a blanket and put her on her pillow. She was asleep, and was barely breathing.
“There you go, Puss, nice and warm.” Then he went into the house and soon returned with some cream.
“All right you two, watch over her and keep her warm and happy. Call me if you need anything else.” Then sensing that they understood he went back inside saying
“Or wake me up if you need anything, I may be asleep.”
“Mrs. Cat you might want to expect a lot of visitors. The whole Jellicle tribe is coming to see her. Old Deuteronomy is with them.” Mistoffelees said then went outside.
“Oh my. Dear, Old Deuteronomy’s coming.”
“Well I suppose we might want to tidy up a bit.” They started cleaning the place up a tad, then went outside as well to wait for Old Deuteronomy.
“Mistoffelees, what happened with our daughter?”
“Well she went as Demeter for Demeter when Macavity wanted to trade Demeter for Munkustrap. She then was kept as Demeter. But then a cat named Rawtawny discovered that two henchmen disguised as agents of Macavity was going to rescue Demeter who was really Chryssie. One of the disguised agents was really Demeter and so they learned that Demeter was really Chryssie. From what Munkustrap tells me, she was attacked by Rawtawny. That’s how she came to be like this.”
“Trust Mr. Mistoffelees. He said right.” Old Deuteronomy’s voice sounded behind him. The cats bowed to him. Then every other cat appeared.
Munkustrap stayed with Demeter, for they had been separated long enough. Bombalurina, Etcetera and Skimble begged to see Chryssie. They started to sneak in one by one, just to check on her. They would talk with her for a little while if she was awake, and they just watched over her if she wasn’t. All the cats whom she wasn’t awake to see, got to see her again until she talked to them.
Old Deuteronomy entered the garage. Chryssie looked at him and smiled. “Hello Old Deuteronomy. I feel better and not in as much pain.” “That’s good to hear, my child.”
“How did I get home?”
“Mr. Mistoffelees transported you.”
“OK. I miss everyone.”
“We’re all going to talk to you. I am proud of you. I remember saying once to a tribe that lived many years before this, ‘Even the most smallest of feelings are worth more then all of the most beautiful thoughts. You have shown that this lesson is true, for I know of your feelings for my grandson. My time is up. Bombalurina wishes to see you badly.”
“Let her come in.” Bombalurina rushed in and grabbed her paw and held it.
“Chryssie, I want to thank you for what you did, for Demeter and Munkustrap. That was so brave and kind of you. I had no idea that Demeter meant that much to you.”
“Well lets just say that I believe in them. Oh No Bombalurina, don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just wanted to thank you and let you know that you are very special to us and thank you so much.” Bombalurina then left and Rum Tum Tugger came in.
“Hey Chryssie girl.”
“Hey Tugger.”
“Well look at you. You’re looking great, and all ready to dance.” “Well lets wait a little on that OK?”
“OK, hey would you do that for me?”
“Yes, I would Tugger, I’d do it for every single one here.”
“Chryssie, you’re something special to us all.” He bent down and kissed her forehead then walked out. Chryssie could see Munkustrap’s outline on the wall and he looked as if he had stiffened. Tugger stepped aside, allowing Skimble to come in. She smiled when she saw the joyful tears streaming down his face.
“Oh, Skimble don’t cry, I am going to be fine. I’ll be fine Skimble, really I will”
“I know lass. But you’re just so brave. I’ve seen you grow from a wee thing to a fine young dame. Ah lass, you give Jellicles pride in their names.” He kissed her forehead too. She saw Munkustrap’s outline flinch again.
“Uncle Skimble.”
“you also proved another thing, you’ll never be old enough when you should stop calling me Uncle Skimble.” Then he let Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie come in.
“Hello, have you gotten better at not jumping on unsuspecting cats in the forest yet?”
“Ha, ha, ha. Oh I’d like to show you what I’ve learned!”
“Easy Rumpleteaser! How you feeling? Any better? You know you can keep on going teasing Rumpleteaser, because she ain’t going to do nothing to ya.” “Right, I’m just going to take it out on you!”
“Boy! Is she having a casket or what, aye Chryssie?”
“You two are funny.”
“Well shall we take that as a compliment?”
“Yes I think so, I mean it fits you two well. You’re silly enough.”
“Well thank you.” They bounded out. Then Jennyanydots came to see her. “Make yourself comfortable, Gumby cat.”
“ Well thank you my dear. Now, that was a very serious thing you did and we are all proud of you for it. I am glad we have courageous cats around.” “Just doing it for them.”
“Well you have gone down in Cats history for it.”
“I wasn’t asking that much. I simply wanted to show how much they mean to me.”
“We think you are a fine cat, my dear. You know, you have been taught well, and you know you can always rely on us for anything as you know. If your Mother and Papa start giving you trouble, you come to Jennyanydots.”
“Thank you” then Jennyanydots left. All the other cats got to see her. It was on Mr. Mistoffelees’ turn that she fell asleep. He was talking to her and then she was out cold. He stayed the remainder of his time and then told Demeter and Munkustrap to wait.
“She’d asleep. She has been gone since half the time I had stayed in there.”
“Thank you Mistoffelees.”
“Munkustrap, I think we should see her separately. Just to give personal thanks to her.”
“Right. But you’ll go first. I still need to think of what to say.” Soon Mistoffelees came to them and said
“She is awake and ready to see who wants to see her first.”
“I’ll go.” Demeter said and entered the garage.
“Hello Demeter. I’m sorry I fell asleep before I saw you and Munkustrap but the medicine that he put on me started to work.”
“Think nothing of it. Chryssie, I need to ask you something important. Why did you really take my place?”
“I did it because I encourage you two completely. It was all for you. You know I am constantly fighting myself over Munkustrap. So I did it because you can be happy with him and I wouldn’t get in the way. Munkustrap understands. Maybe he can explain it better.”
“No, I understand what you mean and I know how hard it is for you. But you are strong, and you do the right thing. That’s why I look up to you Chryssie. You know how to handle yourself so much that you even fight yourself. But you are a noble cat, you really don’t deserve Bombalurina or me to be your friends. She feels the same way.”
“Demeter, you said that through anything you’d be my friend, and I feel strongly about that. I will be your friend Demeter, even if it kills me.” “ I don’t know what to say, because you have certainly proved it.” “Well there is nothing to say. Only to feel.” “You’ll never know how much you mean to me.” “Or you, me.” Demeter gently stroked Chryssie’s head and then walked out. She had tears in her eyes. Tumblebrutus silently went in. He was unnoticed by Munkustrap who was busy tending to Demeter’s tears. He wanted to take the opportunity that he had been wanting at that moment so she couldn’t be called or distracted. She had been asleep when it was his turn
“Oh, Tumblebrutus?”
“Yeah hi. I wanted to make my feelings known.”
“What feelings are these?”
“Well, I don’t know how to explain them really, they just ,well, lift lets say when I am with you.”
“Are you trying to say that you like me?”
“Yeah, but not that serious. I mean well.. Oh I have trouble getting this out.”
“You just want to get to know me better?”
“Oh, you silly thing. I would like to get to know you as a friend.”
“Yeah same here!”
“Good.” she said and playfully nudged his elbow. He smiled. Then they both looked up and saw Munkustrap glaring.
“You’d better go.”
“Right, I’ll see you later.” Tumblebrutus walked past Munkustrap and then hurried out of there.
“Of Tumblebrutus?”
“Liar.” Munkustrap shook his head. She only smiled at him.
“I wanted to thank you.”
“No need.”
“Yes there is. If it wasn’t for you then I would have lost Demeter or my life.”
“Well some friends go to desperate measures.”
“Demeter knows.”
“Yes she does but she also knows why I did it.”
“Because you believe in Demeter and Me.”
“Yes. That’s why I should leave you two be.”
“No, you stay with us. After what we have been through, we should always be with one another.” She started to feel a longing for him.
“You know we can’t get too close.”
“We are already close.”
“Munkustrap I am losing a battle here, you’d better let me be.”
“I’ll stay right here.” he said and sat down by a corner.
“You don’t help very much.”
“Well would it be better if I were right here?” He said and scooted so he was arm distance away. He hadn’t saved her a battle by making her laugh. It only made her desire him more.
“You nut.”
“I am not a nut, I am just happy.”
“That this is all over.”
“No that it’s begun.”
“What’s begun?”
“A true friendship.”
“It can’t be more then that.”
“It already is.” Then he kissed her on her forehead, stood up and walked out. She gazed after him and said under her breath
“Munkustrap it’s not that easy.” Then drifted away to sleep. The next morning Mistoffelees sprinkled magic on her while she was asleep. Old Deuteronomy had asked him to try to speed up the healing process. Then he left.
Chryssie woke up with the sunrise and saw Rum Tug Tugger with his head on her back, sleeping. She was surprised that she saw what she saw that morning.
Victoria was in a corner with Plato and Coricopat and Tantomile was in another corner.
Bombalurina was close to Tugger, and as soon as drowsiness left her eyes she saw her head had been resting on Skimble’s belly.
She was stifling giggles at his snoring for during his Railroad song he had only been Snoozing. Here he was practically a log and a very loud log at that. He probably could drown out a thunderstorm if he was willing or very drunk.
Then she saw Demeter and Munkustrap in the doorway, in a passionate embrace. Sighing she allowed her head to rest on Skimble again, frustrated at them for not choosing another place to do their thing. She sighed frustratedly. Then she saw all her scars were healed and all she felt was a dull ache in her body instead of a searing pain. She wondered where it all went. Maybe Tugger would be surprised that she was ready to dance after all. She couldn’t wait for the next Jellicle ball.
She looked down and saw the silly Etcetera entangled in the crook of Chryssie’s arm and saw Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser entangled with her legs. She started to giggle slightly because she knew she was trapped in sleeping bodies. She lifted her head again and then moved out from underneath Tugger’s head.
He murmured a little but was still in sleep.
She de-tangled herself from Etcetera, Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie then started gingerly stepping over cats to reach the door. She then stepped outside and yawned.
She stretched and shook herself awake. Then she started doing dancing exorcises to help her body wake up. She felt better then wondered where Demeter and Munkustrap went.
She wandered down to the lake. She saw her tree that she hadn’t climbed for six months. She watched the sun and thought it was good to be home. She had missed the sunshine and she had missed watching the sunrises and sunsets and the moon rises and moon sets. She thought it was nice to see every one and everything. Then she saw Munkustrap and Demeter coming from behind the house. They saw her in the tree and joined her. She just sighed a little. She was happy to be with them and sad at the same time.
Munkustrap put a paw on her shoulder and whispered a good morning pleasantry as did Demeter. She acknowledged them, and then climbed down from the tree and returned to her friends.

Cats is created by T.S Elliot and all the characters are with the acception of Chrychaesa/Chryssie, Mother and Father cat, Rawtawny, and Nakcheem. The idea is TS Eliots and the story is mine.

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