Since Chryssie’s last great adventure, Macavity had been coming to the tribe more often. In fact, he had been coming daily, just so that he could chat with Munkustrap, Tugger, or Chryssie. Even Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser were friendly with him; Bombalurina had decided to flirt around with him, just as though he were one of the toms of the tribe, much to Tugger’s dismay.

But everyone could see the change in Chryssie. She wasn’t alone nearly as often, and no one could think she could be seen with Munkustrap more than she had been with Macavity. Chryssie was frequently by Macavity’s side, talking, laughing or anything at all. Chryssie now smiled a lot more often, and Macavity didn’t seem to be as threatening as he used to be.

In fact, he was treated as one of the toms around the junkyard, and he was especially favored with the ladies. Jennyanydots was always more than happy to have a little chitchat with him, when he happened to come by. Jellylorum seemed to have let down her guard.

To Chryssie, this was the happiest time. The two tribes were working together.

Her hatred of Macavity had long diminished, and for a time, she can dwell in happiness, instead of the bitterness she had felt. She rarely pondered why she never really felt that twinge in her heart when she saw Demeter and Munkustrap alone together. In fact, she felt happy that they were. Once, one of them looked up and caught her eye, and she merely smiled genuinely, waved, and then came over to talk.

Demeter and she had been getting closer in their friendship, and Munkustrap and she had separated just enough so that they weren’t so close, but still a tight friendship was there.

Munkustrap was seeing the Chryssie he knew and loved, and yet, didn’t love.

Everything was peaceful, except for one thing. Demeter still feared Macavity. She wouldn’t let him near her. When he came to speak with Munkustrap, she hid on the other side. He rarely was alone with her, and when he was, he wasn’t for long. They’d have to fix it somehow, Chryssie concluded to herself.

Bombalurina had seen Macavity and Chryssie walking together, and she came over, and coyly rubbed her shoulder against his.

"Hey there." She said with a grin.

"Hey yourself." Macavity returned with a teasing grin.

"Once again with Chryssie? My, my, Macavity, I thought you’d be sharing time with some of the other queens. Don’t forget that I’m your favorite, and that you should spend time with me."

"Really, Bombalurina! You shouldn’t be so selfish!" Macavity admonished with a laugh.

"But it’s true! I am your favorite!" She whined impishly.

"You’re my favorite red queen. Chryssie is my favorite human. Allow me to spend time with my human."

Bombalurina playfully pouted and then bumped him with her hip before walking off.

"Your human, am I?" Chryssie asked with a grin, and took Macavity’s arm. She then laughed.

"Something amuses you?" He asked with an interested gleam in his eyes.

"Yes." Chryssie said with a smile.

"What?" Macavity asked, looking at her as though to coax her to tell him.

"I was walking along and I thought I’d visit Munkustrap. I came into his cave, and he was having a moment with Demeter. Too bad I had come in full throttle too. I mean, trumpets blaring and everything. I made a really big entrance." She laughed again.

"I saw them and then I was out of there faster than you could say, "What was that?" Afterwards I just Had to chuckle about it." She gave an impish little giggle.

"Chryssie, Chryssie, Chryssie. I think you are full of calamities." Macavity said and then joined her in a laugh.

Macavity walked alongside Chryssie in a slow casual manner, telling her of what he had seen what he had done and what he had heard.

"Today was especially interesting. I was listening just to the breeze when I saw Pouncival and the Rum Tum Tugger arguing as usual. However, the two ended up in a friendly wrestle." Macavity said, walking along beside her, and enjoying Chryssie’s complete attention.

"Alonzo thought they were fighting, and went to break it up, when they thought someone had decided to join in to play, so here was poor Alonzo pulled down, and…" Macavity shook his head. "I do like watching them."

"Suppose you should ask if you might join them someday." Chryssie said with a grin.

"I suppose you are right. I’ve always liked to play; only I didn’t feel there was a need too. I don’t even remember the last time I played." Macavity said with a shrug. He then smiled.

"You poor thing. I’d help you with that, but… that could be a calamity in itself." Chryssie said with a laugh. "I miss playing too."

Macavity patted her face, then asked,

"What about Mistoffellees? Hasn’t he come up with a way yet? You remember yourself when you were brought here, half drowned. You had become feline again, though only for an instant."

"No, Mistoffellees had nothing to do with that. As soon as I was strong I went to congratulate him, but he was just as confused as I. He said that he hadn’t even found a way to do so yet, but he feels as though he is very close." Chryssie said with a frown.

Macavity frowned as well.

"Then how in the world could you have…?"

"I don’t know." Chryssie said as confused as he.

"Ah well, we’ll get you back to your true kind just yet." Macavity assured her.

"I hope so. I still owe the kittens a game to play, and I need to get Tugger back for his little romp with me when we got home from New York."

Macavity nodded.

"All in due time, my sweet. All in due time." He sighed.
"What is it?" Chryssie asked, looking at him, concerned.

"I can tell that Demeter is not going to give me a chance. She won’t let me near enough to her so that I can tell her that I don’t wish to frighten her, or that although I may want her, I have accepted the fact that I can’t have her. She isn’t mine to have. You and I have learned, and it’s true that we need each other, so that we both can get through this."

"I can talk to her about it. That’s all I can do." Chryssie said with a slight fall in her high spirits. Macavity started to chuckle slightly.

"What’s so funny?" Chryssie asked.

"Oh, the fact that complete enemies need each other to get through hard feelings."

He then said,

"Well my dear, I have things to do. I must go and see to my tribe immediately. However, somewhere near here, a kitten of your tribe offered me some little kitten things for a member of my tribe to take to his family too. There is so much to do in so little time. Have you ever wished to be in two different places at one time?"
"Oh yes." Chryssie said with an enthusiastic nod, making Macavity laugh.

Chryssie chuckled herself; thought for a minute then got an idea.

"You attend to your tribe, and I’ll look take care of the kitten supplies, and keep them for you until you return, or you can send someone to fetch them as well." She said at last, and looked up to him with a smile.

Macavity looked into her eyes, and Chryssie could see those once intense, cold eyes were now warm and kind eyes.

"Thank you my sweet. I won’t be long." He said with a charming smile and then bowed a little to her before turning and leaving the junkyard. He turned back as if remembering a slight detail he had forgotten to mention, telling her,

"I’ll send the father to the junkyard. I believe he’s been wanting to meet you for quite some time." He then smiled warmly at her, and then left.

Chryssie couldn’t help but smile after her friend. She then began to look around for the kittens. She came across Victoria and Plato, and after a warm exchange of greetings, asked where she might find the kittens.

Victoria took Plato’s arm after he shook Chryssie’s hand with his paw and said with a smile,

"Etcetera and Electra are just around the bend. I believe they are with Alonzo."

Chryssie looked, and saw Etcetera.

"Thank you very much Victoria. I’ll talk with you both later, ok?" She said with a smile, and then continued on, with Victoria and Plato looking after her with grins.

"Ello Chryssie!!!" Mungojerrie hollered when he saw her, making Rumpleteaser wake up with a start from her dream.

"Good gracious Mungojerrie! Must you shout like that?"

"Oh! Sorry Teasa’. Please, go back t’ sleep."

"Now what good’ll that do when I’m already awake?" She asked, and then looked over at Chryssie.

"Ello Chryssie!" she called.

"Now look who’s bein’ loud." Mungojerrie muttered.

Chryssie laughed and walked over to them.

"And how are you two fine cats tonight?" She asked.

"Oh, we’re jus’ great tonight. Neva’ been betta’!" Mungojerrie answered while Rumpleteaser rolled her eyes.

" ‘Ow about you?" Rumpleteaser asked.

"Oh, I’m doing great thank you. A lot better than I have been." Chryssie replied with a gracious smile.

"Glad t’ ‘ear it!" Rumpleteaser said, not letting Mungojerrie throw his comments in.

"I’ seems ev’rythin’ is lookin’ betta’ because of this peace with Macavity’s tribe." Mungojerrie observed.

"Well, exep’ fo’ one thing." Rumpleteaser said. "Demeta’."

"Oh, that’s right." Mungojerrie said, looking a little crest-fallen.

"She’ll get used to it, once she sees that Macavity isn’t what he was." Chryssie said hopefully.

"We can only ‘ope." Rumpleteaser said.

"I need to find the kittens. I’ll talk with you both later." She said with a smile.

"All right then." Mungojerrie said with a smile.

"Cheerio!" Rumpleteaser added.

Chryssie walked on, and finally found Etcetera.

"Hi Chryssie!" she said. Tugger, who was with Etcetera looked up and smiled.

"Hello Etcetera, Hello Tugger." She greeted. "Etcetera, did you offer kitten things to Macavity?"

"No, I didn’t." Etcetera said with a grin. She then whispered to Chryssie so that Tugger couldn’t hear, "I believe that Pouncival did, only he asked Jemima to tell Macavity for him."

"I see." Chryssie said, smiling at the masculine dignity.

"Would you happen to know where either of them are?"

"Jemima’s on the tire." Etcetera said and looked up at Tugger.

"Where’s Pouncival? Do you know?"

Tugger frowned.

"I think I saw him last by your tree Chryssie. He said he wanted to just wind down a few minutes." Tugger told her.

"Ok, then I’ll check with him."

"Just don’t tell him I told you that he offered the things." Etcetera said with a small grin.

"I won’t. I’ll see you two later." She said with a smile and started towards her tree. She reached it when Pouncival was in quiet meditation, thinking silently about whatever.


"Oh, Hi Chryssie." He said snapping to.

Chryssie frowned with the delicate matter.

"Tell me, are you feeling charitable with old things you have? I hear that Macavity was looking for the kitten who offered him things."

Pouncival seemed to blush through his fur.

"That was I." He said quietly, then said

"Don’t you dare laugh."

"Oh no, I won’t." Chryssie said. "I actually think it’s rather sweet of you. However, we need the things. Where did you put them? You don’t have to deliver it. I’ll be happy to take care of them for you. I just need to know where they are."

"They’re by your old basket… I’ve been using it for a bed, if that’s alright."

Chryssie smiled.

"Does it look like I can fit in a basket?" she asked with a teasing grin.

Pouncival shook his head with a smile.

"There you go. Consider it yours." She told him, and patted his head.

"Thanks Chryssie. Also, just before you leave, I’ve been thinking."

"What about?" Chryssie said, settling down.

"Well here’s the thing. I like Bombalurina. I mean I really like her. I really like Jemima too. But there’s two different things going on. With Bombalurina… I get… um… well…"

"Yes, I know what you’re saying." Chryssie said, sparing him the difficulty.

"I like Jemima, more like a deep respect and care. What do I do?"

Chryssie put some thought into this.

"My only advice to you would be to wait it out. With Bombalurina, you are just experiencing desire maybe. That could be a while to overcome, but if you wait, perhaps a kitten of your own age will strike that same kind of fancy. Bomba is used to that kind of attention, but she doesn’t know that she can be a real heartbreaker." She advised.

"Oh. Save myself some trouble?" Pouncival asked.

"Exactly." Chryssie smiled.

"Ok, then I’ll wait. Thanks Chryssie." Pouncival smiled and then Chryssie turned and went back into the junkyard. She picked up a box and then dropped it while she jumped slightly as a gentle tap on her shoulder alerted her to someone standing behind her. She turned and looked at Munkustrap.

"Hello Chryssie." He said smiling.

"Munkustrap! Don’t do that!" Chryssie laughed, and picked the box back up.

Munkustrap merely grinned with the humor of it.

"Anyway, there’s someone waiting for you at the foot of the junkyard. He says Macavity sent him." He told her, still with that teasing grin on his face.

"Thank you." She said, not sure whether to laugh or to pout. She grinned.

"You’re going to be teasing me about this aren’t you?" she asked when he followed her.

"You bet." He smiled and then walked beside her.

"Where is he?" Chryssie asked.

"Just over there."

Chryssie saw the small black cat come into the yard. She started towards him. He looked up at her and then his mouth hung open.

"I never thought I’d be able to meet you in friendly terms like this. Quite an honor." He said and reached out to shake her hand.

"Don’t mention it." Chryssie said smiling.

"Here are the things one of the kittens offered." She said with a smile. The cat took the box from her.

"I can’t thank you enough, ma’am. Take care now." He said, and with a small beaming smile he left the junkyard with the box in his hands.

Munkustrap turned and started to chat with Chryssie but Alonzo called to him.

"I’ve got to go, duty calls." He said with a smile and then waved as he started towards Alonzo. Chryssie waved after him, and then walked over to the tire again. She looked up when Demeter came and sat down by her. The two were alone, for the junkyard was settling down.

"Hello Chryssie." Demeter said with a smile and a small hug.

"Good evening Demeter. How are you this fine night?" Chryssie asked with a smile.

"Things are alright in my corner. And you?"

"Just fine. I’m waiting for Macavity to return."

"Oh I see. Chryssie, something has been troubling me."

"Yes Demeter?" Chryssie said, turning to face her.

"You see, Munkustrap told me that Macavity told him, that you told Macavity that you were going to leave us to go to the Heaviside Layer."

Chryssie nodded.

"I have had dreams about my death."

"But Macavity seems to be your friend…"

"No, Demeter. It isn’t going to be by Macavity’s hand. I can feel it."

Demeter sighed and then said in a quiet tone.

"Chryssie, I want my past to die. I suppose that the only way I can do that is to tell you. I need to tell you everything, even what Bombalurina doesn’t know."

Chryssie settled down and gave her full attention to Demeter.

"Tell me of your past, Demeter." She said when she was ready.

Demeter sat still, and took a deep breath before beginning her tale.

"When I was born, I had no father. My mother had foolishly loved a tom, and let him have her. When she found she was with kitten, she was quick to tell him. Knowing that he would have to stay with her, he fled, falsely promising my mother that he would return. So she went through with my birth.

"She waited half a year with me before she finally learned that my father didn’t want anything to do with her. She then took me, and gave me to a rich cat, telling her to take care of me. She then left, and I never have discovered what had happened to her.

"I lived at Victoria Grove for a while, until late one January night. I had heard a rustling outside, and so I looked out my window. I saw a rugged, yet handsome tom in my yard. I watched him. He turned and looked up at me, and I saw him smile. He called up

"What is your name, beautiful?"

"I am Demeter." I called back down.

"So Demeter, why do you live inside there when you could be as free as me?" he asked. Somehow, this tom had known that I had wanted to roam out into the world for the longest time.

"My aunt says it’s a hard world out there."

"No, she merely wants to protect your young self. There can be dangers out here."

"I am not afraid." I foolishly answered back.

The tom looked over and then back at me.

"I’m sorry, beautiful Demeter, I must be off. I will call again." He said and as quickly as he came, he left.

"Well, it was weeks before I saw him again. I was out about town with my aunt when I saw him in Town Square. I was with my Aunt, when he saw me. I looked over in his direction and saw him too. He came over to me and bowed. He also took my paw and kissed it.

"Well fancy seeing you here, Lady Demeter." He said pleasantly. I was flattered, for no tom treated me the way he was.

"I am with my aunt." I said showing him what she looked like.

He merely nodded, not showing much interest in my aunt. She looked back, and saw us. She marched right up to Macavity, slapped his face, and took my paw, dragging me with her while saying

"Stay away from her Macavity. Do you hear? Stay away."

Macavity merely looked after me as I was dragged away. I then thought I had a crush. I found him so unbelievably attractive. I learned his name. It was Macavity, and I didn’t pay very much attention to my aunt’s lecture of Dangerous Toms, though, now that I think about it, I wish I had.

"My aunt decided that I needed to be with the outside cats, since she knew I wasn’t happy inside the rich house. She took me to her friend Jennyanydots. That’s how I ended up in this Junkyard.

"Jennyanydots took me and kept me safe. Soon I was right at home by the car trunk. That’s when I met Munkustrap. He had come to greet me. At first, I didn’t think much of him. He was rather shy, and a tad bit awkward, but I soon learned that he had a good heart. When I tripped and fell over something he was usually the first to help me up. He was a good friend, and soon I began to love him.

"Once, during the Jellicle Ball, I took his paw in my own, and he beamed down at me and held it. I knew he cared. By the time I had lived half a year with the Jellicles, we were in love. I wasn’t afraid of anything. I was on top of my own world, and I had forgotten about Macavity. I had forgotten until he came for me.

"He stole me from the junkyard on a night like this. It was quiet; I was alone, waiting for Munkustrap. I often liked to walk just on the outskirts of the junkyard. I remember getting as far as your tree when a flash of light was seen, and I saw Macavity. There was his smile, and his intense eyes, which I had admired, but now they seemed to frighten me. He was so close to me.

"Hello my dear. Do you not remember me? Demeter, I am Macavity." He said and reached out for me.

"Do you remember when you were in captivity? You are in captivity, and I will set you free."

"Everything happened so fast. I remember flashes of light, red or blue light, and then Macavity had me over his shoulder, and was moving quickly through the woods. I couldn’t remember where Munkustrap was, but I know he saw Macavity carry me off.

"Macavity took me inside his lair, and then into his quarters. I remember he put me down, and pulled me to him. He kissed me hard, and I knew that I didn’t want him. I wanted Munkustrap and that this was wrong. Where was he? Macavity then threw me on the bed and climbed after me. I was trapped underneath him and I couldn’t move. He was whispering nothings in my ear, and he…."

Demeter stopped, suddenly crying.

"Demeter…." Chryssie started to comfort, but Demeter only took a hold of her hand and whispered,

"No, I have to get through it." She took yet another breath, and then said,

"Macavity started to love me. No matter how hard I struggled, or no matter how loudly I screamed, I couldn’t get away. Not until Munkustrap came into the room, and hurled Macavity away from me. Munkustrap kept him away. I have never seen anyone so fierce in all my life. It is Macavity’s intensity, and it’s Macavity’s obsession with me that I fear.

"Macavity had given up with me, and he had left, though he gave me a clear warning,

"She is mine, She always has been, and Everlasting Cat help me, I will have her. You cannot keep me away forever. I will be waiting, and I will be watching you Demeter!"

"Macavity has always held true to his words. He has watched me for most of my life, and he knows my every move. He knows that I fear him, and all of his passions inside. I learned well. I remembered his presence, and for some strange reason, I can always sense that he’s nearby."
Chryssie shook her head, realizing Demeter’s terror, and then remembering that if this junkyard were ever going to be reconciled, she would have to forgive Macavity.

Demeter stopped and looked at Chryssie with watered eyes, and a pale face.

"Chryssie, now you know all that Munkustrap hasn’t told you. I pray that you’ll keep it secret."

"Of course Demeter. Is there anything we can do? Macavity is not the same as he was…"

"He is still the one he was. He wants me even as we speak." Demeter said bitterly.

"No, Demeter. He has listened to me. He knows that he can’t have what isn’t his now. Just like I know I can’t have Munkustrap, because he isn’t mine to have. He and I… we’re working together to make peace with our obstacles in order to build a new life. Haven’t you seen what a change there is in him? Don’t you think that his first priority to get you back is to end Munkustrap’s life? You know that he’s tried several times, and I was there to keep him from taking Munkustrap from you. Don’t you think that he’d already have taken you away from us? Besides, there’s something that has changed about him. He isn’t passionate; he isn’t that intense, Demeter. You must understand this."

"How do we know that it isn’t a plan?"

"What about his tribal members? Why do they come and go here as they please? Would he allow that?"

"But what if he’s just using your trust to catch me alone? What happens if he’s trying to get me to trust him, just to get me alone again so that he could…"

"He’s Not, Demeter." Chryssie said finally. She grew exasperated with Demeter’s mistrust and yet, she couldn’t blame her either.

"Give him a chance. It’s not too late to make amends, and it can only occur if you let him. Don’t you see? He’s told me once that he wishes that you could trust him again."

Demeter frowned then stiffened.

"He’s here." She said, looking off into the darkness.

"Yes Demeter, once again, your instinct does not fail you." Macavity said from behind Chryssie, and stepped into the light. There was a touch of remorse in his voice. Demeter merely glanced at him. Macavity came up and dragged Chryssie roughly to her feet then began to walk away with her, while Demeter cried out.

"Macavity!" Chryssie cried out.

Macavity dragged her away from Demeter and to her pond, where he loosened his grip immediately. Chryssie yanked her arm away.

"What in the world was that all about?" Chryssie asked him, confused.

"Please Chryssie, just walk with me." He said holding out a now gentle paw, his pain now evident.

Chryssie, seeing the pain gently took it in her hand and walked by him as he led her along the shores.

Tugger, who was closest to Demeter at the time, came running.

"What in the world…?" He asked, seeing Demeter hysterically crying.

"Macavity took Chryssie!" She cried out.

Alonzo looked at Tugger, who nodded quickly. Tugger than gave a shrill whistle to get Munkustrap’s attention to comfort Demeter while drawing Plato’s attention as well. Plato got hurriedly to his feet, then with Alonzo and Tugger ran off towards Chryssie’s pond, the shortest route to Macavity’s lair, while guards looked at them confused.

When they got there, they saw Chryssie and Macavity hand in paw, talking in low voices. Chryssie didn’t look in the least afraid, and Macavity seemed to be telling her some important things.

"False alarm boys." Tugger said with a smile.

"I think Demeter’s just a little jumpy, that’s all. It being Macavity and all…" Alonzo intoned.

"I wish she’d learn how to trust him. I feel a lot better with him around to tell you the truth. Well, now that our tribe’s are coming together on their own accord."

"Don’t you think that Macavity would think that we don’t trust him?" Plato asked.

"Good question." Tugger said. "What do you think Alonzo?"

"Well, I don’t think so. Remember, our duty as tribal protectors is to check out something that upsets a member of the tribe. I think that Macavity would understand that." Alonzo said thoughtfully.

"That’s right!" The other two toms said together.

They walked back and assured everyone that everything was all right.

"T’was merely a false alarm." They explained. Demeter only looked worriedly towards the lake, not trusting Macavity alone with Chryssie.

"Hey," a gentle voice said behind her. "It’s all right."

"No it isn’t, Munkustrap. You know very well what he did to me in the past."

"Demeter," he said placing an arm around her shoulders. "I know, but don’t you think that you can give peace a chance along with everyone else?" His voice was gentle and concerned, just like the Munkustrap she knew.

"I’m so afraid!" She said turning into him and crying.

Munkustrap leaned his head against hers and held her in his arms, close and safe while she cried.

"So what’s going on? What happened?" Chryssie asked at last, when they were a safe distance from the junkyard.

"I overheard you two talking." He said at last, his voice low and hurt. "She won’t ever trust me again, Chryssie, and I’m the blame of it. I know how hard it is for her, and I know that what I almost did is easy enough to scare anyone away. But, oh, Chryssie, it hurts." He said, the great head sinking down, and not looking at her. He sat down on a rock and rested his face in his paws, while resting his elbows on his knees. Chryssie looked at him a minute and stood before him.

"Hey," she said, comfortingly, holding out her arms to him. Macavity sighed and stood up, then wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Chryssie hugged him then sat down with him on the rock. "Tell me about it." She offered.

I don’t know my mother. No, that’s not it. My father was the same as I. He was the leader of a separate tribe that had long since abandoned the Jellicles. He was training me how to be a leader. He taught me how to gain power. I mean, real power. You know of my power in these parts. I learned such from him. I grew, and he hated me. Yet, I was the only one strong enough to withstand his fearful nature. I hated him in return.

"When I came into my position, I loved having my wild nights. I’d roam over the country, spreading my ways, gaining followers, power, and reputations… but always I was missing something. I passed by a house and that’s when I saw her. The most beautiful creature ever was staring down at me. I had to call up to her, and so I learned her name. Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and it was like she came and harvested my inside feelings. As soon as I saw her, I knew that she was the one who could fill me. She seemed to take attraction to me too.

"When I saw her in the square, my heart leapt in my chest. I could touch her. She let me kiss her paw and I could almost feel myself flying. But only for a moment could I see her, for her aunt didn’t approve of my tribe, her own kind being the Jellicles.

"I lost contact with her, and it took me months to find her. All that while, I kept dreaming for her, waiting for her. Soon she was all I could think about. She was my goddess! I waited long into the night for her. My longing grew with my love.

"When I found her, I could hardly contain myself, but I wanted to make her mine. She had always seemed to have a power over me. I took her home to my bed. So great was my feeling I couldn’t possibly contain myself. She had to love me. I was so caught up with my desires I didn’t feel her trying to get away. All I wanted to do was love her. I swore to myself that she would be the only one. I would love her in and out of bed. She would be the first thought I would get up to and the last thought I would think when I retired. I never knew that… although I felt so much for her, I never thought about how she felt.

"Munkustrap and others came into the room, and I grew so angry at him for trying to take her away from me. I fought with such blind anger that he was easy to defeat me. I had to get away, though I promised myself that one day she’d be mine. I promised that she’d love me someday. I just never knew how much I had frightened her."

Macavity fell silent, and heaved a long sigh. He leaned against Chryssie with his head still bowed in remorse.

"It’s taken me so long to know." He murmured and fell silent. Chryssie put an arm lightly around his shoulders to comfort him.

"I’ll talk with her again." Chryssie said quietly.

"No, you cannot go around being our interpreter. You’ll only be dragged in this too, possibly forced to take sides. I don’t want that to happen. We’ve been through a lifetime of troubles together, at least let me do something right." Macavity said.

Chryssie looked at him in silence. She felt proud of him, and her pride shone in her eyes. He looked up and saw her pride. He smiled softy and hugged her.

"Thank you, Chryssie, for knowing." He said softly in her ear.

"Come my sweet, let us return to the yard. I have an old love to face." He said getting up and offering her his paw, which she took. They both felt extremely light hearted, and Chryssie then smiled and pulled away from Macavity. With a laugh, she started running as fast as she could. Macavity smiled, and then burst into a run quickly over-taking her, but then picked her up and ran at full speed. Chryssie once again felt the thrill of flight as the wind hit her face, remembering how she used to run this fast and not take notice. Now with Macavity’s speed she could truly fly.

He raced with her in his arms until they reached the junkyard. In he flew, and toms and queens alike looked up abruptly at the pair. Macavity, failing to slow down crashed into Tugger, Bombalurina, and kittens alike so that piles of them were sprawled down in the corner. Chryssie was laughing long and hard amidst furry arms and legs. Jennyanydots bent over Macavity who was laughing himself and said with a smile

"Causing a calamity there, Macavity?"

"Yes ma’am." He said as he dusted himself off. "I haven’t had that much fun in years."

"Yes, it’s been a long time." Chryssie said, slightly breathless from laughing. Tugger, whom she had landed on, gave her a humorous look. Chryssie felt her face grow hot as she blushed.

"I’m sorry you guys, I didn’t mean to use you all as a cushion."

The cats merely laughed and told her not to worry.

Demeter surveyed the junkyard, and saw Macavity smiling and helping Chryssie up. She started in closer and pulled Chryssie away from him.

"Why do you do this, Demeter?" Chryssie asked her.

"You know very well why. You can’t trust him. He’ll get you too."

"No, he won’t Demeter. I know that you won’t let yourself trust him. But I will let myself trust him." Chryssie said, trying to keep her patience.

"But you KNOW what I’ve gone through with him!" Demeter replied, getting angry at Chryssie’s apparent lack of understanding.

"And she knows what I went through with you." Macavity said, turning around and facing her.

Demeter did not speak.

"Demeter, put yourself in Macavity’s paws."

"I’d rather not, thank you." She said stepping away.

"No, imagine what He went through. Don’t you think you should hear his side?" Chryssie persisted.

Demeter looked at her, hurt and afraid.

"Try, Demeter. Just trust him this last time. Perhaps he can convince you to trust him further. Please, Demeter, just try this last time to summon up what faith you have left in him."

"None." Demeter said quickly, trying hard not to cry.

"Please Demeter, just try." Chryssie said, trying to ease her fear.

Demeter looked at her.

"I’ll trust YOUR word, Chryssie." She said, and followed Macavity into a well-lit, secluded place, one that he had picked out for him. Chryssie paced just outside, freezing when she heard occasional shouts. But then they quieted again. This was a time where she could put her faith in Macavity. She heard small murmurs from both sides, and then paused when she heard silence, then relaxed while she heard murmuring again.

"Chryssie?" She turned and saw Munkustrap, with Tugger, Mistoffellees, Plato, Admetus and Alonzo standing a little off to the side.

"Hello Munkustrap." She said, resisting the urge to watch Demeter and Macavity speaking.

"Where are Demeter and Macavity? I haven’t seen either of them." Munkustrap asked, slightly worried, especially when Chryssie looked a tad bit nervous.

"They’re there." She said pointing to the area. "Talking."

"Do you really think that was a wise idea?" Munkustrap asked, standing beside her and looking into the area.

"Yes, it needs to be done." Chryssie said, not bothering to hide her nervousness.

"I trust Macavity. It took me the longest time." Munkustrap said.

"So do I. I just can’t help but worry for Demeter though. She has been put up to a big challenge."

"Do you think she’ll be alright?" Munkustrap asked, looking into the darkness. Chryssie took his paw and led him further away, so neither of them could see.

"She’ll be fine. We need to put our trust where it should be. Let them do this alone. We need to prove our faith in him just like he needs to assure us that we’re right."

Bombalurina came by.

"Hey all, why so skittish?" She asked.

"Shh! Demeter’s with Macavity." Chryssie said. Bomba quickly lost her smile and started to see.

"No, no." Tugger said, catching her arm and pulling her back. "We need to trust him on this one." Bomba looked at him with quiet worry, but knew he was right.

Chryssie, the toms and queen sat in a small circle, talking in low voices. Victoria quietly joined them, not asking of the situation. It seemed as though she knew with the seriousness of their tones. They heard shouting, and Tugger, Plato and Munkustrap leapt up, only to be pulled down again by Bomba, Victoria and Chryssie. All eight of them waited in anticipation. Minutes passed by like eternities.

It had grown very quiet. The little group all held together, fearing the worst, and tried to convince themselves that it was all right, however, with Macavity, anything was possible. They then heard two voices ringing out with laughter.

Chryssie bounded to her feet along with the rest when Macavity and Demeter walked alongside each other laughing. Demeter looked at them, smiled and hugged Chryssie.

"You were right!" She told her and then hugged Munkustrap. Macavity followed behind, greeting the toms with a friendly paw shake and regarding Bomba and Victoria with a bow. Victoria took hold of Plato’s arm, Bomba taking Tugger’s and Demeter taking Munkustrap’s. For a while, they all exchanged greetings and pleasantries until the couples left, one by one. The two toms, Admetus and Mistoffellees talked a bit with Demeter and Munkustrap and then with Chryssie and Macavity until they decided it was time to retire, bidding them goodnight.

Munkustrap and Demeter stood with Macavity and Chryssie.

"Things are all right between us now." Demeter said, beaming at Macavity and Chryssie. Munkustrap and Chryssie exchanged glances. Munkustrap seemed to ask her what had been talked about. Chryssie could only shrug.

"Now please, my dear friends, go and get some rest tonight." Macavity said with a smile. He and Munkustrap shook paws while the ladies bid each other goodnight, and soon Chryssie was walking along with Macavity, holding on to his arm.

"What happened?" She asked. Macavity merely grinned.

"Honestly, what happened? What did you talk about? Macavity?" She asked.

Macavity merely chuckled.

"Macavity!" Chryssie whined, with a playful smile.

Macavity faced her with a small smile and tapped her lightly on the nose.

"Now, now, my dear, you really are too curious."

"But what happened?" Chryssie said eagerly, taking his paw. Macavity sighed and smiled.

"Now, my dear let that rest. Let it be a mystery and rest assured that Demeter and I can now talk with as much ease as you and I do here. She can now trust me, and I intend never to betray this tribe. Please let that reason satisfy you." He said with a smile and kissed her hand. Chryssie sighed. It was evident that she would never know. Demeter and Macavity had yet another mystery to be unfurled, but yet there was an undeniable feeling that she would never know.

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