"Shh! Rumpleteasa’! You keep gigglin’ like that an’ you’re goin’ t’ get us into tons of trouble!"

"I can’t ‘elp it! I keep runnin’ through what we’re goin’ t’ do in my mind, and it’s funny to imagine the ‘uman’s face!"

"Well, you won’t see that face if you keep on gigglin’! It’ll ruin it!"

"All right, I’ll be quiet! Really Mungojerrie, you get so bossy sometimes."

"Shh!" The two crept into the room where all the jewels were kept. They both hopped up on the dresser and looked at it’s contents.

"Hmm, ‘ere’s a nice sweata’... it’ll look nice with our collections."

"All right Mungojerrie, put i’ in the bag."

"Now look who’s bein’ bossy."

"Be quiet. I’m goin’ t’ check out the jew’lry."

"What is it with females and jew’lry?"

"They’re pretty. It makes us queens look sophistica’ed and classy, unlike some unkemp’ tom I know."

"Ey, I’m kemp’!"

"Right, an’ I’m Queen Victoria."

"All right your majesty. Shall I kneel down and grovel a’ your feet then?"

"No, thank you, you sarcastic clown." She smiled at him and then looked down at the jewels. Mungojerrie looked back at the clothing.

"Oh Mungojerrie! Come take a look a’ these!" Rumpleteaser gasped quietly. "What is it now?" he asked coming over.

"Look a’ this!"

"By the Everlasting Cat!" Mungojerrie also gasped. Rumpleteaser held something like a diamond necklace in her paws.

"It’s go’geous!"

"Beee-utiful!" Mungojerrie agreed.

"Put i’ in the bag."

"Did you find anythin’ else of int’rest?"

"Only more Woolworth Pearls." She said carelessly tossing them to him. He looked at them more closely then turned to Rumpleteaser and scolded

"Ow many times do I ‘ave t’ tell you t’ LOOK a’ ‘em more closely then that?" "What do you mean?" She asked coming over.

"These are Motha’ Of Pearl."

"Oly Smokes! I am careless!"

"No you’re jus’ learnin’. That’s all."

"Come on, lets be gettin’ back. It’s nearly dawn."

"Right. Lets jus’ do the prank first." Rumpleteaser grinned and then grabbed a goosefeather pillow. She ripped it open.

"All right Mungojerrie, where’s the sticky stuff?"

"Gettin’ on the poor fool’s feet." He said spreading it in a good thick coat around the feet. "I’ seems that ‘umans never ever keep their counterpanes up aroun’ their chins in the mornin’. They always have ‘em on the floor somewhere."

"Well I can’t wait t’ see this." Rumpleteaser grinned. The two cats sat on the open window ledge and waited. They didn’t have to wait long, for the humans mechanical clock with a loud ring sounded, and the human jolted awake.

She rubbed her eyes, and stepped out of bed, right dead onto the feathers. She looked down and screamed in shock. She stood up and jumped out of the mess and tried desperately to get the feathers off the bottoms of her feet while screaming.

Rumpleteaser laughed and together she and Mungojerrie climbed down with their stolen goods. They hurried through the streets, Rumpleteaser laughing happily.

"Oh Mungojerrie, i’ was betta’ than I imagined!! Oh what a look! What a scream! I’ was perfect!"

"You’re right about that Rumpleteasa’. Now lets turn this stuff in an’ get goin’." "Oh do I ‘ave t’ give up the necklaces t’ ‘im?"

"Sorry ‘Teasa’, we need t’ give ev’rythin’ we stole t’ ‘im."

"Can’t I just keep the diamond?"


"Ok, the Motha’ of Pearl then."

"Ev’rythin’ Teasa’, ev’rythin’."

"Oh." she said disappointedly.

"Well why do we ‘ave to work for ‘im in the first place?" she asked.

"Since when will we get permission from Munk’strap to misbe’ave?"

"You got a point there."

"Come on, the soona’ we drop these things off, the fasta’ we can get out of there." "Macavity’s place gives you the creeps, don’t i’?"

"Yes i’ does. I don’t like i’ and I want t’ get there and get i’ over with as soon as poss’ble."

"Then let’s ‘urry." she agreed.

The two scurried through the darkness until they came to the layer of Macavity. The guards recognized them and let them pass.

"Come on, Teasa’. ‘Ere goes the ‘ard part." He whispered and walked through a cavern full of guards and agents.

"Tell Macavity we wish t’ see ‘im." Mungojerrie informed the guard at the entrance to where Macavity usually resided.

"Just stay there until I get back." The guard said, pointing to the side. He then went in. They could hear murmuring then scuffling. The guard approached again and said "Come on in, he’s ready for you." They two scurried inside.

"Well, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteaser. What have you found for me today?" Macavity said in his normal business like voice.

"Ere sir, we found some nice things in a particula’ ‘ouse in Victoria Grove."

"Lets see them then."

The two carefully emptied their sacks and stepped back for the Hidden Paw to take a look.

"Yes, very nice." he said looking at the diamond necklace.

"And real Mother of Pearl." he said picking up the pearls and glancing at them. Rumpleteaser looked down in shame, thinking she had almost thrown them away, just because she hadn’t looked closely enough.

"And a very nice overcoat.... satin it looks like." he murmured looking at the coat. "You found very nice loot tonight."

"Thank you sir, now we’ll jus’ accept our pay and be out of ‘ere." Mungojerrie said, taking his sister’s arm.

"Just a minute..." Macavity said standing up. At his full height, he was taller than Mungojerrie. Rumpleteaser gripped her brothers arm nervously.

"I may need some assistance from you."

"Assistance? What do you need from us?"

"How are you at abduction?"

"No sir, we don’t do i’."

"Have you done it before?"

"Sure we ‘ave, but not again. Once was bad enough sir."

"I need someone to abduct a human for me."

"You mean Chryssie?" Mungojerrie said trying to keep calm.

"Yes. Since she is human, she is not a part of your tribe."

"But she once was."

"That makes no difference."

"But she still lives with the tribe now."

"So the Jellicle tribe is bending the rules of the Everlasting Cat are they?"

"Well... I wouldn’t say that."

"Mungojerrie. I am not bending our pact when you first came into my service. I promised you that I would not have you do anything to harm your tribe and you would have had your fun stealing and pranking. In turn, you haven’t revealed my plans."


"But Chrychaesa is now human. The same species you take delight in torturing with your robbery and pranks."

"That’s not true! We prank on Poll’cles too!" Rumpleteaser chirped.

"Quiet Teasa’." Mungojerrie whispered.

"Please sir, we need t’ be goin’ now." Mungojerrie then said.

"If you must. Here is your pay. I will need you again shortly. And here is for the queen." He said taking out a diamond from the necklace and handing it to Mungojerrie. "Be sure she doesn’t loose it."

"She won’t!" Rumpleteaser said eyeing the diamond in Mungojerrie’s paw.

"Thank you sir." He said when he received pay. They then hurried out.

"I’ll be needing them soon. I will have Chrychaesa in my power with their help most undoubtedly." Macavity laughed quietly.

"Oh Mungojerrie, let me ‘old it!"

"But queens are always losing things."

"Chryssie didn’t lose anythin’."

"That’s b’cause she didn’t ‘ave anythin’ t’ lose."

"Oh... well Victoria’s never lost ‘er colla’."

"That’s b‘cause it’s a colla."

"Oh." "Look a’ i’ this way. Etcet’ra always loses ‘er ball..."

"But she’s a kitten, and not as careful!"

"And..." Mungojerrie said getting her attention back.

"Someone always gives i’ back to ‘er. ‘Owever, what are the chances of gettin’ a diamond back?"

"Oh you’re right. But ‘ow will I keep i’?"

"You? Don’t you mean us?"

"Macavity gave the diamond t’ ME, not US."

"Oh Teasa’, that’s selfish!"

"I’m only kiddin’ Mungojerrie, you know I knew you wanted a diamond too. We’ll share it. Just the two of us. I’ will be one of our special treasures."

"That’s the sweet Teasa’ I know."

"Good. Maybe Chryssie’ll ‘elp us find a place for it."

"She might a’ that."

The two hurried towards the junkyard and got there just before dawn broke. They looked around in the twilight and saw Chryssie dozing on the tire. Bombalurina was by her as well as Rum Tum Tugger and Jemima.

"Where’s Munk’strap?" Rumpleteaser whispered confused.

"He’s normally aroun’ Chryssie." she said as an after thought.

"Ain’t he?"

"No, and Demeta’s not there either." Mungojerrie looked over at the group and nodded, knowing Rumpleteaser was right.

"Well let me look i’ ‘is cave." Rumpleteaser said and she took a peek. She came out and nodded disappointedly.

"They’re i’ there." she whispered.

"It’s prob’ly ‘cause Chryssie’s ‘uman." Mungojerrie guessed.

"I think i’s somethin’ else." Rumpleteaser said quietly.

"Well come on, do we wake ‘er up, or wait for ‘er to wake up ‘erself?"

"Lets try t’ catch twenty winks ourselves. We’ve been out really late you know." "But I thought you took a day nap yourself."

"I did, just as you told me to, but I’m tired now, too."


"Come on Mungojerrie, i’s jus’ a quick nap. I’ll be quick, I promise. Quick." She said lying down next to the group.

"Now come ‘ere." Mungojerrie sat down and Rumpleteaser snuggled up to him. "Night or Mornin’, what ever you want t’ say." she said drowsily.

"Have a nice sleep Teasa’." he said and yawned himself.

"You might want t’ consida’ takin’ a nap too." she said and fell asleep.

"I’ll do that." Mungojerrie said to himself and dropped off.

Mistoffelees came by. He looked tired. He had worked long into the night, trying to find a cure for Chryssie. He walked up to the group on the tire, and curled next to Chryssie. Chryssie woke and looked at him.

"Mistoffelees? You didn’t stay up all night again did you?"

"Yes I did." he said looking at her.

"You shouldn’t have."

"I work best at night."

"But you work to the point of total exhaustion. Next time, work until you’re sick of it, then save it for later."

"But I want to have you back in your true form as quickly as possible." "Mistoffelees, if you take your time, you’re less liable to make a mistake. Take as much time as you need. Don’t hurry." she said patting his shoulder. Mistoffelees nodded. "All right Chryssie, you win." he said and sighed.

"Get some sleep now." Chryssie said comfortingly.

"Goodnight Chryssie. See you in the morning."

"Good night." He fell asleep quickly.

Jemima purred a little and snuggled closer to Chryssie. Chryssie gently rubbed her back a tad bit while whispering

"Having sweet dreams are you?" Jemima nodded in her sleep making Chryssie smile.

Bombalurina shifted her position a little.

"Chryssie?" she said in her sleep.

"Yes Bombalurina?"

"My shoulder’s bothering me." Chryssie then gently knead her shoulder.

"Thanks." she said drifting off again.

Chryssie then reached up and stroked Rum Tum Tugger’s mane. She heard Tugger sigh and turn over in his sleep.

Chryssie then noticed a scar on her left wrist that she had forgotten about. It was a special scar to her. It reminded her of someone in her past.

Alonzo came out of his place and looked at the group on the tire.

"Hello Chryssie." he said softly when he noticed she was awake.

"Good morning Alonzo." she said giving him a smile.

"You woke early, it’s barely dawn."

"Well I couldn’t sleep another instant."

"Where’s Munkustrap, I was sure he was going to be with you."

"No, he’s in the cave with Demeter."

"You don’t suppose..." he started.

"No I don’t suppose. They are."

"Back together?" Chryssie nodded.

"Yes they have been. Something’s holding Munkustrap back though."

"What would that be? You?"

"No, it’s not that. It’s something about me though."

"How do you know that Demeter and Munkustrap are back?"

"Demeter asked me if it was Ok."

"Demeter asked you? So she has let you know then. Has Munkustrap said anything?"

"No. He’s as silent as a stone. Sure we talk now and then, nothing like the way we used to talk, but never has he breathed a word about him and Demeter. I think it hurts him somehow."

"You should have him talk to you about it."

"But it will bring us both a hard time. I mean, this is how it should be. This is how it was meant to be."

"And you’re unhappy with it."

"I can’t help that."

"Talk. It helps things." he said lightly touching her head.

"Thanks Alonzo. I’ll talk to him. Excuse me please." She had seen Jennyanydots and was dying to talk to her.

She stepped away from Jemima, Mistoffelees and everyone else, then she ran over to Jennyanydots.

"Oh Hello dear. Is there something wrong?"

"It’s about Munkustrap Jennyanydots."

"What about him dear?"

"Well, it’s hard to explain. He’s back with Demeter first off."

"I see." Jennyanydots said almost disappointedly.

"He’s holding back with her and me. When he’s with her.... he loves her, but he has a hard time showing it. When he’s with me, he’s silent. Almost as if something was bothering him so much that he can’t even talk. It’s now starting to bother me and it worries me. Demeter has noticed it, but she says that he’s getting better, but she can’t hide worry too. What is it Jennyanydots? How can I help it?"

"It sounds to me like you have to talk to him."

"That’s exactly what Alonzo said. But our talks, so seldom now are just... not like they used to be. It’s like he can’t open up to me anymore just because I’m trapped in here." she said angrily holding out her human hands in disgust.

"Dear, just talk to him. It will do him a world of good. You should catch him alone. Act like your normal self. Don’t let your human imprisonment haunt you. It would be the same then."


"That’s the best I can tell you dear."

"But you know what’s bothering him! Everyone does!"

"Then find out yourself dear."

"It’s not going to be easy."

"So challenge yourself like you always have Chryssie. Find the courage you have in you somewhere, like you have when you were saving us."

"That wasn’t courage Jennyanydots, it was stupidity."

"That’s a form of courage dear. Find that and go." she said and then climbed back into her trunk.

"Thank you Jennyanydots."

"You’re welcome dear."

Skimbleshanks woke soon afterwards and saw Chryssie sitting in thought.

"Ah me, lass what you doing out here all alone?"

"Just trying to find the senseless thing called courage."

"Whatever would you be needing it for lass?" he said sitting down next to her.

"I need to talk to Munkustrap. It’s about his feelings."

"Ah well then, good luck lass." Skimble said standing up again.

"Well that’s helpful." Chryssie said laughing.

"Well I think you may need it, considering how it has been." Skimble honestly said. "It’s that bad?"


"I’ll talk to him today. If I can catch him alone."

"Well here’s your chance lass. Do you see him there?"

"You’re right Skimble. Come on Chrys, start acting as senseless as you normally do."

She walked towards him, as silently as she could.

"Munkustrap?" she said quietly.

"Chryssie, you startled me." he said smiling casually, hiding his feelings when he felt he should be rushing out and telling her all that had been running through his mind and heart. He just didn’t have the courage.

"Come walk with me for a bit. I haven’t talked to you in a while." she said gesturing for him to come. He submissively followed her. They walked silently for a few minutes when at last she broke the silence.

"Munkustrap, something’s bothering you."

"What makes you think that?" He asked smiling at her. To Chryssie, it almost was like he was hiding a secret behind the smile.

"Because you didn’t tell me that you and Demeter had patched things up. You haven’t told me much at all lately."

"Nothing’s wrong."

"Then why do you act this way?"

"What way am I acting?"

"It’s like you’ve distanced yourself. We aren’t as close as we used to be. It’s like you’ve drifted away because I’m trapped in here."


"Munkustrap, it has taken me a lot of courage to ask what bothers you, but I think you need the courage to tell me." He looked at her in surprise.

"Munkustrap, is it because I am trapped in here? Is it because you don’t see Chryssie, but a human standing here?"

"No..." Munkustrap started.

"Shh." Chryssie said placing her fingers over his mouth, which quieted him.

"You come to me. When you feel brave enough, come when you find the courage." Munkustrap hugged her gently.

"I’ll come." Chryssie then turned from him and walked into the woods.

Jennyanydots came up behind Munkustrap.

"Why didn’t you tell her dear?"

"I don’t know, Jennyanydots. I just can’t."

"You’ve been able to tell her things before she became human. Why is she so different now? If you look beyond her cage, you can see the soul of the cat you love." "Jennyanydots, it’s so hard right now."

"Well I think you need the senseless thing called courage more than she does." "Jennyanydots!"

"Dear, she asked. Just like you wanted her to. It took courage for her to do that, especially the way she has been living lately. You wanted her to ask, and yet you couldn’t tell her." Munkustrap fell silent for a minute.

"I’ll tell her when I can."

"Tap into your senselessness. She is frequent there... in that senseless place." Munkustrap stayed quiet again then seemed to have an afterthought.

"Jennyanydots..." but she was gone. Demeter came up behind him, and put her arms around him.

"I understand. It’s hard for the both of you, now that it’s so different."

"Why is it so hard for her?"

"She doesn’t like seeing you like this. I have the feeling the sooner you two work this out, the better it will be for you two." Munkustrap nodded and put his paw over hers.

Chryssie walked on through the woods. She paid little heed to the trees and flowers and animals but walked in deep thought, as if she was distracted by something tugging at her mind. She then stopped as what was left of her feline senses went into overdrive.

She could barely make out a presence she hadn’t felt in years.

At first it was hard to remember where this presence struck her memory but then her mind drifted back to the days on her farm long before her first Jellicle ball. She remembered. But was it true? This cat could have very well been dead, and she was just mistaking these feelings. She couldn’t be sure, and there would be no way he’d talk to her if he saw her. She darted into the shadows and hid herself the best she could and then watched the clearing.

A handsome white and gray tom came into the clearing, admiring all the beauty and splendor of the forest.

"It can’t be Seth. But he was always a bit of a dandy. A dandy and yet a fighter." But when he came into the light, she was sure it was him. He even had a daisy in his paw. "Seth." she said coming out, forgetting she was human. He hissed at her.

"I forgot. No turning back now. Seth, do you know who I am? Speak Seth, I know you can."

"Who are you?" He said menacingly coming towards her.

"It’s Chryssie!" She said backing away.

"I don’t know a human by the name of Chryssie." He growled.

"That’s what the others call me. It’s Chrychaesa!" He seemed to stop momentarily. "How do you know her, human?"

"She’s me."

"No." Chryssie looked away for a moment, trying to figure out how to prove it, when she remembered the scar she found she had on her wrist.

"Do you remember our promise?"

"What promise?" he said getting closer and looking more menacing. Chryssie remained calm.

"The night you had to leave for the military. You were young. Around my age now. You had decided to fight in the military. You knew that your family wouldn’t let you go. There was only one who believed in your dreams. Chrychaesa, she was your best friend, although she was very small. She understood you. Anyway, you found her at her house and you told her that it might be the last time you two spoke, and how she cried. You made a promise. You promised that one day your paths would cross again. She didn’t believe that it could happen so you said that he would scar the promise. The scar was two long lines down in the middle of the wrist. Two one and a half inch parallel lines and one one inch line across, making them perpendicular. Like this one." she said holding out her scarred wrist for him to see. He stared at it.

"You said in order for it to work, Chrychaesa had to make the scar. She was afraid. Afraid of hurting you. You said that it wouldn’t be too bad. She was still afraid. You took her paw and guided her hand as she made the cuts. She helped and guided his hand as well. It was then official. They healed over time and became scars. I waited for the longest time for you to return. Now you have. The charms you put on us worked."

"You.... ARE Chrychaesa!" he said and drew close and hugged her.

"What happened to you?" he said holding up her human chin and looking at her face in shock.

"It’s a long story." She said turning away.

"A long story?"

"Well you know me, I was being stupid." She said turning back and grinning at him.

"Chrychaesa the lion-hearted. It still hasn’t changed."

Chryssie changed the subject.

"So has your regiment moved here?"

"Yes we have, for a little while. Where are you staying?"

"With the Jellicles and their site. Would you come with me? I think you’d like it there."

"No I have to stay with the regiment. Do you fight against Macavity?"

"Yes, it comes with the tribe. We have to protect all that he’s after. I just protect everything from him." Seth grew quiet for a minute.

"Well here is where we must part. Chrychaesa..."

"Chryssie." she said grinning at him.

"Chryssie then, I assume that we will be seeing a lot of each other."

"Good, we have to catch up on old times." she said turning to go.

"You won’t hug your best friend?" he said reprimandingly.

"Oh very well." Chryssie said grinning and hugging him. She then left.

"Oh Chryssie, I never thought I would be fighting against you. See, I left the military to work under Macavity." he sighed.

Chryssie hurried back to the site.

"Ello Chryssie!" Rumpleteaser’s voice rang out.

"Oh hello there, Teaser. What are you two up to?"

"Ow’d you know I was ‘ere?" Mungojerrie asked.

"Oh, trust me. When there’s one, there usually is the other."

"Oh I see." Mungojerrie said nodding.

"So what’s new?"

"Well, I ‘ave a lit’le problem that I’d like t’ discuss with you. Come on Mungojerrie."

"All righ’."

"Hold on a minute, ok? I need to let somebody know who I’m with. They’ve been a little more protective since I’m like this."

"Oh ok. Then we’ll wait."

"I’ll be right back."

Chryssie went into the junkyard. She saw Munkustrap and said,

"I’ll be with Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser."

"You’re in a much better mood." Munkustrap observed.

"Well, I just saw a friend I haven’t seen in a while."

"I see."

"I didn’t think I’d see him again."


"Sure, I had to break the rules when I was little every once in a while." Munkustrap nodded then frowned when something caught his eye. His eyes narrowed as he looked at it.

"What is that?"

"What is what?" Chryssie said freezing.

"That." he said gently taking her hand and turning over, revealing the scar.

"Oh, it’s a promise that he and I made long ago." she said starting to pull her hand back. Munkustrap pulled her into a tight, warm hug.

"I’ll talk to you later tonight." he said,

"But I think that you need to go with Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Chryssie said and hurriedly let go of him.

She hurried back to them.

"Sorry, I’m here!"

"It’s abou’ time! By the while you were takin’, someone would think you’d forget abou’ us." Rumpleteaser teased.

"But of course not! Why would I forget about you?"

"Got me." Mungojerrie said absently.

"Me too." Rumpleteaser agreed.

"So what’s going on, you guys?"

"Well we need ‘elp." Rumpleteaser said serioulsy.

"What’s wrong?" Chryssie asked.

"We need t’ figure out a place where we can keep somethin’ special." Mungojerrie said.

"What’s that something special?" Chryssie said furrowing her brows.

"Well come over ‘ere and we’ll show you!" Rumpleteaser said laughing.

"Ok." she said and walked over. Mungojerrie then opened his hand and Chryssie saw a diamond.

"Did you steal this?" Chryssie said reprimandingly.

"No! I’ was a gift!" Rumpleteaser said innocently.

"Really?" Chryssie said looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Oh Chryssie! I’ ‘urts our pride that you don’t believe us. Why, ‘ow could we lie t’ you?" Mungojerrie said seriously, although Rumpleteaser didn’t think so. She started laughing.

"All right, I believe you." she said not convinced.

"We need t’ find a place where we can keep good care of i’." Rumpleteaser said thoughtfully.

"All right. How about a place where you guys are all the time?"

"The Junkyard."

"Oh Mungojerrie! ‘ow can you not remember our garden?!"

"That’s right, we go there all the time... I forgot for a moment there."

"You are out of i’ today." Rumpleteaser chided.

"Well lets try looking there." Chryssie suggested.

"Come along then." Mungojerrie said leading the way. They started out of the junkyard.

Seth watched her leave from a distance then turned and said to Macavity.

"Sir, the target has left the site as planned."

"Good, tell one of the lower officers to catch them as they approach their secret place, and cat nap the girl and the tom. The queen will go back to the site to get help. By then, the site will be under our control, Demeter and Munkustrap will be in our clutches."

"You heard Macavity, go." Seth said. The officer hurried off and gathered his troop.

Seth felt guilty. He dare not disobey orders, for that wouldn’t be a good soldiers call, but he felt bad about having to hurt Chryssie, no matter how human she may be. He might request her life come the time, for he knew Macavity had intentions of doing away with her.

"All other troops, as soon as they get beyond the crossroads we attack." Some of the soldiers started to get a little rowdy. Seth quietly shushed them.

"Soldiers!" he hissed. "Don’t get excited yet. If the Jellicles hear you, we won’t have fun." The soldiers murmured agreement and quieted down.

"Ere we go, ‘ere’s our garden."

"Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser, I still get jealous every time I see it. It’s great you guys get to live here."

"Well we like i’ ‘ere too. If you like i’ so much Chryssie, then come and visi’ us ‘ere more often." Mungojerrie suggested.

"But the humans who already live here.."

"There are none." Rumpleteaser said quickly.

"What? Did they.."

"Yes, they moved out." Rumpleteaser told her.

"Well lets find a place for that diamond." Chryssie said looking around.

Macavity watched the distance. It had been fifteen minutes. His agents should be there.

"General, begin ranking your troops, we are on our way."

"Attention!" Seth called.

"Move into positions. We’re going in!" The army moved into ranks.

"Attack, General." Macavity ordered. Seth sighed, and gave the signal.

Rumpleteaser climbed up in a tree to look for a possible place for the diamond. Mungojerrie and Chryssie looked around the house.

"Find anything Teaser?" Mungojerrie called.

"No Mungojerrie! I just started looking! What do you think I am? Miss Eagle Eyes? Come on, Mungojerrie, I’m a cat!"

"Maybe I should call you monkey instead!" Mungojerrie teased.

"Very funny, Mr. Smart Aleck!" Rumpleteaser laughed sarcastically.

"No, I’m Mr. Mungojerrie!" Chryssie laughed and rounded the house. She then heard a noise behind her. She turned, thinking it was Mungojerrie playing pranks. There she came face to face with an agent of Macavity. She shrieked and BANG! she gave it a whopper dead on the nose sending him flying back. She then ran over him. The agent yelped orders to the others as she ran on.

"Mungojerrie!!" She yelled as five guards surrounded her.

"I can’t do anythin’! Teasa’! Get down and get ‘elp!!" Rumpleteaser stuck her head out of the tree and saw her brother attacked.

"MUNGOJERRIE!!" she cried.

"NO TEASA’!! GET ‘ELP!! GO!!" He yelled. Rumpleteaser darted out of the tree and ran at full pace to the junkyard. Then Mungojerrie and Chryssie were dragged off.

When Rumpleteaser reached the site, she was grabbed roughly from behind.

"Hey Lassie! Ease yourself!" Skimble’s voice said.

"Who is it Skimble?" Demeter’s frightened voice emerged.

"It is only Rumpleteaser."

"Rumpleteaser?" said Alonzo’s voice.

"That’s right, it’s Rumpleteaser." Said Mistoffelees.

"But where’s Mungojerrie?" Etcetera also asked.

"Mungojerrie..." Rumpleteaser said in horror.

"Right, where is he Rumpleteaser?" Alonzo said looking out.

"And Chryssie!" Etcetera piped up.

"They’re gone. They were captured!" Rumpleteaser cried. Alonzo gave Rumpleteaser a quick hug and was surprised when she clung to him and cried hard.

"Shh, we’ll get him back, I promise." He whispered.

"It’s going to be hard considering there is only six of us."

"SIX???" Rumpleteaser nearly screamed.

"You mean the whole Jell’cle Tribe was captured except for the six of us???" She screeched.

"Try not to scream Rumpleteaser, you could give away our hiding place. Now, we have a plan. We need your help though. Mistoffelees is communicating with Coricopat and Tantomile somehow. However, they have no idea where to enter the lair. You need to help."

"I can’t. My pact with Macavity would be broken and Mungojerrie’s... no, everybody’s life would be in danger. I can’t risk i’."

Chryssie was brought alone, struggling into the main hall.

"I have you at last, and most of the tribe captured."

"But you missed your aim!" Chryssie shouted in reply.

"I was only shy of the mark. But that’s not to worry. We have agents on the alert." Chryssie tried hard not to curse at Macavity.

"Well now Chrychaesa, you are in your weakest stage, and you have no defenses." "I don’t need them."

"I anticipated that."

That’s why you will watch your friends tortured, Macavity thought to himself. Chryssie shook her head as she was lead away.

"Now lets see which ones she thinks the most tenderly of. It’s HIM definitely. But who else? Let her circulate amongst them." He said to a captain.

Chryssie was taken to other cells instead of the cell she shared with Mungojerrie. "Is everyone all right in here?" she said coming into a cell. A hench cat watched behind her as she looked at each one, but paid special attention to Jemima. He wrote down the kittens description. Jennyanydots looked up and rushed to embrace her.

"Dear Everlasting Cat you are alive!" she exclaimed.

"Don’t worry Jennyanydots, we’ll get out of here soon." Chryssie said trying to assure her, while the captain wrote down descriptions.

"With you being senseless again?"

"No Jennyanydots, this time I’m going to be stupid."


The cat then ushered her to the cell next to that. Bombalurina looked up with wet eyes.

"Chryssie! You didn’t escape. Is Demeter...."

"No she isn’t. She’s safe. I hope." Chryssie said.

"I hope we’ll get out of here."

"We will."

The cat then dragged her out of that cell. she came face to face with Tugger. "Tugger, they caught you!" Chryssie said hugging him closely.

"Yes they did. I never thought they would." Tugger said holding her close and leaning his face down next to her ear.

"I was hoping they wouldn’t catch you though."

"They did. They did." Chryssie moaned with some sort of helplessness. "Something will happen, I know it." Chryssie felt herself being torn from Tugger. She felt anger rise and then subside when she saw Munkustrap.

The minute they saw each other, their faces fell.

"He caught you." they said at the same time. Chryssie felt his arms go around her. "Demeter is safe. She wasn’t caught."

"Who else wasn’t?"

"From what I can see, Skimble, Demeter, Etcetera, Alonzo, Mistoffelees and Rumpleteaser." she murmured.

"Six. Out of the whole tribe."

"We had no warning."

"We usually don’t."

"Yes but this time, they caught all those who normally warn us."

"Not all of us." Munkustrap said hugging her tightly.

"I only hope they can help us." Chryssie said praying.

"Time’s up, you. Step away and come along."

"Yes, sir." she said sarcastically as she was torn from Munkustrap. She looked sorrowfully back at him and allowed the guard to take her.

She was locked up then and Mungojerrie looked up.

"Ey Mister, when do I get out of ‘ere?" Mungojerrie yelled at a hench cat.

"You don’t!" He replied, laughing.

"Well Chryssie, did you see her? Rumpleteasa’?"

"No, she escaped." Chryssie said looking down.

"Thank the ‘Eaviside." Mungojerrie said falling into a heap beside her.

"Can’t you use your skill to get out of here?" Chryssie asked Mungojerrie thoughtfully.

"The best I can do is pick-pocket from ‘ere, and they know all my tricks."

"Yes, Mungojerrie. We know them well." A voice said behind them. Chryssie stiffened and slowly turned.

There was Seth gazing sorrowfully at her.

"Seth!" she nearly screamed in fury and hurt.

"How can you?? How could you work for HIM??" She flung herself at him only to hurl herself against the door.

"No, Chryssie. Don’t hurt yourself!" Seth said, unsure of what to do.

"How could you??" she cried out pathetically and fell to a sobbing heap on the floor. Seth looked at his friend, wishing he could comfort her the way he always had. "Chryssie.. please."

"No, I’ll have NONE of it!" she said from the floor.




"NO!! Seth, go away! I don’t care if I ever see you again! Traitor!"

"Traitor! What are you talking about... traitor?"

"You’re a traitor to ME, Seth. My faith, my trust.. gone. Now go away! Leave me alone!" she said and turned her back to him. Seth looked down and did as she asked.

He walked slowly down the hall. Munkustrap saw him walking.

"Guard, what was the yelling about?"

"What?" Seth asked, being shaken back to his senses.

"Chryssie was yelling."

"Nothing." Seth said quickly.

"You’re her friend aren’t you?" Munkustrap said growing angry, and attracting Tugger’s attention. Seth stared at him, but Munkustrap knew the truth.

"YOU’RE Chryssie’s friend!" Munkustrap declared.

Tugger started yelling

"Fine friend! Who just happened to work for the enemy!"

"Quiet!" Seth said in horror.

"You Betrayed Her!" Munkustrap yelled back.

"NO!! Quiet, Please!" Seth pleaded.

"You Betrayed Her!" Tugger repeated.

"You couldn’t tell her the Truth!" Munkustrap said banging frustratedly on the door of his cell.

Bombalurina came to the doors.

"Who betrayed Chryssie?" She hissed.

"Who??" She hissed again loudly and demandingly.

"This tom up here!" Tugger yelled.

"Betrayed Chryssie, huh? Let Me out!! I’ll show him a thing or two!!" Bombalurina bellowed. Pouncival started pounding on the doors. Soon most of the Jellicles were pounding out the doors and screaming accusations at Seth, who looked at them with fear and then dashed off.

"What was that General?" Macavity asked.

"Riot sir." Seth reported.

"To defend their friend?"

"Apparently." Seth said. Macavity nodded.

Chryssie looked down the hall wondering,

"What the blazes....?" She heard Admetus laugh merrily.

"Admetus, what was that all about?"

"Munkustrap and Tugger started a riot against that guard friend of yours." Chryssie smiled.

"I’d never thought I’d live to see the day when Munkustrap created a riot."

"You just have!" Admetus called back and the Jellicles quieted down.

"Please Teaser, you’ve got to tell us. Right now we’ve just gotten news that they have discovered a friend of Chryssie’s."

"I can’t do i’! I’s risking the lives of the Jell’cles."

"It’s always risking their lives! Only in Macavity’s clutches, they’re dying slowly." Rumpleteaser flinched at Alonzo’s words and tried not to believe them. But she knew he was right.

"You’ve seen it yourself." Rumpleteaser closed her eyes, for that was true too. She had.

In the late afternoon, Macavity called Chryssie to him. The guards brought her in to the main hall.

"This is my High General, Seth."

"High General, are you?!" she asked, anger immediately rising in her eyes. Seth seemed to flinch.

"I am General Seth to you." he said distantly. Chryssie narrowed her eyes at him. "Good, now that you are aquainted, lets get down to work. Bring out the kit and we’ll start."

"Kit?" Chryssie asked apprehensively. She looked at Macavity with puzzlement. "Oh don’t worry my dear, this will be interesting." Macavity said taking her arm escorting her to Seth.

"Take her please, General." Macavity said commandingly. Seth obediently took her arm. Chryssie pulled away.

"I refuse to have him touch me." Chryssie said coldly.

"Now, now, what’s this?" Macavity asked, amused. Chryssie just turned away. "Please..." Seth said reaching for her arm again.

"No Thank You, General Seth." she said clearly looking at him straight in the eye. "Most interesting." Macavity said taking her hand and leading her off, with Seth behind. He took her down a maze of dark corridors, lined with gray stone. It looked like the endless tunnels of a cavern. They soon came to a large flat stone... looking something like a stage of a theatre.

"It’s strange. You hate me more, and yet you rather me take you." Macavity mused.

"Yes, it is." She said coldly, making Seth shudder.

"Now lady, I am afraid Seth will have to take you..."

"No." she said flatly. Macavity glanced at Seth who forcefully held her shoulders. He could feel her stiffen, either in anger or sadness. Whatever it was, he didn’t like making her feel this way. He gently rubbed her shoulder but she stiffened still. He got the message that she didn’t want anything to do with him.

Her attention was brought to Jemima being lead forcefully into the room. The cat tied her bound wrists to a hook over her head. Chryssie looked at Macavity.

"What are you doing to her?" she asked with venom in her voice.

"You may watch and figure that out for yourself." Macavity said lightly then gave a signal to the cat.

"Chryssie...." Jemima said fearfully.

"It’s ok..." Chryssie said starting towards her. Seth held her back.

"Let Go!!" she snapped at him. He didn’t relent. The cat emerged with a whip. "What are you... You’re NOT!!" Chryssie screamed at Macavity in horror.

"I am." he said coldly and nodded.

"No..." Chryssie whispered, with a sheer look of fear. The cat drew back his arm and lashed Jemima who cried out in pain.

Chryssie struggled with Seth. The cat whipped harder. Chrys got free from Seth and made a flying leap towards Jemima. Macavity caught her and held her against him as the cat lashed out harder. Jemima was crying in pain.

"Make them Stop!!" Jemima cried. Macavity felt Chryssie shudder violently and saw her head bow in pain. He lifted up her chin and saw tears streaming down her face. Chryssie clung to Macavity. He felt her tears on his fur and for once felt total satisfaction.

The cat lashed Jemima especially hard, and Chryssie tried to jump out of Macavity’s hold and run to her. But Macavity was too strong and he held her back. Chryssie discovered something important. The cat would lash Jemima harder if she herself resisted. Chryssie let herself try to calm down and she backed away from Macavity, not taking her eyes off Jemima. She backed up and took her place in front of Seth and watched silently. Macavity knew the pain was still there, but she was agreeing to his conditions. He raised his hand and the lashing stopped. He untied Jemima who fell to the floor exhausted.

"Let me see her." Chryssie said starting toward her.

"No." Macavity said. Chryssie stopped and looked at him with sorrow in her eyes, making Macavity soar with pride.

"Bring in the next."

"Oh no..." Chryssie sobbed silently. Seth held her shoulders again in comfort. Jennyanydots was escorted in. Chryssie’s face became distorted with fear.

"No, you hurt her too much, she may die..."

"She won’t. Not yet anyway." Macavity said bluntly.

"I know dear." Jennyanydots said nodding, trying to make her understand. Then the lashing began. Chryssie had to watch, and the tears fell faster.

Bombalurina was escorted in and she was but through the same torture. Chryssie almost fell to the floor with pain, if it wasn’t for Seth’s grip on her.

She called out mournfully to Tugger. He tried to take it as a noble tom, but they whipped him especially hard, and Chryssie felt her heart nearly break.

"Please, let me see him!" Chryssie begged.

"No." Macavity refused again.

Munkustrap was escorted in. Chryssie saw the peacefulness in his face. "Hi Chryssie." he said gently.

"Oh no, Please no."

"Let me hold her this time General. Make the pain equal." Macavity said and took Chryssie, knowing that she would inevitably cling to him. Then the lashing began.

Munkustrap and Chryssie held eye contact and she felt his pain when he was lashed especially hard.

Macavity just stayed there and stroked Chryssie’s long tresses, obviously pleased with himself. She tightened her grip on Macavity, just as he knew it and he pulled her close. Still she wouldn’t look away from Munkustrap.

At last, the lashing was done. Munkustrap fell to the floor exhausted as well. Chryssie quickly backed away from Macavity, and started toward Munkustrap.

"No. Take him away. Seth, escort her back to her own cell."

"Yes sir." On the way back to her cell, Chryssie felt sick. She felt a pain she never knew really existed.

Seth unlocked the cell and allowed Chryssie inside while saying

"I’m sorry."

"No you’re not. You’re a soldier of Macavity. You have no feelings." Chryssie said distantly.

Mungojerrie looked at her and saw the red in her eyes. He hissed at Seth and protectively stood in front of Chryssie.

"Get away from ‘er!" he snarled menacingly.

Seth glared at him a moment then continued up the halls.

They heard a continous hissing and an occasional jeer from the other Jellicle cells. Obviously the tribe wasn’t too happy with Seth.

Mungojerrie waited until the hissing from the others had stopped before he turned to Chryssie. She looked at him and then broke down sobbing hysterically.

"Oh Mungojerrie, Mungojerrie!" She sobbed. He wrapped her in a hug and she cried on his shoulder harder than any crying he had felt. She couldn’t speak, and didn’t or she’d cry.

She tried frantically to look into the other cells but the five tortured cats had been moved to a cell further down. She then collapsed in defeat not knowing what to do.

The door opened and Seth stood inside.

Mungojerrie leapt up and snarled but two other hench cats held him down.

He took Chryssie’s arm and hauled her up, while saying softly

"You may see them." Chryssie didn’t look or talk to him on the way. She was lead into a cell where she saw three beds. On them were Jemima, Jennyanydots and Bombalurina.

"Jemima..." Chryssie sobbed. Seth let her go in. Chryssie gently stroked Jemima’s head.

"Why couldn’t you save me Chryssie?" Jemima asked fearfully.

"Oh Jemima, if only I could have. I couldn’t get to you... Oh Jemima, forgive me."

"I understand. I forgive you." she said smiling weakly. Chryssie nearly broke down.

"Don’t cry. Show nothing." Jemima tried to tell her. Jennyanydots then woke.

"Dear..." she said equally weak.

"Please say you’re going to be ok." Chryssie begged.

"I’ll be fine." Jennyanydots said.

"Show no tears. You satisfied him." She told her.

"Oh Jennyanydots, that’s the hardest thing I had to go through." Chryssie said tearfully.

"You need to be strong. We are your weakness. Make Macavity think that there’s something else. No tears..." she then fell asleep.

"No tears." Bombalurina said simply, then drifted off as well.

"No tears? Be strong?" Chryssie wondered. She was taken to a one roomed cell. There was Tugger.


"Oh Tugger!" Chryssie cried, flying in to him, tears welling up inside.

"Don’t, Chryssie. Don’t cry. You’ll make things worse." Tugger said knowingly.

"I’m sorry you had to see it." he added.

He painfully sat up and kissed her quickly. He then squeezed her hand, then let her go. She stood up and went with Seth to Munkustrap.

"Leave us please." she said whispering. Seth closed the door behind her.

Munkustrap was sitting up. He stood upright when he saw Chryssie and rushed to hold her. He reached her and flung his arms around her, groaning slightly in pain. Chryssie carefully put her arms around him and broke down in her sobs of hysterics.

"Shh now." he shushed. Chryssie tried desperately to control herself. Munkustrap soothingly stroked her hair.

"Everything is all right."

"No tears.. Be strong... No tears.." She said, crying again.

"What are you going on about?" he asked gently.

"Everyone said that. No tears, be strong.. Munkustrap, that’s too hard! Everyone especially dear to me are being hurt! I can’t stand it! And I can’t do anything to stop it.. the harder the resistance, the more they’ll get hurt." She said tears welling up again.

"Chryssie... shhh, we want you strong. Please Chryssie, don’t cry.. please don’t cry." he implored her. She nodded and got herself under control. She clung to him and breathed deeply, getting her senses back together.

"That’s right." he said gently.

"Don’t make me go through it again. Please."

"Don’t show Macavity that we are your total weakness. He knows you have a soft spot, but you need to keep it inside." Munkustrap advised. He held her for a while, and when at last she had completely calmed down, asked softly,

"How is our escape coming?"

"We’re still waiting for one element before we bring our plan of escape into action. We need to let them know how to get through the passages."

"No, there’s no chance of that. They’ll need a guide through these." Chryssie said bitterly.

"It will all fall into place soon." Munkustrap whispered and kissed her gently.

"Come, it’s time." Seth said coming in at the wrong moment. Chryssie and Munkustrap both turned their faces away from each other and stared coldly at Seth. His ears went back but never the less took Chryssie.

"You didn’t tell me you’d found a tom." he said bitterly.

"Mainly because he isn’t mine." Chryssie said equally bitter. Seth stared at her incredulously and started to ask.

"Don’t even bother." Chryssie said cutting him off.

"Don’t you realize I still want us to be friends?" Seth asked exasperatedly.

"No... you don’t." Chryssie said coldly and stepped inside her cell, her accusing eyes burning into his. He walked away dejectedly.

"Rumpleteaser, time is running out. All ready they have tortured Munkustrap and a few others! Who knows how long they’ll last!" Mistoffelees reported. There was a slight hint of exasperation is his voice. He also reported a few other things to Alonzo. But Rumpleteaser wasn’t listening. She had already heard. She seemed to know.

Seth crept into Chryssie’s cell that night when he heard Mungojerrie snoring. He saw her lying in a light sleep, and tossing as she fought off her dreams. He gently stroked her hair. She then lay still and opened her eyes. She backed away from his touch angrily.

"Chryssie, please..." Seth begged.

"No." Chryssie’s voice sounded in an angry whisper.

"I wanted to tell you.."

"Save it." Chryssie snapped.

"That I was leaving Macavity." Seth finished.

"I don’t believe you."

"Why am I not surprised?" he asked bitterly. He then got up to leave.

"Why would you leave Macavity, when you’ve only been in his services for a little while?"

"I thought you knew you meant more than that."

"You’re leaving because he’s my enemy?" Chryssie asked, quietly.

"Well, look who just caught up!" Seth snapped. Chryssie paused a moment. His back was turned towards her and he just stood there in a huff. Seth thought that his pleadings were useless so he reached for the door.

He felt Chryssie’s arms encircle his waist and her cheek resting against his shoulderblade.

"Seth, I owe you an apology." she said quietly.

"You really have a bitterness towards Macavity, and treat your friends like dirt just because they work for him."

"Anyone who works for Macavity is my enemy."

"What about Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser? They work for him too and yet they are your friends."

"They don’t work for him all the time. He allows them to make mischief and do as they like. Other then that bit, they are on our side." She had a point that wasn’t worth arguing over. Seth turned and faced Chryssie and held her in his arms.

"Tell me why you hate Macavity so much."

"He has killed and killed and killed again. He tortures my friends, he killed both my parents, made misery time and time again amidst the tribe, made me in this human form, and he killed my love."

"But I thought..."

"It’s very confusing, but I have no time to explain it."

"We are going to find a way out of here, for you and your tribe."

"Seth, I trust you. You could easily lie to me, and say that you aren’t working for Macavity." Seth looked at her darkly. Chryssie searched his eyes for a slight trace of a lie, and then took a deep breath and continued.

"We already have a plan in action. All we need are two missing links. We need someone who knows these tunnels. We don’t know the way through them. We need a cat, like a guard or an officer who knows them well and who will be willing to help us. "

"But why?"

"Rumpleteaser knows a secret entrance. She can lead the rest here. Afterwards, they will follow that guide to us. When they reach us, Mistoffelees will send us an invisible cloud until all are accounted for. Then we silently walk back through the tunnels and get back to the junkyard."

"But that’s so simple."

"That’s the problem with Macavity. He thinks so big, he forgets the small things."

"So that’s how you foiled him so many times."

"No, sometimes it’s pure luck." Chrys said, thinking of certain adventures she’d had.

"And all you need is..."

"Someone to lead them through the tunnels and Rumpleteaser to take them there. She’s too afraid right now. She’s afraid of sacrificing our lives. But if Macavity doesn’t find out... then she’ll be fine. She just doesn’t realize it."

"I’ll lead them through the tunnels, but you need Rumpleteaser."

"I can only do so much. Where are the twins Coricopat and Tantomile?"

"They’re in the cell the third that way." he said pointing. Chryssie stepped to the wall and said through a cell window.

"Admetus, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear boss. What’s going on?"

"I’ve found somebody who’ll lead us through the tunnels. It’s Seth."

"But he..."

"No he doesn’t. He’s not working for Macavity anymore, and he wants to spring us. Tell the others."

"Will relay." Admetus said and repeated her message to the next cell who did the same to the next and so on. Coricopat and Tantomile concentrated closely and sent a mental message to Mistoffelees. Seth said

"I have to get going. Someone will suspect something if they see us like this. Just hang tight. We’ll try to get you out of here tonight." Chryssie reached out to touch his face and then stopped when she saw her human hand. She withdrew her hand and nodded. Seth kissed her cheek.

"It doesn’t matter." he whispered and left. Shortly after she had sat down again, the door opened and guards took Mungojerrie out of the room. Shortly after that, Chryssie heard yelps of pain. Admetus called for her.

"Chryssie!! Munkustrap wants to know what all the screaming is about. What’s happening?"

"Mungojerrie is being beaten!" Chryssie cried out.

"Mungojerrie? I’ll tell them right away!" They rallied messages back and forth. The door to Chryssie’s cell then crashed open. Seth carried in a very worn and beaten Mungojerrie.


"What’s going on? Munkustrap wants to know."

"He won’t wake up! He’s so weak!" Chryssie called worriedly. The message spread throughout the Jellicles. Coricopat and Tantomile took that cue and sent another message to Mistoffelees.

Mistoffelees looked up and listened closely. He then sprang up and ran to Alonzo.

"Chryssie says she’s found somebody who can take us through the caverns. We just need Rumpleteaser."

"I told you time and again, I can’t ‘elp you! Mungojerrie might be put t’ death!"

"He already is near death already Rumpleteaser." Mistoffelees said gravely.

"You need to take us there, or Mungojerrie will be lost."

"See Rumpleteaser," Demeter said softly.

"If Macavity doesn’t know that you betrayed him, then the tribe’s lives are safe at the moment. Don’t you see? Macavity is striking out at Chryssie. He is getting revenge. He used Mungojerrie to make Chryssie feel helpless. You need to save them. Chryssie is helpless. She can’t do anything. You’re the hero now. You need to help them. Chryssie can’t."

"Mungojerrie....." She said softly and then got to her feet.

"Come on. I might be killed for this, but I want t’ be with Mungojerrie."

"That’s the way Teaser!" Alonzo yelled.

"Mistoffelees, do you have enough strength?"

"More than enough. I’m sending a message that we’re coming now." He said and grew silent.

"When we reach the outskirts, I’ll wait until Coricopat or Tantomile give me the signal. Then we’ll go inside." Mistoffelees told Alonzo.

"Now Etcetera and Skimble, keep Demeter hidden."

"Right!" The toms started off after Rumpleteaser who escorted them quickly through brush and towards the outskirts of a city.

"Do you see that ware’ouse? That’s Macavity’s lair now. The actual lair is underneath it." Rumpleteaser said gravely. Alonzo looked at it in disgust.

"Now, do you see that there shed? Well just beyond i’ is a small box which is ‘ollow. There is a tunnel und’a’neath that box. We’ll travel down that, where we should meet Chryssie’s person. Tell the twins t’ tell Chryssie t’ tell her friend that we’ll be on the wes’ side tunnel." She further instructed. Mistoffelees sent the message and Coricopat told Admetus, and soon Chryssie got it.

"Seth, they’ll meet you by the west side tunnel." It was getting late in the night.

"Go, we don’t have time. I think Macavity is planning a big one as we speak." Chryssie said with a flutter of fear in her heart.

"Right, it’s time. Wait about five minutes, then tell the twins to give the signal." He said and discreetly unlocked all the doors. He gave an order to keep them appear to be closed until he or Chryssie said. The Jellicles obeyed. The other hench cats of Macavity knew nothing of what was happening.

Seth ran down the tunnels and waited by the west tunnel.

"Now Coricopat and Tantomile, it’s safe! Tell them to come." Tantomile gave the signal.

"They gave it, lets go!’ Mistoffelees said suddenly.

Rumpleteaser followed behind. Alonzo was ahead of them both. They dived into the box and went through the bottom. They found themselves in a large, dark cavern.

"Are you Alonzo?" a hushed voice called from the darkness.

"I am."

"I’m Seth, come on, this way. We need to move quickly and quietly." Alonzo nodded. Mistoffelees took Rumpleteaser’s paw and hurried with her. They were making good time.

"Stop here. This is Chryssie’s cage."

"Mistoffelees. Now, do the invisible thing. Seth, you need to be cloaked too. Here comes a guard, now’s our chance!" She hissed. Mistoffelees cloaked them in a cloud of invisibility.

"Now all, swing open the doors quietly!" Seth ordered.

"Be quiet everyone, a guards coming!" Soundlessly the doors swung open. The cats could see their transparent shapes. They saw Seth’s glowing form and Victoria.

"You," he whispered at her,

"We need to steer them to the caves. Come on. Everyone, Follow..."


"Victoria and Me. Follow us." The large white cat and the sleek smaller one all ushered the forms to the caves. They all knew Chryssie distinctly. She was at the entrance counting.

"Where’s Mungojerrie?" She whispered.

"Plato and Alonzo are carrying him." Jemima told her as Electra helped her walk. Jennyanydots was with Jellylorum who was helping her with extreme patience.

"I’ll get Munkustrap." She said and had Pouncival keep count. She checked on Bombalurina and sent for Exotica and Admetus to help her. She called for Asparagus and Tumblebrutus to help with Tugger. She then rushed in for Munkustrap.

"Come on Munkustrap we have to move."

"Right." he said trying to stand as quickly as he could. She allowed him to lean on her and he moved the best he could. Seth took the other side.

"All are accounted for except for us three and the ones you left at the Junkyard." Seth reported to her.

"Ok." she said. They reached the darkness of the tunnel just as the magic wore off. The guard rounded the bend and got ready to tease the Jellicles. He gasped when he saw their cages were empty. He started yelling,

"Their gone! Their loose!! All guards, alert! Get Macavity! They’ve escaped!! Be on the alert, the Jellicle tribe has escaped!!"

Guards began to swarm around in a frenzy.

"That was close." Asparagus whispered.

"No kidding." Chryssie said to him.

"Now the dark should keep us safe for awhile. Lead on Seth." He stood ahead of the ack and led them quickly back to the west caves. There they looked up. The entrance was right above their heads. Seth said to Alonzo

"I’ll give you a boost. Then this tom," he said pointing to Asparagus.

"I’m Asparagus."

"Asparagus will boost me up. Then we’ll pull the rest of you up." The cats nodded approval. Alonzo was lifted up and then he reached down for Seth, who took his paw and got a boost from Asparagus.

"Ok, now you," he said to Plato.

"Who are you?"

"I am Plato."

"Plato... Can you boost up the rest?"


"Ok then lets get started." The three worked together. They started with the injured. They then froze as they heard hollering from the cave. Chryssie looked back in fear.

"We don’t have much time." Chryssie called up. The boys began to work as quickly as they could. Soon only Chryssie and Plato were left.

"You might want to hurry Chryssie." Plato said hurriedly.

"Right. Give me a boost and we’ll pull you up." He lifted Chryssie up and the boys reached down and pulled Plato up just as the cavern swarmed with guards and a very angry Macavity.

"That minxing she-cat!" He snarled at Chryssie.

"She ain’t feline!!" Plato called down then the tribe started back to the junkyard.

"Gather the troops and head to the east. We’ll have to over take them."

"Chryssie, if we go to the site, they’ll overtake us."

"No they won’t. Jemima, do you have your bell?"

"Yes Chryssie."

"Get us to the site before they get there! I’m sure Angelina will understand." Jemima rang the bell and they found themselves being thrown into blurs. When they looked around they were at the site.

"I guess Angelina heard me. Now everybody, hide the injured, kittens and Demeter. Demeter, stay with the injured ok? Get ready to defend the site, no matter the cost. Keep them away from the injured. Rumpleteaser, we need you fighting."

"Right, all I want is a moment with Mungojerrie."

"Don’t stay too long." Chryssie said and went to find herself a weapon for herself.

"Mungojerrie... can you ‘ear me? Please Mungojerrie wake up. It’s me, Rumpleteasa’...." Mungojerrie laid there. "We’re togetha’ again. We’ll go stealin’ and makin’ mischief like we always do. I found a place for the diamond. Its in a secret ‘ole in the tree...." Rumpleteaser then cried.

"Mungojerrie!!!" she started sobbing.

"Rumpleteaser it’s time."

"E’s Dead!!" Rumpleteaser cried.

Chryssie sighed.

"Didn’t he tell you to look at things before you jump to conclusions. He’s only sleeping." Rumpleteaser looked again.

"Good Everlastin’ Cat, you’re right." she said noticing his breathing.

"Now he isn’t going to survive much longer if Macavity breaks through. We need you to fight."

"Right." she said and headed out.

Chryssie then looked towards the edge of the site with her club ready. Any moment know, Macavity would come right over the edge and throw himself headlong into battle. Sure enough there was Macavity, his eyes blazed with fury. Guard after guard ran into the site.

The Jellicles fought with as much fierceness that the foe presented.

Chryssie threw herself into combat. She hit cat after cat and engaged a few. She swung her clubs and used different fighting methods she made herself learn months before. Everywhere there were guards in black, swirling around her.

She just finished a guard when she saw a gray streak whiz by her and catch a guards paw behind her. She saw Munkustrap holding a guard away from her. She imitated a martial arts expert and sent the guard crashing away from Munkustrap. She then hit dead onto Macavity who had made a lunge for Munkustrap. Seth then attacked Macavity.

"Traitor!" he yelled at Seth.

"I learned to never betray a friend who you have known since his birth." Seth snarled back.

Chryssie then turned her attention to protecting Munkustrap. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Seth go down. she turned to find him and saw Macavity looming above him who was on the ground.

She ran up and knocked Macavity off his feet. Then she hurled a guard away from Munkustrap, then was roughly knocked down. Macavity was above her and now she was in his grasp. Munkustrap tried to stop him but Macavity sent him flying backwards.

"Not this time, her life is over!! I killed him once! And you became easier to kill to serve as a replacement. No worry, I will have your blood and his!" A calico darted in the way and held him back.

"No you wont! You’ll answer t’ ME!!" Rumpleteaser’s voice sounded and they engaged in combat.

Chryssie crawled to Munkustrap.

"Come on, we have to get you in safety." She said and took him through the mass of flinging paws.

Then she looked for Rumpleteaser, who was fighting as she never had before. She was putting Macavity on the run. Mungojerrie came out and asked weakly

"Where’s Teasa’?"

"Look there, Mungojerrie. She’s putting Macavity on the run." Sure enough a large calico flashed by followed quickly by a shorter one. Macavity manages to escape the infuriated Rumpleteaser and he surveyed the battle scene. Everywhere, guards were falling, and only a few Jellicles were down. He had no chance except retreat.

"RETREAT!!" He called.

"This is not over with Jellicle Cats!!’ He snarled and turned tail into the woods. The hench cats ran as well.

"Mungojerrie!!" Rumpleteaser yelled.

"Teasa’!!" He yelled back the best he could. Rumpleteaser ran to him and hugged him. She kissed his cheek and cried.

"I was afraid you were dead!! Why’d you have t’ fool me like that? Why?" Mungojerrie looked at her confused.

"I’m so glad you’re all right!" She cried again.

Chryssie watched the two and said to a very tired Pouncival. "Go around and check for injuries. Report all the findings to me or Alonzo. Then we’ll take care of it."

"Right." Pouncival panted, clearly tired, sore, and a bit relieved. Chryssie patted his head gently, and turned to a very sore Admetus. Jellylorum hurried by and picked Admetus up.

"Don’t worry Chryssie, I’ll take care of him." She also looked tired, but relieved. Chryssie then looked for Munkustrap. She felt a gentle hug, and turned to see Munkustrap.

"Thank heavens you’re safe." Chryssie said sighing in relief. She hugged him gently.

"I never explained why...." He said gently.

"I know." she said agreeing. He took her to a quiet place. Together they sat on stones and Chryssie listened.

"I feel guilty, Chryssie." he said quietly after a while.

"The way you are now is because of me."

"You have a second chance. I have a second chance... and it will fix all that we’ve done wrong in this lifetime. It separated us."

"And yet it binded us together. Chryssie, there’s no escaping this. Until death do us part. I don’t see anyway out of it. You know I’ll always love you, no matter what Macavity does to us."

"I know. But right now, you need to love those in your own kind. It’s said that bird can’t love a bee. So love Demeter in my place." Chryssie said gently and with no pain in her eyes. Munkustrap leaned over and kissed her.

"Good luck." she whispered as he got up. He patted her cheek and walked inside the site.

"Holy Everlasting Cat, Seth!!" she then realized. She got up and looked around the junkyard. She crossed it and then ran out the other side. She looked down by the lake as far as she dared go, and couldn’t see him. She almost started crying, for he must have been killed. She began walking back, silently sobbing.

"Hello Chryssie." Seth said behind her.

"Thank the Everlasting Cat you’re safe!" She said and reached out to hug him. He wrapped her in his arms and held her close for a few moments.

"I’m going back to the military."

"But our charms only work once."

"True, but this one is always." he said and kissed her gently.

"I’ll miss you. Please, take care of yourself."

"I will. I promise."

"You know where to find me."

"I’ll come back soon. Goodbye Chryssie."

"Goodbye Seth." she said and watched him go. She felt much like she did the first night he left, but felt assured that he’d keep his promises to her.

"Oh Mungojerrie, ‘old still!!"

"Teasa’ That ‘URTS!!"

"Well if you wer’n’t such a big babyit wouldn’t! I wish you’d grow up and act more like a tom!!"

"You aren’t Ms. Toughguy yourself you know."

"Well not even I pitch as much of a fit as this! Honestly!"


"You ARE a baby!!" Rumpleteaser was removing the bandages from Mungojerrie’s back and shoulders.

"A’ the rate you’re goin’, I’m goin’ t’ ‘ave t’ wear bandages for the ones you ripped off!!"

"Quit your whining! There, all done." Mungojerrie stood up and stretched.

"All right, a not nearly as ‘andsome as he was Mungojerrie is now operational."

"Like you were ever ‘andsome."

"Well, don’t forget you inherited looks too!"

"Only I got most of them!"

"And the less brains!"

"Well I’ve got better taste!"

"Speaking of tastes and all, where’s the diamond?"

"I thought you had i’!"

"No, I gave i’ t’ you to put in the ‘iding place."

"No you didn’t!"

"You LOST the diamond?"

"I did not!!"

"What did I tell you, queens and small things?!"

"No, You had i’ last!!"

"I gave i’ t’ you!!"

"Did not!!"

"Did too!!"

"Of all the air ‘eaded know it alls.."

"Don’t flatta’ yourself."



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