Chrychaesa turned in her sleep. Somehow she just couldn’t relax that night. So much had happened to her and her life that when she paused to reflect on her own life, it all flashed before her in a major blur. She couldn’t dream or even think, but all of her thoughts running through her mind.

She was alone, and that probably helped her tension. She was lying in her basket outside in the night. Munkustrap had to help some male cats somewhere outside the Jellicle site so she couldn’t be with him.

Suddenly she felt as if she had to move about or she would go crazy so she got to her feet and walked towards the exit of the site, in the direction of a nearby lake. She walked for a little while until she came to the shores.

It was cold that night, and there was heavy wisps of early mists that rose off of the water, and surrounded the shores. She was engulfed in them, and they were so dense that when she looked behind her, she couldn’t see the way she had come, or the Jellicle site. Now and again the mists would part, but she still could very easily get turned around.

She felt a presence, a presence she had not felt in nearly a year. It was hot and desirable, warm and loving, cool and calm, and cold and aloof.

"Chrychaesa, my sweet." The voice made her gasp, for it couldn’t be. He was dead.

"My dear sweetheart." Then a form appeared just out of the mists. "Rawtawny, how can this be?" Chryssie asked with a sudden stab of pain and tenderness at the same time.

"You died, at the paws of Macavity, and yet you stand before me. Did you survive?" The shadow faded, but the voice remained, speaking to her, as gently and as sweetly as one could imagine

"I am still not here Chrychaesa, I am torn between worlds. I have been since...."

"That day." Chryssie finished for him. He appeared in front of her.

"You are a phantom."

"I am at that." She held out her paw to touch him.

"No, I am transparent." He warned stepping away from her reach. Almost instantly she lost a light of hope and stepped back. She then turned from Rawtawny to hide the tears that were falling down.

A pair of strong arms enclosed her and she felt a chin resting behind her ear.

"Chryssie." Rawtawny’s voice murmured quietly, filling with tenderness, and warmth.

A paw pushed her head to the side and he kissed her cheek with the same gentleness that she had kissed him, on his depart.

Then she felt nothing, no presence, nothing. She turned to leave the lakeside and walked towards the Jellicle site, and was surprised when she found her way.

She passed by Munkustrap’s cave and saw him inside pacing.

"Munkustrap? What’s going on?"

"Just can’t seem to get sleep. I have to move."

"Yeah I know. Shall I stay with you?"

"Please." He said and sat down. Instead of sitting next to him, she sat behind him.

"Where are you doing?" Munkustrap asked out of question.

"I want to try something. Remember when I came home with lashing marks. Mistoffelees tried this and it soothed me straight to sleep. I want to see if I can do it."

She said and started to stroke his back with the same pressurized strokes Mistoffelees had used to soothe her. She worked in the mid back and shoulders.

Munkustrap tensed his shoulders.

"Shh, relax. It’s supposed to relax you. Am I hurting you?"

"No, it’s just instinct."

Soon Munkustrap was leaning back against her, fast asleep. Suddenly tired, she allowed herself to doze. A gentle shaking woke her.

"Oh, I must have dropped off."

"Yes you did." Munkustrap said smiling.

"Come on, I’ll let you go back to sleep in a minute. But I don’t think it’s very comfortable sitting up."

Chryssie stretched her back for a while and she felt Munkustrap stroking her back and shoulders with hard strokes.

She turned into him.

Munkustrap knew what she wanted. He took her in his arms and held her, rubbing her shoulders and mid back.

Chryssie leaned her head on his shoulder and relaxed herself.

After a while, noticing that Chryssie had not made a move, Munkustrap looked down at her. He saw she was asleep in his arms, enjoying the massage, and total relaxation. He smiled, and took a step closer.

Chryssie woke up shortly. She saw she was on the floor, and still in Munkustrap’s arms.

"What happened?"

"You were out cold." Munkustrap said.

"I was, wasn’t I? That was great. Sometime, I’m going to have to see if I can get you to sleep."

"Well, that will be later, most assuredly." Munkustrap said and sat up.

"Is it morning?"

"Yes it is, actually."

"Well then, we’d best set about to doing our thing." Chryssie said and got slowly to her feet. She listened and said

"It sounds like we have a slight morning drizzle."

"I think so." Munkustrap agreed. He walked beside her to the mouth of the cave. "

Still something doesn’t seem just right."

Crash! A blast of thunder, the first that morning echoed through the cave. Lightning had flashed when the thunder struck. Chryssie jumped back, afraid.

"Drat, it just had to thunder. Yikes!" She cried out as another thunder bolt crashed, echoing through the cave.

Chryssie leapt at Munkustrap who caught her and held her close. The poor thing was shaking with fear and Munkustrap could tell that if he didn’t support her, she wouldn’t be able to stand.

"Oh my." she murmured, as the lightning flickered across her face.

"Why are you like this every time thunder strikes? I’ve never seen you this afraid."

"I’ve always had a bad experience with thunder. I was a little kitten, and I found that I liked to climb, so one stormy day, I climbed to the top of the garage. I was at the top, when a thunderclap sounded right above me. I was so startled that I fell off the roof. I never went climbing, and I have always hated thunder after that. Oh, No!"

She braced herself as thunder struck again, and she shielded herself against it.

Silently, someone ran off into the night.

"Yes sir, that’s what I heard."

"So, sweet Chrychaesa has a fear of falling from heights, or at least those she doesn’t have anything to help her with, and the mighty beat of thunder. This storm is said to be the longest yet. If I was to get rid of Munkustrap during the siege of the storm, then my victory would be complete, and I know how to bring Chrychaesa to her knees." Macavity laughed cruelly, long and hard into the storm.

"Great, great, great. Rum Tum Tugger, where are you?"

"What? I’m right here."

"Good, Pouncival has been looking for you. He wants to heckle you a little." She jumped and hid behind him as the thunder struck.

He only stood there, solaced. He looked at her and arched an eyebrow.

"What’s the matter with you?"

"I’m afraid of thunder." Tugger looked at her, and drew closer.

"Afraid? You? That’s music to my ears. I never thought you would be afraid of anything."

"All of us has a fear."

"We do." Tugger agreed.

Munkustrap wandered through the field that overlooked the Jellicle yard. He saw Chryssie wandering skittishly through the yard.

Pouncival came up to her and from what Munkustrap could make out was suggesting play.

Chryssie gave him a mischievous smile, but then looked up quickly and braced herself as thunder struck.

Pouncival stopped and stared at her. She smiled reassuredly at him, and said something. Pouncival nodded happily then went off to play with the other kittens.

Chryssie then caught sight of him.

She saw me. Munkustrap thought, because she looked at his general direction and stared straight at him.

He then saw the smile on her face. He could only smile back and toss in a little wave.

Chryssie then jumped as thunder crashed above the yard again. She looked at him, with such a look of shame.

"Poor Chryssie." He said as she sadly walked towards his cave.

"She’s so disappointed in herself."

He then gasped as a net came crashing over him, and he felt himself being dragged away.

Chryssie entered Munkustrap’s cave.

"He was only watching me battle this out. Too bad I was doing such a terrible job." Her echoing voice sounded hollow against the cave.

"No, no, dear Chrychaesa, you are just facing your fear." She slowly turned and saw Rawtawny. She seemed to freeze.

"Please don’t say you are afraid of me." He said stepping closer to her.

"No, it’s still just a shock to see you, it’s been so long."

"Yes it has. But you’re still as beautiful as when I first saw you. You’ve gotten taller though." She looked down at her feet.

He put a paw under her chin, and tried to push it up. It felt like a great gust of wind to Chryssie, for Rawtawny was still transparent.

Rawtawny sighed and frustratedly turned away, becoming solid and not realizing it.

Chryssie guessed he was solid, for she couldn’t see through him. She reached out with her paw and stroked his back, between the shoulder blades.

She felt a shiver and looked down at Rawtawny, who had turned quickly and looked at her. He stood then and wrapped his arms around and linked them behind her back. She linked her arms in the small of his back and lay her head against his shoulder.

"Chryssie, my darling Chryssie." Rawtawny murmured, sweeping his paw down the back of her neck.

All at once, she devoted her attention to Rawtawny. Sweetly, so sweetly, she pulled his face down to hers. She wanted to kiss the one she had missed so much.

Rawtawny hesitated, and turned his face away.

"Rawtawny.." Chyssie started.

"Chryssie, we aren’t making it any easier on ourselves. It’s so hard for me. I know it’s hard on you. Try to resist."

"Rawtawny, I can’t. You know I still love you!" Chryssie sighed unhappily.

"You think it’s easy for me? To have you in my arms and not being able to do anything about it? All I want is to be able to love you, and express it, but you know I can’t!"

"Chryssie! Are you in there? It’s an emergency!" Jellylorum ran to her.

"What’s going on?"

"Munkustrap is missing!"

"I saw him in the field."

"Yes, we know that’s where he went, but when we searched it, we couldn’t find him. There were signs of a struggle."

"All right, get the cats away from that area." Jellylorum ran back outside.

Rawtawny came to her again frowning.

"Something’s wrong." He said and then turned and disappeared. He re appeared a short time later.

"I found him. He’s doing hard labor at a certain place in the forest. It’s like he is forced to do it."

"Then we have to get him as quickly as possible." Chryssie said, not hiding the worry in her voice.

"Chryssie, it’s at the hands of Macavity."

"What does that cat want from us?" Chryssie nearly yelled.

"He wants Demeter and to rule the Jellicles."

"Thank you for putting it nicely."

"The only thing that’s keeping him from getting what he wants is you and Munkustrap, and you two combined seem to be a pretty hard barrier."

"But he always does this. He does it just to make my life miserable."

"Chryssie," Rawtawny said, taking her in his arms.

"Save him." Chryssie looked up and smiled.

"I always will." She raised her face for a kiss. Rawtawny looked away. Chryssie took his face gently in her paws.

"No, too painful for me. To remember what I did, what you did, what we discovered we had..." Rawtawny looked at her with such a face of longing and a face of regret.

"And yet I find it so... hard to... resist." He said as he lowered his face to her raised face.

"But no." He said, turning away again.

Chryssie sighed frustratedly.

"Dang it Rawtawny." She said and backed away.

Rawtawny seemed to reconsider, because he looked back at her. Seeing how angry at Macavity she was, he seized her in his arms and raised her face to his. His kiss was so unsure at first, then grew stronger with all the feeling of love that he could recall. He seemed to melt under her, and he gently strengthened his grip on her. It grew harder and more involved.

Chryssie stood there, her heart fluttering, and returning all the passion she had been saving for him. As soon as it had begun it was over.

"Now, go save him. Return safely to us here." Rawtawny said and gave her a gentle push to get her started. She gave him a last look and then hurried out of the cave.

"Sweet Chryssie, I’ll be with you." Rawtawny murmured. Chryssie raced to Jellylorum, who was talking to Jennyanydots.

"All right. I think I found him."

"Oh, it was a false alarm, Chryssie. We found him. He said he was by the lakeside. He got up from the field and moved." Chryssie thoughtfully sat down. "Really? Hmm."

Rawtawny told me that he was in prison camp. I think I’d better have a look at this Munkustrap. She asked

"Where is he now?"

"He should be over there, under the woodpile. Just under the chair." Chryssie followed her gaze and saw Munkustrap sitting in the rain on the chair.

"That’s not Munkustrap’s favorite place to be though. I think that I should have a talk with him." She climbed up onto the cartrunk and looked up at Munkustrap.

"Hey there Munkustrap, what are you doing up there?"

"Oh, Chryssie. I’m just trying to sense when the rain and thunder will stop. I know how much you don’t like it."

"Well kindly get down from there, you’re making me nervous." Munkustrap slid off the chair and climbed down with great expertise.

When she stood looking at him, he could tell by being near him made her nervous.

"Can I see you in my cave later? I have a job I need to attend to." He explained and gently kissed her cheek, while he left.

The peck sent shivers down her spine, for Munkustrap’s kisses were different. This Munkustrap’s were pre-occupied, and cold. She glanced after him and growled

"I’ll be waiting for you "Munkustrap" in the cave."

"Hello there Cassandra." Munkustrap greeted Cassandra as she sat in shelter from the rain.

"Munkustrap, what a pleasant surprise. Why are you here?"

"I just decided I wanted something more professional then Chryssie."

"Oh, Professional, How exciting!"

"And since no cat interests me more then you Cassandra, I..."

"Say no more, I got it." She said and alluringly lead him away. Chryssie sighed in Munkustrap’s cave. She was going to settle this. There was something definitely wrong, and she knew that Munkustrap was not himself.

Rawtawny appeared before her.

"Chrychaesa, you haven’t saved him."

"I know Rawtawny. Something isn’t right here, and I’m afraid that if I leave then the whole tribe may get into trouble." Rawtawny thought a minute.

"You think wisely, though Munkustrap isn’t doing too well. He needs your help soon."

"I’m trying the best I can." Rawtawny sighed and restlessly paced.

"Rawtawny, what is it?" Chryssie asked fondly.

"It’s just restlessness." Chryssie reached out to hold him.

"Chryssie... It doesn’t help me."

"Rawtawny, even a ghost needs love." She said.

He turned away.

"Rawtawny.. It isn’t any easier for me either. But you deserve it."

When he still didn’t respond she marched up to him and threw herself into his arms.

He did not let her go and she held him close.

"It’s nearly dark." Rawtawny observed looking into the darkness.

"Right." Chryssie said and released him,

"It’s time to go Munkustrap hunting." She stepped outside the cave with Rawtawny’s figure barely visible behind her.

She saw Munkustrap’s figure when the lightning struck.

"Go on, follow him." Rawtawny urged.

"You’re going to help me." She said taking him by the paw. Together they slipped into the darkness.

Rawtawny and Chryssie hurried after Munkustrap flitting from shadow to shadow.

Suddenly they came to a clearing, but Munkustrap had disappeared.

"Stay here, I’ll look around." Chryssie told Rawtawny who vanished. Chryssie took a deep breath and walked out into the open. She then smelt some familiar scents.

Then a fourth presence alerted her to Munkustrap who was walking towards her.

"Chryssie, there you are." He said and took her shoulders in his hands.

"Oh, I thought you were going to the cave."

"Here’s quieter. I was hoping you would follow me."

"There has been reports of kittens missing Munkustrap."

"OH well, they know their way around. They’re probably around here somewhere."

"You disconcern is unusual."

"Well I just figured that we can probably give the kittens a little freedom."

"Then why aren’t they back yet?"

"As I said, they’re around. Chryssie, let me kiss you."

"What?" Munkustrap took a step closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. He tilted her chin up and leaned in closer. Quick as a flash Chryssie pushed him away.

"Sorry kid, I know what you’re up to. Working for Macavity."

"So you aren’t dumb."

He said and his disguise melted off, only to reveal a young teenage cat.

"That’s it?" He looked insulted by the sudden remark.

"You’re barely younger than me. Why are you working for Macavity?" Chryssie asked the youth. He seemed to be thrown off guard by that.

"I have nowhere else to go."

"What’s your name?"

"Why does it matter?" He said raising his guard again.

"Don’t you know what Macavity’s really like? I’m trying to help you, not hurt you." The youth took a lunge at her.

Rawtawny saw her face. It was at ease.

The youth knocked her down and fell on her. There he started to try and claw her throat.

She grabbed his paws quickly, and held them away from her, so that he could only see her face. She had a good grip, for a girl.

He tried to take his paws out of her grasp, but the more he struggled, the tighter she held on.

"Let me loose!" he cried.

"I don’t want to hurt you or end up being hurt myself." Chryssie said calmly, and held his paws tight until he settled down.

Then she pushed him off of her and rolled so that she was sitting on him.

Once again, she pinned him until he was quiet.

"What’s your name?" she asked.

When he didn’t tell her, she said quietly.

"I’m not moving until I get an answer from you, and I can probably stay like this a week."

"I am Bailey."

"Well then Bailey, what did you do with the kittens?"

"They’re in that shed over there."

"There now, you see, telling the cat isn’t so bad. I’m going to let you up now, but if you try anything, I’ll whip you good."

He stood there silently.

Chryssie opened the shed and out tumbled Jemima, Electra and Cassandra.

"We need to get home!" They cried.

Chryssie told them to start ahead and she gestured for Bailey to follow.

He lagged behind shamefully. They dropped the kittens off, and then Chryssie asked Bailey

"What did you do with Cassandra?"

"I just kissed her a minute and locked her up that’s all."

"In Munkustrap’s name?" She asked quietly.

Bailey felt even worse.

"Come on Bailey, there’s someone I’d like you to meet."

"If you mean the Police Dog, I’m not going."

"No, I mean someone other than the Police Dog. I mean someone kinder. Kinder than Macavity might have been to you."

"Kinder than Macavity? There is a possibility?"

"Oh yes, Macavity was just using you to get what he wanted."

The thunder crashed and Chryssie seemed to pause a little. When the rumbling was over she said

"If I am to help you, you need to help me. Where is the work base?"

"Just over there." Bailey said

"Now how are you going to help me when I don’t need it?"

"You need it." She said and had him follow her.

It’s amazing, Bailey thought. She has done nothing but command me and yet I feel as if it’s all for my benefit. She’s just a girl.

He followed her. Then he saw that she had gotten ahead of him and was waiting by the crossroads that lead into town.

Suddenly Bailey saw three of Macavity’s guards jump her. He heard the largest one say

"Well now little missy, I don’t think you should be out this late at night. You’re too young and fresh. Still you’d be fun to play with."

"Get off me!"

Bailey started running towards them.

Then he saw something appear out of nowhere and start attacking the guards in a fury. The only thing he saw fit to do was help. He and the thing drove them off.

When Bailey could finally look his accomplice in the face, he seemed to freeze with a distant familiarity.

The lion head, very much like Tugger’s gazed coldly at him.

The large cat then turned to Chryssie and got down beside her. She was breathing hard and she was trembling.

"Are you all right?" Bailey heard the large cat soothe.

"That was like a nightmare." Her voice was fragile and quivering.

She clung to him.

Up until then, it had only been thundering and flashing with lightning. Then it started to rain.

Chryssie clung to the large cat in fear and shock. He wrapped his arms around her in an intimate closeness and quieted her.

Soon she felt she was strong enough to go on, and they called Bailey to follow.

He walked slightly beside the tall lion figured cat who looked at him with disdainful and glacial eyes.

Only when Chryssie looked at him did the lion’s eyes melt and his cool exterior faded.

In fact, Bailey thought that the lion was Munkustrap.

"Who is that Chryssie?" he whispered. Rawtawny looked at him suspiciously.

"That was Rawtawny. He was a great cat, who also was saved from Macavity."

Bailey puzzled over the "was" but asked no question. They reached a farm and he asked

"What is this place?"

"This is my home. My master has been needing a new cat. Oh this farmer is good, don’t worry. Feeds you well, treats you right, only wants work out of you. You look like you’d have fun ridding the barn of Mice."

"Mice? MM, tasty little suckers." Chryssie scratched at the door and the farmer came in an instant.

"Ahh, there’s the little Puss. Now who is this?" He took a collar and said

"Bailey’s your name eh? Is he a present Puss?" Chryssie roawed and then turned.

"Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him. Come on Bailey, I’ll get Chryssie’s pillow."

Bailey looked after Chryssie. All that to give him a good home. He then watched Chryssie and Rawtawny closely. They were walking near each other in an intimate way.

Then Rawtawny vanished right before Baileys eyes. It was like all his coloring faded away with the wind. Or a wave had crashed over him.

Bailey knew the truth. Rawtawny was a phantom.

Chryssie was tired. Rawtawny, she could sense was right next to her, for she could feel his warmth and an occasional touch. She was tired but she still had a long way to go.

Rawtawny had a plan for getting her inside. He told her to wait by the gate.

Then he disappeared. He reappeared behind a guard and said

"Did you know that what happened to me would happen to you if you continued to stay here?" The guard turned to face him and said

"Back off, now." He then turned his attention back to his area.

"Suite yourself." Rawtawny said. Then his voice became the wind.

"I was only trying to save you from my fate." The guard looked for Rawtawny, but he had disappeared.

"Come back you!" he yelled.

"Yes?" Rawtawny asked appearing right before him. The guard fainted.

Rawtawny then lowered the gate for Chryssie who scampered inside.

Rawtawny dematerialized and she walked into the prison ground. There guards and cats looked at her with shock. The guards then tried to arrest her, but the prisoners attacked them.

Macavity appeared behind Chryssie and took her back. She struggled against him but he said

"Now sweetheart, I have you both where I want you." He said and backed her against the wall.

"You won’t be able to escape me! You might as well resign yourself to me." He leaned in to kiss her.

"That’s twice!" Chryssie nearly screamed as she struggled.

Macavity pinned her against the wall, where he took her face in his rough paws.

"I get what I want, You’ve done this before!" Macavity snarled and forced a kiss from her.

"Let that cat alone Macavity!" a sweet familiar voice filled the air.

"Munkustrap!" Chryssie cried.

Macavity swung around and started attacking Munkustrap, who being weakened from all the brutality of the place was forced to flee, with Macavity right behind.

Up and up Munkustrap ran, followed close behind. Soon he came to a platform high above the grounds. There he was forced to fight. Chryssie saw them, and the thunder crashed sending her to shivers of fear. Macavity yelled at a guard,

"You work the magic! You, gather your troops and align the poles. There will be no escape for them now."

"Face your fear." Rawtawny whispered. Chryssie stepped to the poles that supported the platform and started to climb.

She got a third of the way up, and below her, she saw guards putting up poles with sharp ends up under her.

"If I fall, or if one of them falls, we’ll die." Suddenly thunder started clapping uncontrollably.

Chryssie was so startled that she lost her grip and swung by one hand.

Above her she heard Macavity fighting a nearly defenseless Munkustrap.

Chryssie regained herself and started to climb again.

"I hate Thunder." She muttered. But she climbed on.

She saw Munkustrap on the floor of the platform and Macavity, lingering to take the final stroke, the stroke of death.

"Well now, where is Chryssie Munkustrap? She has deserted you, don’t you think she’d be here by now?"

"Just try to say the worst Macavity."

"She isn’t here, that means she doesn’t care. She is too busy being in love with the false Munkustrap I sent in your place."

"No Chryssie!" Munkustrap called, helplessly.

"Now Die in your misery!" Macavity shrieked and started to bring his paw down hard.

Chryssie leapt onto the platform and caught the paw with her own, stopping it, dead in it’s tracks.

"Never would I desert Munkustrap. Not on your lifetime buddy." She growled.

Macavity roared at her and started to battle it out with her. Tired but angry she battled him.

The rain fell harder, Lightning flashed frequently and thunder roared harder then ever.

Chryssie, finally fatigued fell to the floor.

"Two for one!" Macavity growled and then took the final blow. Suddenly Rawtawny’s transparent image flashed before him, making him pause.

Rawtawny’s face was set to a furious stare, and was so terrible to look at, Chryssie shielded her eyes.

Macavity backed away terrified. He then turned and ran yelling "Go now! Evacuate! Now!"

Rawtawny then disappeared, whispering

"I’ve been to long out of my place. I’ll rejoin you again soon."

Chryssie nodded and fell back to Munkustrap where they lay in the rain exhausted.

Chryssie had other things on her mind then sleep.

"Munkustrap, can you hear me?" She shook him and he woke. "Chryssie.. You are here. I couldn’t see you. I.."

"Darling, I could never desert you." Chryssie said.

Munkustrap stroked her face.

She gently started rubbing his back and shoulders and before she knew it, he was out. She kissed him and buried her face in his shoulder and stayed.

When the two woke it was dawn and the storm had passed. Munkustrap felt Chryssie, shivering and wet against him.

He sat up and saw the thing almost awake, but very pale. She was all right though.

"Chryssie? Are you all right?" He asked very scared that she might not be.

"I’ll be fine." She answered still tired.

"All you need is the sunshine." He said, painfully standing and helping her.

On the way home she seemed to be a automaton. She was so pale and she didn’t talk much.

"Chryssie.." He said when he couldn’t stand it any longer.

"I want to say so much, but there is nothing to say." He said and then said

"Except.." Then he kissed her, with all the love and tenderness he knew he had for her.

Her lips were cold and deathlike, but he didn’t care. He knew that she would feel better once she received this.

In Chryssie, there was life slowly returning to her and she only could respond to his kisses the best she could.

She felt herself in Munkustrap’s arms, and the best she could do was hold him closer, and respond to him.

Munkustrap stopped kissing her and held her close.

Chryssie knew the only thing that would help her was letting him love her. She tried the best she could to speak to him, but her voice was like a whisper.

"Munkustrap, I’m so tired. I’m so tired, but I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. I tried so very hard to get there earlier, I tried."

"Chryssie, all I want is for you to just love me." Chryssie leaned on Munkustrap so, that he could feel her heart beating.

"Just keep me here with you. I’ll be happy. Just this close. I need to feel you close. Just keep me here... with you."

"Chryssie, there is nowhere else I’d keep you."

"Just love me Munkustrap. I just want you, right here. Just stay with me. I need to feel you’re there. Keep me close. That’s the only place I can stay, Just keep me, love me, keep me safe and close. That was the most awful thing I went through last night, and I need you just with me. Just let me stay here in your arms, with you...."

Her voice trailed off, and he held her. They continued after that. They walked all the way home.

When the cats saw them, they rejoiced.

"Skimble panicked when both of you were gone!" One of the kittens shouted. Skimble noticed how pale they were as did Mistoffelees Asparagus, Alonzo and Tugger.

"Come on, give them some room!" Tugger yelled. He helped Munkustrap, and Asparagus shyly saw to Chryssie who patted his cheek and told him

"Don’t be afraid." He smiled a bit and helped her to Munkustrap’s cave.

Mistoffelees went inside after them and Alonzo stayed at the entrance.

Tugger let Munkustrap sit down and Chryssie insisted that she wanted to be near Munkustrap, and Asparagus didn’t argue.

Mistoffelees made a remedy and said

"Drink this, it will help warm you." They drank it and fell asleep immediately. Then the four kept the others away while Chryssie and Munkustrap slept.

While Chryssie lay asleep, with Munkustrap close beside her, Rawtawny appeared, close by and kissed Chryssie’s cheek.

"Rest my sweet, rest. Many an adventure you had. Many a foe you fought. Sleep and recover. Rediscover life. Be careful my love. I’ll see you in the near future."

He stroked her fur once and disappeared as Mistoffelees looked alertly around.

He glanced at Chryssie and frowned when he thought he saw a form vanish from her side.

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