Chrychaesa relaxed by the large tree near the Jellicle site. She could hardly wait to be able to enter, for the cats had wanted to keep her out, while Bombalurina planned another of her surprises.
Patience, she told herself. You'll soon see what they have been planning.
Skimbleshanks walked out of the site and laughed when he saw Chryssie's eager expression.
"No, not yet lass. He, he, he, we still have a while. I just came out to get a drink. There's hard work going on in there."
"Well then shouldn't I be helping?"
"No, no, no lass, no. The surprise is for you and the kittens. I think you'll appreciate it more then the kittens would, for they wouldn't understand the beauty of it. But they'll see it when they're older."
"Yes they will, but tell me, what are you doing?"
"If I told ye, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it lass?"
"Yes but the curiosity is killing me!"
"Relax lass. Here, I'll get Munkustrap to keep you company, I think that he needs the break as well poor thing." He then took a sip of the water and then headed back into the Jellicle site.
Victoria and Jellylorum were taking care of the kittens, and they had no idea that Chryssie was to stay out as well, so she had time to herself, which was good because it let her get rest and just think for a little while, and wonder and imagine.
Chryssie gazed up into the stars for a little while and wondered things like why they were so dim, or can something or someone become stars or how or why they were there in the first place. Then she moved onto the bigger questions that haunts everyone's minds. Then she saw the handsome tabby walk out of the shadows. Her mind just lit up and she felt a sensation of peace and happiness when she was with him.
"Hello Munkustrap."
"Hello." He said wearily and sat down on the ground with his back to the base of the tree.
"What's the matter?" Chryssie asked with concern then hopped down next to him.
"We are just really busy in there, that's all." He said, and then rested his head against the base.
"Building whatever it is to surprise us?"
"Well, what have you been building?"
"No you don't." he said and smiled. He looked at her smiling face. She was smiling and laughing at herself.
How could she be so curious? I bet she even asked Skimble what was going on. Munkustrap thought, then lazily stretched out.
"So how many people have you asked about this?"
"Oh, Just you and Skimble. I got the same answer from him."
"Really?" He said pretending not to think that Skimble wouldn't tell her anything.
"They are giving you a hard time aren't they?"
"Yep, just because I want to know what's going on in there."
"Well I'll tell you what's going on in there." He then laughed when he saw her eager face.
"Well aren't you going to tell me?" He merely smiled at her.
"Come on, Munkustrap, I have been outside the site all day."
"All right, all the cats are building something special in there."
"What is it?"
"I can't tell you that."
"Oh Munkustrap, you're impossible."
"That I am." He said and then stretched his back. Alonzo and Asparagus came out.
"Munkustrap we need your.." Asparagus then saw Chryssie.
"H-h-help. I-I-It's f-f-fallen o-o-over."
"Oh no, not again." Munkustrap said. He then told them
"Tell them I'll be right there."
"OK, Hi there Chryssie."
"Hi Alonzo."
"H-h hi C-C-Chryssie."
"Hello Asparagus." She said smiling at his bashfulness. He seemed to turn a little pink under his fur and he then whirled around with Alonzo saying
"See I told you that it wouldn't be so bad."
"I know but she's a kit."
"So what?" They then went inside.
"Those two. What a pair." Chryssie said and noticed Munkustrap was standing up.
She then walked up to him and put her arms around him, in a small affectionate hug. He put his arms around her and connected his paws around her shoulder blades and rocked her back and forth.
"NOW Munkustrap!" Alonzo's impatient voice called. Chryssie heard Munkustrap laugh and he released her. Then he walked towards the entrance.
Chryssie sat down on the ground and sighed impatiently. Mistoffelees then walked out and sat down next to her.
"Hello Chryssie."
"Hi there Mistoffelees." She then looked by him and saw Asparagus, Alonzo and Munkustrap in the shadows watching them.
"So what's the matter?"
"I'd only like to.." She raised her voice so the three in the shadows could hear her.
"Know What Is Going On In There!" She and Mistoffelees then heard Munkustrap laugh, and Alonzo chuckle. Asparagus was just shaking his head. She then smiled sweetly and continued.
"So will you tell me, Mistoffelees."
"Oh you remember what happened to the curious cat."
"Oh please I have heard too many times."
"Then stop asking. Really, if you found something to do then the time will pass quickly."
"Yes but what is there to do?"
"Oh, you'll think of something. But I have to go back to work." He then stood off, and walked to the other three. Then the four of them walked off.
Chryssie then stood by the lake and then sniffed the air. She counted to three and ducked as two forms went springing just where her back had been and splashed into the lake. Then the wet faces of Tumblebrutus and Pouncival came on shore.
"That wasn't supposed to happen Chryssie!" Pouncival indignantly said as he tried to dry himself.
"Oh, poor things." Chryssie said and then showed them how to shake themselves to wring out all the extra water. It might have been a pollicle way but at least it was faster, easier and they could always fix the fur.
"It was Pouncival's idea." Tumblebrutus said quickly.
"Oh was it?" Chryssie asked.
"Well he helped come up with it!" Pouncival told her.
"Did not!" Tumblebrutus cried.
"Did too!" Pouncival shot back.
"Guys, guys please, I'm not angry, in fact, I think it was very funny. Pouncival had a nicer form going into the water, but Tumblebrutus made the more graceful landing." Seeing they were not in the humored mood she said as a comfort.
"Don't worry, before long, my two tigers will be able to push Macavity himself into the lake."
"I wonder what his face will be."
"Well my two fine gentle cats. Take my advice and run before you can find out OK?"
"All right Chryssie." They said. Munkustrap leaned over and saw Tumblebrutus and Pouncival, sopping wet and Chryssie perfectly dry.
"What happened over here? Chryssie?" He said and got a reprimanding look on his face.
"What Munkustrap? I didn't do anything except duck and crack a few dumb jokes."
"Right. We tried to jump her and she well ducked us." Tumblebrutus said.
"Oh I see. I had heard a tumult and I thought that one of you was fighting with another."
"Nope. They were just voicing their displeasure at the bath that they were not prepared for."
Munkustrap gave her a look like "That's enough now."
The kittens glared at her for a minute or two before crawling up to Munkustrap. Chryssie followed them. At the top she gave Munkustrap an assuring smile and whispered
"Don't worry. I'll be good if they will." She then lay down at the foot of the tree again and just lay there.
Munkustrap then followed the kittens to where the rest of them were. She could hear Jennyanydots yell
"What happened to them?!" Soon Munkustrap appeared again.
"I'm sorry I had to put you through that."
"Next time, don't duck."
"Aw." Munkustrap then patted her back and then went back to work.
Chryssie then put her head on her paws and just thought about what had happened. She felt a little body snuggle up to her knees. She lifted her head and saw Pouncival just sitting there in thought.
"What's up Pounce-Man?"
"Oh, I'm just sorry I got you in trouble with Munkustrap. Are you two going to break up?" Chryssie then burst out laughing. Pouncival looked at her confused.
"Did I say something funny?"
"No, I just love the innocence. We aren't going to break up. In fact, I didn't know we were together actually. But thank you for your apology, it was very sweet."
"You're welcome." Skimble then came out again and said
"Chryssie, it's ready. Ahh, Pouncival. Just the lad I wanted to see. Run and tell the others that it's ready and they could come in. Chryssie, Munkustrap wants you to wait for him. He'll meet you by the entrance."
"All right Skimble." Chryssie got up, and waited by the entrance that Skimble pointed out.
"Oh, hi there Chryssie!"
"Oh, Jemima! Wow! What a costume, what are you?"
"I'm a sampan."
"A what?"
"A sampan. It's a Siamese cat."
"Oh. I see."
"I really think you're going to enjoy this Chryssie."
"I hope so."
"Oh, got to get ready, I'll see you later."
"OK." Jemima then scurried off.
"Cassandra? What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for Munkustrap."
"I think that he might want to spend time with a REAL cat."
"Real cat, what do you mean real cat?"
"Just what I said, dear."
"Well then, I suppose that you are here just to make sure that Munkustrap gets here to escort me in."
"That wasn't funny."
"What? Was I making a joke? Oh, well I missed it."
Cassandra then started to hiss at Chryssie, and she slipped into the shadows. Chryssie watched after her.
She then felt a gentle paw on her shoulder and looked into Munkustrap's eyes. She relaxed.
"What's wrong?"
"Cassandra was just here, wanting you to spend time with a real cat."
"Well then, lets not disappoint her." He said and took Chryssie's paw and led her inside. It was pitch dark, and the only thing to guide her was Munkustrap's paw and the direction in which he was leading her. He then pulled her down where they sat together.
"Where's Demeter?"
"Unfortunately her family wanted to take her somewhere and she said that if you asked for her, she sends her regrets."
"Oh, I wish she were here. She'd probably be as dead in anticipation as I am."
Munkustrap laughed and said as he stroked her back
"Don't worry, it will start soon." Chryssie leaned against Munkustrap and settled down for the wait. Then the stage lit up in a flash of light and music started. A barge rose up out of the floor and on it were various cats. They started singing
"Growltiger was a bravo cat who traveled on a barge. In fact he was the roughest cat who ever roamed at large."
Chryssie noticed that there were no females in sight. Admetus sang a solo
"From Gravesend up to Oxford he pursued his evil aims, rejoicing in the title of.."
He then jumped away as a horrible looking cat sang in a rich masculine baritone
"The Terror of the Thames!" and he gave an evil laugh which sent Chryssie into a shiver.
She couldn't disguise it. Munkustrap felt her shiver and he put an arm around her shoulders to calm her. She was still intent on what was going on. Alonzo sang
"His manner and appearance did not calculate to please, his coat was torn and seedy, it was baggy at the knees!" Mistoffelees sang
"One ear was somewhat missing, no need to tell you why, and he scowled on a hostile world from one forbidding eye."
Growltiger let loose another laugh that made Chryssie lean a little closer. The three cats sang
"The cottagers of Rotherhithe knew something of his fame. At Hammersmith and Putney, people shuddered at his name. They would fortify the hen-house, lock up the silly goose when the rumor ran along the shore: Growltiger's on the loose!"
Growltiger then laughed again. Chryssie leaned closer to Munkustrap. She then realized that she must be putting tremendous pressure on him and she eased off. Alonzo sang,
"Woe to the weak canary that fluttered from its cage!" Admetus sang,
"Woe to the pampered Pekinese that faced Growltiger's rage!" Mistoffelees sang,
"Woe to the bristly Bandicoot who lurked on foreign ships and woe to any cat with whom Growltiger came to grips!" Then they all sang again,
"But most to cats of foreign race, his hatred had been vowed! To cats of foreign name and race no quarter was allowed!"
Then female heads popped up out of nowhere and sang in harmony.
"The Persian and the Siamese regarded him with fear." The females stopped singing and the cats finished
"Because it was a Siamese had mauled his missing ear."
Then the music turned symphony like and the mood was more romantic then fearful. Chryssie concentrated on what the cats were singing.
"Now on a peaceful summer night all nature seemed at play." The girls sang with the guys
"The tender moon was shining bright, the barge on Mosley lay. All in the balmy moonlight it lay rocking on the tide, and Growltiger was disposed to show his sentimental side."
Chryssie then heard a single female voice and saw Jennyanydots with a feathered garment on sing a single incomprehensible word. Growltiger then repeated it. The guys then sang,
"In the forepeak of the vessel, Growltiger stood alone." Growltiger sang
"Concentrating my attention on the lady Griddlebone. And my raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks."
Then all the females dressed as Siamese sampans sang
"As the Siamese came creeping in their sampans and their junks." Jennyanydots then performed her solo.
"Growltiger had no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone." Chryssie leaned her head against Munkustrap's shoulder. Growltiger sang,
"And the lady seemed enraptured by my manly baritone." Chryssie felt Munkustrap's cheek leaning against her head. The two characters sang together
"Disposed to relaxation and awaiting no surprise," and the Sampan girls sang
"But the moonlight shone reflected from a thousand bright blue eyes. And closer still and closer, the Sampans circled 'round and yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound. The foe was armed with toasting forks and cruel carving knives, and the lover's sang their last duet in danger of their lives."
Growltiger then started singing in French. Chryssie noticed Victoria and Plato dancing together.
Chryssie then gasped as Growltiger hit the A, then again as it was followed by the A#.
She noticed Victoria and Plato dance with no contact while Growltiger was singing.
They then came together during the instrumental and when Griddlebone and Growltiger sang together.
Chryssie had tears in her eyes when the two hit the A together and held it, then grow softer, and she loved the sound of Growltiger and Griddlebone inhaling through their teeth then finishing their last duet.
Then the music stopped for a second. Bombalurina then sang,
"Then Genghis gave the signal, to his fierce Mongolian horde, abandoning their Sampans, the Chinks they swarmed aboard. Abandoning their Sampans, their pullaways and junks, they battened down the hatches on the crew within their bunks."
The cats acted out creeping aboard the barge and battening down the hatches.
"Then Griddlebone, she gave a shriek, for she was badly skeered. I'm sorry to admit it, but she quickly disappeared." Jennyanydots shrieked and a Sampan covered her mouth and lead her off-stage.
"She probably escaped with ease, I'm sure she was not drowned." Growltiger sang and then the Sampans surrounded him while singing
"But a serried ring of flashing steel Growltiger did surround."
Then the lead Sampan took out a false sword as did Growltiger and they began to battle. Around and around they ran battling with the swords, and the music started to go into a "circular motion" when the swords started to spin clashing against each other.
Then when the high Trumpet squealed, the sword of Growltiger flew out of his hand and the lead Sampan caught it and then started to prowl around Growltiger with the blades. He threw his original sword to a Sampan who circled Growltiger opposing the leader. The leader of the Sampans kept Growltiger's sword as an act of pride. A gong sounded and the Sampans sang
"The ruthless foe pressed forward in stubborn rank on rank, Growltiger to his vast surprise was forced to walk the plank! He who a hundred victims had driven from that drop at the end of all his crimes was forced to go ker-flip ker-flop! Oh there was joy in Wapping when the news flew through the land. At Maidenhead and Henley there was dancing on the strand. Rats were roasted whole in Brentford and Victoria Dock, and a day of Celebration was commanded in Bangkok!" The cats poised and held the last note until the lights went off.
"Chryssie, tell me. How did you like that?" Munkustrap asked. When he received no answer he asked
"That was so sad Munkustrap! That was just so sad. Poor Growltiger."
"Oh, Chryssie! Don't forget he was a terrible criminal."
"Yes but such a sweet romance. It makes me sad to think that that was that last time that they could be together, and they just had to sing a beautiful duet."
"Oh you poor thing." He said and wrapped her in a hug. They were on their knees facing each other, wrapped up in a hug.
He rocked her back and forth and stroked her head. She liked the feeling of his touch and the softness of his fur. She lifted her head off his shoulder and she looked in the direction of the stage to see if she could find out who played whom.
She felt Munkustrap's paw touch her cheek and push it gently towards the direction of his face. She could barely make an outline out.
A car passing by turned the corner and the headlights swept over them. She could see him looking at her and she could feel him pulling her closer.
The light from the headlights was gone and she could only feel him. Then her eyes captured the after sight of the light and used it to see.
She felt his arms lace her back and she put her arms around his shoulders. She then felt his kisses and she prepared herself for the thrilling ride of emotions that would soon be sweeping through her.
Just Munkustrap and her, only feelings could be felt now, for there wasn't anything to see. She only wanted her feelings to engulf her. She was aware of nothing else, but the feelings that Munkustrap gave her.
She felt locked in, and she had nowhere to go, that's how she wanted. She wanted the feelings of being trapped into Munkustrap.
Soon his kisses withdrew and their faces stayed close together. She could feel his chest rise and fall, a tad faster then his regular breathing, and she knew that her own breathing had increased.
Lovingly, he kissed her again. She and he both knew that these moments were precious few, and were often interrupted because of some cataclysm and they wouldn't have any or very few opportunities to be with each other after.
He then kissed her cheek and neck then held her close.
"Where are the others?"
"They're around."
"Should the lights have been off this long?"
"Actually now that you mention it, no."
"I have a feeling we're in for another one." He sighed and rested his head against her shoulder.
"They'll never give you and me the opportunity for "Us" do they?"
"I'm afraid not." They got to their feet and walked out into the late night air. There they saw Mistoffelees.
"Where are the others Mistoffelees?"
"They aren't inside?"
"Well no one bothered us, when usually I think someone would ask Chryssie what she thought of the show."
"I'll put in the lights in there. You guys go ahead and go on in again and see if you guys can find them." They agreed.
Once inside Chryssie whispered to Munkustrap
"It just seems too quiet. I wonder where Rum Tum Tugger or Jemima are."
"Tugger and Jemima will be hanging around here." The lights flickered on. Munkustrap and Chryssie looked up and saw Jemima and Tugger and all the other cats caught in nets and screaming. Yet there was no sound.
"By the Heaviside, Munkustrap do you see them, they can't generate sound."
"That's right, my plan worked perfectly." A voice said behind them. They turned and saw Mistoffelees behind them grinning evilly.
"Mistoffelees? What's going on here, what are you doing?"
"Catching all you cats and returning them to Macavity." Suddenly a net appeared and engulfed Munkustrap and Chryssie.
"Munkustrap!" Chryssie cried out.
"I will get rid of you two personally. Lets see, there are two missing. Demeter is out, but I'll catch her quickly. Hmm where's Mistoffelees? Never mind, I'll get him to come to me."
Munkustrap and Chryssie looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces. They both gasped and saw Mistoffelees' face and coat melt off to reveal Nakcheem.
Then he whirled around, and his figure became slim and feminine. Soon Chryssie and Munkustrap were looking at a carbon copy of Chrychaesa.
"Oh yes, my dear, in result of revenge for you murdering my sweet Arsenic. You both have been a pain in our sides and you just had to take her didn't you, you devil she-cat! It's also the same with you and Rawtawny, because of you, Rawtawny is dead. Demeter should have been ours a long time ago, but you just had to get in the way. But it will end shortly. I'd better put the same spell of sound on you as I did on the others. You can hear each other on the inside but not out." He then laughed cruelly and flounced out as Chrychaesa.
"This is bad, not only for us, but for the entire Jellicle clan. Don't you see? If there is no clan to guide, there is no ever-lasting cat, if there's no everlasting cat, there's no Jellicle ball. If there's no Jellicle ball, then there is no point to Jellicles. If he succeeds in this, then that's the end of the Jellicle tribe."
"Thanks for scaring me Chryssie."
"Sorry." She sank down to her knees in despair.
"Munkustrap, I don't know what to do, I have never known a fear like this before. It's too great for me to handle."
He faced her on his knees and put his paws on her shoulder blades.
"Chryssie, we'll get out of this. I promise you. It will come." She reached up with her paws and took his and just held them. Then suddenly she started to sing.
"Now on a peaceful summer night, all nature was at play. The tender moon was shining bright, the barge at Mosley lay. All in the balmy moonlight it lay rocking on the tide and Growltiger was disposed to show his sentimental side." Her words echoed off the invisible walls. She continued as if not caring.
"In the forepeak of the vessel Growltiger stood alone.." Munkustrap came in
"Concentrating my attention on the lady Griddle bone, and my raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks..."
"As the Siamese came creeping in their Sampans and their junks." They sang together, then Munkustrap quieted as Chryssie sang
"Growltiger had no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone."
"And the lady seemed enraptured by my manly baritone." The echo became very great when they sang together.
"Disposed to relaxation and awaiting no surprise."
"But the moonlight shone reflected from a thousand bright blue eyes. And closer still and closer the Sampans circled 'round and yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound. The foe was armed with toasting forks and cruel carving knives and the lovers sang their last duet in danger of their lives."
Chryssie fell silent as Munkustrap sang beautifully. The echo became a violent vibration.
Soon Chryssie made it a duet. When they hit the high A together the walls seemed to shudder.
When they hit the high A second time, the walls broke and they fell to the floor.
Two of Macavity's guards rushed forward and clamped their paws over the couple's mouths and dragged them into the shadows.
Soon they saw Mistoffelees being led in by the false Chrychaesa. Munkustrap got as close to Chryssie's guard as he could and then stomped down with all his weight on his foot.
He dropped Chryssie and she screamed at the top of her lungs
"Mistoffelees, It's a trap! It's Nakcheem!"
The guard clamped a hand over her mouth and dragged her off, she was still struggling hard.
Mistoffelees though, had received her message and fired a bolt at the fake Chrychaesa who hadn't had been expecting it. It hit her and she then bent down.
Her fur melted away and revealed Nakcheem who snarled and fired bolts at Mistoffelees. He dodged them all.
Munkustrap in the mean time was struggling with his guard. He got a paw free and then knocked the guard down. He then took off after Chryssie.
Mistoffelees fired lightning, which blocked a fatal bolt of Nakcheem's. He then tried a disappearing trick. He grabbed his red sheet and whirled it over himself. Nakcheem fired a blast and it hit the red sheet dead on.
"Ha, ha, ha! Your beloved Mistoffelees is dead!"
"Not really Nakcheem." Mistoffelees' voice echoed around the room. All the captured cats looked about them, for they couldn't see him. His voice seemed to be everywhere.
"Now is this a magician's trick Nakcheem? Is this an illusion? Maybe perhaps it's real? Where am I Nakcheem? I'm right behind you!" Nakcheem turned and fired.
"No, I'm to your left!" Nakcheem turned and fired bolts.
"No Dummy, your other left!" He turned the other way and fired. Still there was no one. Mistoffelees taunting laughter echoed in the halls.
Munkustrap ran hard and fast. He had to find Chryssie. He then heard her scream
"Munkustrap!" He followed the echo of her voice and saw the guard forcing her into a boat.
He then attacked the guard. The guard dropped Chryssie and prepared for the attack. Chryssie saw his razor sharp claws ready to plunge into Munkustrap and she leaped and turned the paw away, so Munkustrap wouldn't end up like Arsenic.
The guard then picked her up by the scruff of her neck and lifted her up so she dangled helplessly. The pain was so great that she had to lean her head back. The guard then got ready to claw her throat.
Munkustrap threw himself into the guard's feet knocking him off balance and sending Chryssie flying.
She landed off the side and held on to the dock for dear life, because right under her was a rushing river, and if one fell in, that would mean their doom.
The boys tussled for a while.
Chryssie started to pull herself up.
The guard saw this as a perfect opportunity and then knocked her claws out of the wood of the dock. She managed to catch herself. She was then dangling there and then she saw Munkustrap's paw reaching down to her. She took it and drew herself up, but then fell as Munkustrap was hurled over. She held tight to both him and the dock.
Munkustrap was dangling from her arm, and she was dangling from the dock.
She pulled Munkustrap up and soon he was hanging next to her on the dock.
The guard then peered over the edge of the dock and laughed cruelly as he prepared to take the final swipe on Chryssie. No matter what Munkustrap did, he couldn't get to her in time.
"Chryssie." He said and the paw came down on her. He saw her swing and he saw the guard fall into the rapid waters. He pulled himself over the dock and stood on the edge.
"Chryssie!" Munkustrap desperately called.
Chryssie couldn't hear him call. She had swung underneath the dock where he couldn't see her and the roar of the river was too great.
She then climbed over the edge where she saw Munkustrap in a crumpled heap. She heard sobbing.
She knelt down behind him and tenderly put her paws on his shoulder and on his opposing ribcage. He looked up and she saw his tear stained face.
She smiled gently at him, then held him as he quickly enfolded her in his arms. There she let him cry.
Mistoffelees quietly crept behind Nakcheem and then gathered his power and zapped him hard. Nakcheem went flying but was on his feet again looking around desperately.
"Have you figured it out yet Nakcheem?" Nakcheem was tired.
So Mistoffelees reappeared before him to finish.
"Better?" He asked and then frantically dodged the raining lightning that Nakcheem stormed at him.
A lightning bolt hit him in his knee and he fell. Soon Nakcheem was upon him.
"Mistoffelees!" Chryssie cried, running out of the shadows with Munkustrap.
Nakcheem turned and said gleefully.
"You're too late!" But when he turned around to finish off Mistoffelees, Mistoffelees fired a bolt right into him.
Again and again he fired, and Nakcheem fell.
Mistoffelees was out of breath and he had an acrimonious look on his face.
"Now Nakcheem, you know that there never was or never will be a cat as clever as Magical Mr. Mistoffelees!"
"Arsenic, I failed you. But wherever you are, I'll be there shortly." And then Nakcheem collapsed and then his soul left the earth.
Mistoffelees looked at him a moment then fell over, exhausted. The spell of Nakcheem broke and all the cats came to the floor. They all huddled around Mistoffelees.
"Is he going to be all right Tugger?" Jemima asked Tugger with tears in her eyes for she thought very highly of Mistoffelees.
"He should Jemima. He should be." But even Tugger's voice was wavy, and he could barely keep it above a whisper.
"He's exhausted. Use of that much power at a time exhausted him. All he needs is sleep." Tantomile confirmed and she and Coricopat picked up Mistoffelees and carried him to his place.
Munkustrap stood beside Chryssie and she took his paw and led him to his cave, so that they could relax from all the danger they had witnessed.
"Chryssie, I was so afraid back there. I thought I had lost you." Munkustrap said quietly.
"Munkustrap, I know. I just didn't think I meant that much to you."
"You do."
He looks so scared, Chryssie thought. He's just standing there and he looks like he needs something, and I know what that is.
Chryssie then walked up to Munkustrap and wrapped her arms around him and leaned into him.
She rested her head on his shoulder and rocked him back and forth. She could hear his heart beating quickly.
He quickly wrapped around her and held her tight, so tight as if he didn't want to let go.
It would probably be impossible for him to sleep tonight, Chryssie thought. I'll stay awake with him, all night if I have to and I will be by him always.
She then kissed his neck and his cheek, reached her paws up to his face, turned it towards her and kissed him, lacing her arms about his neck and giving him as much love and tenderness she felt for him. He reminded her of a little lost kitten who needed love and warmth.
She then withdrew her kisses. She felt his velvet paws about her and he kissed her shortly again and again. She wanted to keep kissing him forever, because he seemed to need it so much.
"Hello?" Jemima's timid voice echoed along the cave walls.
"Yes Jemima?" Chryssie answered.
"Mistoffelees is awake and he wants to see you."
"All right." She said and detangled herself from Munkustrap's arms but she made sure that he came with her because she knew he needed her.
Mistoffelees was lying down, and he immediately raised his head and sat up when Chryssie and Munkustrap entered.
"Chryssie, I wanted to thank you for warning me."
"It was nothing Mistoffelees. You were our last hope."
"I'm glad we worked together to keep the Jellicles alive."
They fell silent. Mistoffelees seemed to be hopeful.
"Oh, and Mistoffelees," Chryssie said as she turned with Munkustrap to leave,
"You did real good out there."
"Thank you." He said happily then fell asleep.
Chryssie and Munkustrap walked back to his cave.
"You know we aren't going to sleep tonight." Munkustrap said.
"I think I know a way. Come on." She said and led him out of the site.
She took him to the tree by the lake and there they lay down in the soft dust.
Soon they were cuddled up close and asleep.

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