Chrychaesa sighed deeply. She had been traveling for many days. She had been sent by her mother to something called the “Jellicle Ball.” She didn’t even want to go. It sounded boring. Her mother had tried to explain it to her many times. But it didn’t sink in.
Why would Cats, gather at a junkyard every year, just to see some real Old Cat, whom they believed had the power to call down the Heaviside Layer?
To prepare their daughter for any desperate times for a cat, her parents had taught her to fight, and to fight well for her benefit. She was a kitten but she had the ability to fight as well as any champion male cat fighter.
There she had acquired an aggressive attitude, but her mother also had taught her well. Her mother taught her to bury down her aggressions until needed.
Since she was so good at fighting, her parents had made contact with this Old Cat, and arranged to have him meet her somewhere, so she could travel along with him as for a protection service.
It seemed as though she would never reach the rendezvous point. She hurried along through brush and trees. She then broke through and came to a long meadow, with the sunset shining down on it’s long burnt blades of grass. “At last.” She said and sat down to wait for the Old Cat to arrive. “Good , you are in time.” A kind Old voice came from behind her. She whirled around and came face to face with an enormously tall brown cat, with wrinkles, and a shabby coat.
“You are Chrychaesa, correct?”
“Yes, I am. Are you the one to be escorted to the Ball?”
“Yes, I am Old Deuteronomy.”
“Deu-ter-on-o-my” she said to help her keep the name right.
“Listen sir, I wish to help you get there, and get home again. So I suggest we be on our way.”
“Ahh, but you are a Jellicle, are you not?”
“Yes, I am a Jellicle. Why would that be of a concern?”
“All Jellicles must attend the Jellicle ball.”
“Well, I don’t want to.”
“This is your first time attending the Jellicle Ball? Well, don’t fret. You’ll make friends there, and who knows, you just might even enjoy yourself.” “All right sir I’ll..”
“Old Deuteronomy.”
“Old Deuteronomy, I’ll stay a while, but if I don’t enjoy myself, I’m going home.”
“Oh, You will enjoy yourself. There is singing..”
“I don’t have a wonderful voice.”
“You don’t have to have one. There will be dancing..”
“I can’t dance. My parents taught me a little, but we were so involved in my training, we didn’t work too hard on my dancing.”
“A Jellicle never has to be taught to dance. He can feel it in himself, and then finds the passage to express it.”
“Oh, so you really want me to stay with this Ball thing.”
“Yes, I do. Why do your parents not go?”
“My mother is sick, and my father is too depressed. He can’t leave her side. But she will get better. But they said that this was my first ball, and if I didn’t attend, they both would have nothing to do with me, and I love my parents.”
“I see. You’ll thank them for it. Now, lets talk about my grandson.” “Grandson? You have a Grandson?”
“Yes that’s right.” Old Deuteronomy said with a little chuckle.
“His name is Munkustrap. He is to be the one to take my place when I am gone. He is older then you. Oh yes, quite a bit actually. He is a handsome lad. He is a gray, striped tabby, rather tall...You’ll know him when you see him. He is usually with his friends, Rum Tum Tugger, Bombalurina, and Demeter.”
“Old Deuteronomy, what exactly do you do? Why do all Jellicles meet once a year? What do they do there?”
“I am the one to chose the Jellicle to come to the Heaviside layer. The Jellicles meet to see who is the one. They dance and sing there and “audition,” lets say for the role.”
Chrychaesa imagined all this and most of all, she tried to picture Munkustrap. Was he as handsome as she was picturing him to be? She then tensed with alarm as she heard a melody, like a lullaby.
“Old Deuteronomy, I hear voices.”
“Oh, do not fear. It is the other cats who are waiting for us. Now, they may feel a little intimidated by you. Just relax yourself and don’t appear too meek or too proud. They will counter you if you do.”
She tried to put on the mildest expression and mood. Then Old Deuteronomy walked out into the junkyard. Chrychaesa saw many cats hang on to him and pet his fur and rejoice at his sight. They then followed him to a tire. She followed, far behind, away from the other cats’ notice. She then felt afraid because she had no chance to fight all these cats if she made a wrong move, and she had no idea what they wanted.
Old Deuteronomy had seated himself and saw her standing far away. He smiled assuredly at her and motioned for his grandson.
Chrychaesa then saw the tabby Old Deuteronomy was so proudly talking of.
She saw him and felt her heart quicken. She had never seen such a perfect cat. Her pulse pounded. Even Rawtawny, her town’s heartthrob, was no match for him. Munkustrap had easily won the contest. She was staring, she realized, so she let her eyes roam somewhere else. She saw cats everywhere, surrounding Old Deuteronomy.
She then felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned, and saw a cat with the mane of a lion standing, grinning behind her. She looked at him quizzically, as if imploring him to tell her what he wanted.
“Hi there, I am Rum Tum Tugger.”
“Oh, hi.” she said distantly, then let her eyes roam over the cats again.
“Hey, I am not finished talking to you yet.”
“Oh, Sorry Rum Tum Tugger, now..?”
“I can see you’re new here. I still need your name.”
“Why? You don’t like the one you have? If you don’t, I am sorry but there’s no way you’d like mine.”
“Hah, hah. Now, what is your name?”
“Oh, well, hi there Chryssie. Can you stay here for a minute? I’d like to get some of my friends for you to meet.” She looked nervous so he said, as a comfort.
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring them a few at a time.” Rum Tum Tugger then walked off towards the group.
“Why is he being so nice to me?” Chrychaesa thought, aloud.
“Because you’re a Jellicle.” A voice came from behind. Chrychaesa turned and saw a snow white cat standing behind her.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was behind me.”
“Well, I am. You are new here. I am Victoria.”
“Lovely to meet you. Oh, Munkustrap will be starting pretty soon, you’d better stay out of the way. He has been working hard to present this to Old Deuteronomy.”
“Oh all right, where can I go?”
“Do you see that washer over there? You may lie in that to watch if you wish.”
“Oh, thank you Victoria.”
Victoria bowed her head slightly, and skipped off merrily, as if she had been talking to her own cousin.
“Good, you didn’t move. This is Etcetera, and this is Mr. Mistoffelees, “the original conjuring cat.”
“Oh, Mr. Mistoffelees! My mother has told me of your tricks! You are a wonderful magician!”
“Well, thank your mother for me.”
“ Yep, I am Etcetera! Nice to meet you.”
“Pleasures all mine.” Chrychaesa could tell that she would like Etcetera.
“Hold on Chryssie, got to get more cats.”
“I wish he’d stop calling me Chryssie.”
“Chryssie! I can only bring out three more! The Narration is going to start soon.”
“All right, take your time!” But no! Rum Tug Tugger did the opposite. He brought with him Skimbleshanks, and Jemima.
“Here Jemima, Skimble, you talk with her. Let the other one have more time to get here.”
“Oh, all right. I am Jemima. This is Skimbleshanks..”
“Uncle to all cats!” Skimble cheerfully announced. “You are whom, my dear?”
“Oh, I am Chrychaesa, but I guess Rum Tum Tugger chose my nick name for me. You can call me Chryssie, because he already does. Might as well have everyone call me that.”
“All right, Chryssie.” Skimble said with his Scottish accent.
“Since Rum Tug Tugger gave you a nickname, why not do the same to him?” Jemima suggested. Rum Tum Tugger gave her an incredulous look.
“OK, well I’ll call him Tugger I guess. I mean, the name seems to suit him.”
“All right, CHRYSSIE!” He teased
“All right, TUGGER” She teased back.
“What’s going on here?” A sleek black cat emerged.
“Oh, Hello Cassandra.”
“Hello, Rum Tum. Oh, we have another huh. What’s her name?”
“Just call her Chryssie.”
“All right. Oh Tugger..” Cassandra motioned him close and whispered something in his ear. He gave a nod.
“OK, come on guys, we have to get.” Tugger announced.
“No, we want to talk to the new cat more. Where are you sitting for the performance?”
“Well, I am to sit in the washer.”
“Ah, so Victoria gave you her seat hm?”
“She’s helping out remember?”
“Oh yes, silly Old Skimble. Well, we’ll try to join you there.”
“OK, thanks. Tugger, TUGGER come back here! Oh, that dirty old cat.”
“Yes he is, but he’s cute though.”
“OOPS! sorry Mungojerrie.”
“OH, Hello you two. I’m Chryssie.”
“ Hi! Wow she catches on to the friendly matter doesn’t she?”
“Yep she does, Rumpleteaser. Wew, just wait till she meets him. By the way she was staring at him, you’d think she would have fainted.”
“Yeah, but lucky Demeter didn’t find out! Ooh Boy, would she have a casket or what?” “What are you two going on about?”
“Oh, nothing! See you later!” they cried in unison, and ran off.
“Geez, it seems like they’re planning a surprise. Hey! Where did all the cats go?” She looked around, and saw no one. She went to the washer to sit down and think.
“Maybe they don’t want me here. I don’t know.” She then started humming a little ditty that her mother had tried to teach her. She then heard gasps. But then, Munkustrap had stepped to the side of Old Deuteronomy, and started his tale of the Pekes and the Pollicles. She laughed at the imitations of the Pekes and the Pollicles, laughed at the facial expressions, cowered at the sight of the Great Rumpus Cat, and then came out from hiding when all was over. She approached the place where Old Deuteronomy was sitting thoughtfully. “Hey Chryssie! How did you like the Pekes and the Pollicles, lass?” Skimble asked with such happiness in his voice, that it made her smile.
“I liked it very much, thank you. Who was the cat that The Tabby had to hold back with his hand? You know, the one who dragged you off after he finished the Scottish segment.”
“Oh, Munkustrap? I don’t know who the cat was. Probably Tumblebrutus, he’s always a clown aside from ‘Tugger but it could have been Pouncival. Shhh! Old Deuteronomy’s speaking!”
Then a loud thunder clapped, and someone shouted “Macavity!”
Chryssie put all her senses on their full alert. All the other Cats started slinking off to hide. Soon there was no one but Old Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, and herself. She started to peer off into the darkness just beyond them. She then turned to stare at Old Deuteronomy’s coat, which was shaking. Old Deuteronomy looked behind him, and Chrychaesa relaxed a tad when she saw Mr. Mistoffelees stare up into Old Deuteronomy’s eyes. Old Deuteronomy gestured for him to hide. He then scurried off, giving Chrychaesa a look as if to say
“Why aren’t you hiding?”
He then scurried into his hiding place. Chryssie then stared a long passage, where Victoria was coming out. Then, looked to another where Jemima came out as well. They both looked skittish. She couldn’t blame them. It took all her courage just to stand there, peering into the darkness, waiting for one slight move. She heard Old Deuteronomy’s voice ring out
“Jellicle cats come out tonight, Jellicle cats come one come all.” She then saw Victoria and Jemima dance with perfect formation in front of him and sing,
“The Jellicle Moon is Shining bright, Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball” Another and another crept out of hiding and sang a verse of the invitation.
Chryssie merely crept to the back and sat on the pedestal of Old Deuteronomy and watched the cats. She saw Victoria and a cat she was unfamiliar with, dance a strange and beautiful dance. Then, all the cats surrounded in the middle of the floor, and lay down to rest. Munkustrap took a seat next to his grandfather.
She then felt another presence. Tantomile and Coricopat must have felt it too, because they rolled to their knees and sniffed the air. Mr. Mistoffelees did the same. Then Skimble sniffed several times.
Then Chryssie saw a strange cat on the balcony of things. She looked afraid. Munkustrap followed her gaze and saw the cat as did Mistoffelees because he told Alonzo who leapt to the car trunk and scared her off.
Then the cats danced a rhythmic dance, so full of life Chryssie could hardly help herself. She felt herself lift to her feet and dance with the others. Deep in her, she knew the steps. Old Deuteronomy smiled, because he knew she had found her magic. She was a tad clumsy, but she would get out of it in time. She was as much of a dancer as his grandson, not as good as Mr. Mistoffelees, but still, when the clumsiness wore off, she would dance as well as any Jellicle. Munkustrap, and Tugger noticed the light she gave off when she was dancing.
“Well, she’s got it at last.” Tugger proclaimed.
“Yes, she has.”
“I don’t know if she’s sore or not since she hasn’t met you. Too bad, you didn’t get off in time.”
“Hey, don’t forget, she still has the rest of the night.”
“She’s a little if-fy. I overheard her say that she’ll go if she doesn’t have fun.”
“Aww, Rum Tum Tugger, is that the face of a cat who isn’t having fun?” “Now that you mention it.. no.”
“I think she’ll stay.” The dance ended and Chryssie laughed. Then, she crawled with the other cats toward Old Deuteronomy. She then felt that presence again, and looked behind her. She saw the strange cat. The cat didn’t look like a normal cat. Her coat was torn and dull. She looked old and tired. That didn’t matter to Chryssie. She then saw all the cats staring at the old cat, as if she wasn’t feline, and slink off. Chryssie saw Munkustrap look down at the old cat, and turn and flounce away. He passed by her. Chryssie caught his arm and asked
“Why does everyone act like that? She is a Jellicle, isn’t she?” He merely looked at her, and then continued, as if he weren’t able to speak. She then heard some cats teasing the old one.
“You see the border of her coat is torn, and stained with sand.”Victoria reached out to touch her. A cat flung her arm away. Then Chryssie saw Jemima with an intrigued look on her face, as she eased forward to touch the strange cat while she sang,
“And you see the corner of her eye twist, like a crooked pin.” Then the cat, Jennyanydots, flung Jemima’s arm away.
Soon the floor was bare. The strange old cat stood alone in the moonlight. The cat then tried to do some dance movements with a small flicker of light, the same light that Chryssie had given off when she was dancing. It quickly died.
The strange cat then sang with a beautiful voice, the same ditty that Chryssie was singing just earlier. Chryssie sang the words to herself, along with the strange cat. The cat reached out behind her, as if to feel for a hand. Chryssie started forward, but rough arms grabbed her, and dragged her back. She turned and looked into the eyes of Rum Tum Tugger, Skimble, Mistoffelees, Victoria, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser, Cassandra, Jemima, and Munkustrap. She looked at Tugger, who had dragged her back.
“Why did you bring me back?”
“She isn’t one of us.”
“I perceive nothing wrong about her. She’s Jellicle. Why are you so aloof and cold to her?” Rum Tum Tugger released her, and Munkustrap came forward, took her arm and led her off.
“The reason why we do this is simple. She did not obey the laws of the tribe. She went exploring on her own, and associated with cats other then our kind. She stopped coming to Jellicle balls. So it is forbidden for us to associate with her. The kittens do not know this.”
“What is her name?”
“Grizabella, the glamour cat.”
“Grizabella? That’s her?! Oh, my goodness gracious! This won’t do at all.” She sat down, looking distressed.
“Why, what? What happened?”
“She’s family. She is my Great Aunt. My grandmother’s sister. My Mother had loved her dearly, and she’s trying to find her. I need to bring Grizabella back home.”
“Grizabella is not one of us now.”
“I was afraid you would say that. Come, lets rejoin the Jellicles Munkustrap.”
“I need to ask you questions, though. Why were you the only cat out there, aside from my grandfather and me, when thunder struck?”
“Well, I was sent here to protect Old Deuteronomy on his journey here, as long as he took me to the Jellicle ball. So, he took me and I feel that I still have a responsibility to help protect him. My parents taught me how to fight when I was young, so I grew into fighting and how to control aggressions, and all that.”
“OK, so how do you know my name, and I don’t know yours?”
“Your grandfather told me your name, and said that I’d know you when I saw you. So I escorted him there, stayed in the back and sure enough, he was right. He probably has said nothing about me, so it shows how much you mean to him. He talked about you to me.”
“But you’re mistaken. He has talked about you, though he hasn’t said your name, probably too hard to pronounce or something. But, he has said that this is your first Jellicle ball, and that everyone should stay nice and friendly to new and Old Jellicles.”
“So, is that why Tugger is so nice? Along with Victoria, and Skimble, and everyone?”
“Oh no, they like you. They think that you’re a mystery, just waiting to be unfolded. So quiet, so smooth, and so brave to be the only girl fighting with the boys.”
“So, will they still like me after the mystery has been unfolded?” “I’m sure they will.......”
“Chrychaesa..” She noticed the puzzled look in his face.
“Cats just call me Chryssie, with thanks from Tugger. You said to be kind to new and old Jellicles. Doesn’t that include Grizabella?”
“Oh.” She looked down, ashamed for asking such a stupid question.
“Well, shall we go?”
“Lets.” She followed him back to the Ball site. There Old Deuteronomy was saying
“We miss the meaning.. and approach to the meaning.”
“AHH, looks like we missed a bunch.” she said to Munkustrap and sat down with Jemima, Tantomile, and Coricopat. Munkustrap and Chryssie both noticed an old cat, which Jellylorum was escorting to a seat. Munkustrap crawled up to him, and nuzzled the old cats hand with his head. He then looked up at him, and then looked at the old cats paws. Munkustrap then crawled around Jemima and Chryssie, and lay down in the front, away from everyone.
“Hey Chryssie, sing with me...I’m scared.” Jemima pleaded.
“OK, but sing what?”
“The ditty.”
“Oh, that ditty.” Jemima then stood up, followed by Chryssie and they let their voices ring sweetly,
“Moonlight.. turn your face to the moonlight, let your memory lead you, open up, enter in. If you find there.. the meaning of what happiness is, then a new life...will begin.” They then both fell down to their knees. The other cats continued to sing.
Old Deuteronomy stood up, and walked towards an old shaking cat. He looked at him and then, Jellylorum took care of him. Munkustrap assisted his grandfather up the pedestal, at which Chryssie was sitting, and then sat down himself. They both were joined by Cassandra and Jemima.
“Gus, is the cat at the theater door. His name, as I ought to have told you before, is really Asparagus, but that’s such a fuss to pronounce, so we usually call him just Gus.” Cassandra leaned her head close to Chryssie’s, who cocked her head toward Cassandra. Cassandra then whispered,
“He’s Asparagus. He used to work in the theater, and he wishes he can do it again.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Hey, can I tell you a secret?”
“You may if you wish.”
“Do you promise not to tell?”
“We are standing by the wishing well.” Chryssie threw in. She had seen Snow White with her human family. Cassandra giggled slightly. Munkustrap looked up at them, to see Cassandra giggling and Chryssie fighting a smile.. and losing. He just assumed it was female talk.
“OK, I’m better now, just don’t try to do that again, I almost exploded.”
“OK, what is this secret you’re talking about?”
“Well, here it is. I love Munkustrap.”
“Oh, really? Wow, cool, congratulations.”
“Well, he doesn’t know it yet. I think he also has a thing for me, because he has been really nice to me, and he even defended me when I got into an argument with Electra.”
“Oh, well he might.”
“Do you think you could find out for me?”
“Woah! Think of what you’re asking here. You want me? To go over there? To find out if he likes you? He’d think I’m butting into his business, or that I am nosy. Who knows? He may even think I like him! No way!”
“Please! I’ll never ask you to do a thing until my life is over, please!?”
“You know, it’s amazing we’re still doing this is whispers.”
“Oh, fine. Just if I ask you to find out if a cat loves me, you had better do it in a heartbeat.”
“I will, now go!” Chryssie then slid over closer to where Munkustrap was sitting. She had to wait to talk to him though, because he was in such a deep concentration of Gus, and when he looked focused on something, she noticed he was really quite handsome. She slid down beside him and looked at him expectantly, waiting to be acknowledged. She had to wait a while. She then got fed up with waiting, and tapped him on the shoulder. Still no response. She put her face close to his ear and whispered,
“Munkustrap?” He jumped, startling her so much, that she fell backwards.
“Ouch.” she said.
“I’m sorry, I was concentrating on Gus.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” she said, and then sat down again.
“So.. is there something you want to talk to me about?”
“Yeah, actually. Cassandra was just telling me about her fight with Electra. I was actually surprised that you stood up against Electra, so it lead me to thinking.. if you loved her or not.”
“Cassandra? Oh no, she is just a cat, a tad older you. That’s all. I mean I like her, she’s really fun to be with. But romantically.. well, lets just say I’m light on that subject. Besides, I have a cat.”
“Oh? What’s her name? OOPS! I’m sorry, I’m getting to far into your business. Excuse me.”
“Oh no, it’s OK. I mean, I like to talk with you. I mean, we still have to get to know each other to become friends. So, you were saying who is that cat. Well, her name is Demeter. She was abducted by Macavity when she was your age. She and I are really a couple. We have been through everything together. She is my best friend. Are you with anyone?”
“Unfortunately, no. My parents are protective of me. They don’t like me seeing anyone, yet. They think I need to be older. They also watch me like madcats. I mean, if my best friend was male, they wouldn’t let me hang with him. If I wanted to wander around town, they wouldn’t let me go. I am not surprised they let me go here. They knew that the males here are already linked, or too old to take an interest in a kitten.”
“You seem to be wise for a kitten.”
“I have been taught well. My parents taught me to think for myself, and to use my head in anything. They even preached lessons to me, given to them by Old Deuteronomy. So, I have him to thank.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Yep. So that’s it. Nothing special or anything. Just a kitten with no guy friends, not until Tugger, Mistoffelees, Skimble, and you came along.” They both smiled a little.
“Munkustrap, look! It’s Gus! He’s.. crying.”
“He’s too sad to finish his sentence. He misses what he does.” Just then, a tall, sleek, red cat approached them.
“Oh, Bombalurina?”
“Hi there, Munkustrap, I am here to introduce myself to the new young one here. I would like her to come with me, if she pleases, because unfortunately, Demeter is busy at the moment, and couldn’t come, so she asked if she could accompany me to her. Is that all right, Chrychaesa?”
“Sure, I would like to meet Demeter.”
“Good, then come with me.” The tall cat then started walking off in the direction of the woodpile.
“Go with her. You’ll meet Demeter, I think that you two will become good friends.” Munkustrap encouraged. Chrychaesa followed Bombalurina.
“Ahh, so this is Chrychaesa.” A voice rang out. A smaller cat jumped from the top of the pile, and landed just a few feet from Bombalurina. “Hello, I am Demeter. Bombalurina tells me that this is your first Jellicle ball, and you are trying to make new friends.”
“Yes, I am Demeter. I am being very successful at it, too. I already have a great number of friends, and I hope you and Bombalurina could be apart of them.”
“Yes, we would be happy to.” Demeter said with a warm, gentle smile. “I would be very happy to be your friend. In fact, please, stay with us while Skimble auditions for the everlasting cat.”
“Great. Shall we find a place.. Demeter? What’s the matter, you look pale, and skittish. What is the matter? Should I get Munkustrap?”
“No, no, I am fine. I am just getting another of my feelings.”
“When Demeter gets her feelings, Chryssie, she is usually right, so you might want to be on guard.” Bombalurina warned.
“Why? What happened?” Bombalurina took her aside.
“Munkustrap told you, didn’t he? She was abducted by Macavity when she was your age. She fears him, even now.”
“Well now, let’s go onto happier matters.” Demeter said, brightly. “Skimble’s tune is very lively, isn’t it? Lets go out, and enjoy it. My work here is done, so come.” Chryssie followed Bombalurina to the dance site. Demeter walked next to her, smiling and laughing along with Bombalurina and Chryssie. Munkustrap noticed them, and joined them, smiling too. The cats were forming a pyramid, and Skimble stepped gingerly onto it. He then smiled wide, as the cats finished
“The Cat of the railway train!” then thunder struck again, and Munkustrap, Demeter, Bombalurina, and Chryssie all looked on keen alert. They then heard wicked laughter coming from everywhere.
“We have to get out there!” Chryssie told her friends.
“It’s not safe for us to be in the shadows.” Demeter, Bombalurina, and Munkustrap agreed. They crept out, and joined the cats, who were nervously circling. Thunder boomed again, and Chrychaesa felt her pulse quicken again. Didn’t she mention she had trouble with thunder? Once again, the laughter erupted, and it seemed to come from everywhere. Then she saw the most hideous cat she could imagine. It was, as she knew from the sight...Macavity! All the cats, including Munkustrap, seemed paralyzed with surprise, or fear. Then, two of Macavity’s henchmen surrounded and captured Old Deuteronomy, and carried him off.
Old Deuteronomy struggled as much as his old bones would allow, but to no avail. His efforts seemed useless, as he was carried off into the darkness. Munkustrap, coming over his daze, grabbed Chryssie’s arm and yelled to Demeter,
“She’ll come with me. I need her skills at fighting. Maybe we can find Old Deuteronomy. You stay here. It will be safer for you. We will return shortly!” Chryssie, sensing Demeter’s approval, scampered after Munkustrap.
“Which way do you think he went?” She asked him, after Macavity had disappeared from their sight.
“Who knows? We lost him.”
“Shhh, do you hear that?”
“Hear what? Wait! Yes, I do hear something. It’s coming from over there.” Chryssie started toward the sound.
“Yes, come on.”
“No wait, I hear something from over here, too. You check that one out, I’ll check this out.”
“Right. If either of us don’t find anything, we go the way the other went.”
“Agreed, now be careful. You never know what the Hidden Paw is planning.”
“The same goes for you, too.” Then Chrychaesa headed her way. She reached the location of the sound. It wasn’t anything important, just the rustling of paper and...a Peke! Slowly, she backed away and ran off, hoping the Peke hadn’t caught her scent. When nothing came after her, she continued the way Munkustrap went. She saw him concentrating deeply on something. She crept up, as to not to disturb whatever he was concentrating so hard on. Then she dropped to all fours, and continued her approach. Then she saw it wasn’t Munkustrap, but an unconscious agent of Macavity. She smelled the air. It smelled of Munkustrap. If Macavity’s agent was unconscious, then that would mean......She held down a squeal, as someone jumped her from behind. She used an old trick that her father used on her all the time, throwing herself another direction. She then grabbed the paws of her attacker, and forced him on his back. She looked down into the face of Munkustrap.
“Oh my! You scared me for a minute there, I thought you were one of them.”
“Yeah, so did I,” Munkustrap agreed. “Can you let me up now?”
“Sure, are there any others around?”
“None, that I can smell. I hear something.”
“OK, but this time we stay together. We almost killed each other, the last time.”
“I have no complaints about sticking together.”
“Then lets go, because I hear that sound too.” They walked on silently, and then they heard the sound completely. It was Demeter and Bombalurina, singing.
“Hmm, I was thinking this looked familiar. We’d better hurry, we don’t want anyone to get the jump on us now, would we?”
“Right.” they both hurried to the site, where Demeter and Bombalurina’s voices were singing.
“Munkustrap!” Chryssie suddenly whispered, sharply.
“What’s the matter?”
“Smell the air. Doesn’t something smell. It’s right above us. It’s familiar. I’ve smelt them before.”
“What makes you so sure there is two of them?”
“Well, there are two separate scents, smells incredibly similar to the other one. It smells like.....Back Up Munkustrap!” They both jumped back, as two cats jumped down from the tree above them, and landed roughly on their feet, slightly dazed from not hitting their target. Munkustrap roughly grabbed the taller one, and Chryssie took the shorter one. Munkustrap and Chryssie, both knocking their foes to the ground, pinned them. A weak, female, Cockney voice emerged from the ground,
“Oh, get off me will ya Chryssie?”
“Right! That goes for you too Munkustrap!”
“It’s Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser! What are you two doing out here, and tackling poor cats?”
“Tackling?” Rumpleteaser said with sarcasm, and disbelief.
“Poor?” Said Mungojerrie with the same tone.
“Are you sure you have your cats straight?”
“Heh, heh, heh, hah, hah,.” Rumpleteaser laughed, sarcastically.
“If you two want to continue doing this, go on ahead, but come back soon” Munkustrap instructed. Then walked a little ways, and stopped to wait for Chryssie.
“And look before you leap. Who knows? You could land on unsuspecting cats again, and that’s not the best thing to do.”
“All right, now go on!”
“Right, I’m coming Munkustrap!” she then caught up and walked with him. They heard laughter again, called to Rumpleteaser and Mungojerrie to come back, and then ran to the campsite, where Demeter and Bombalurina finished their song. Munkustrap and Chryssie both rushed to them, where all four looked about them. They heard Macavity laugh. They then saw the henchmen with Old Deuteronomy. All the cats rushed to their leader, except Demeter. Chryssie noticed her hesitation, and approached her.
“Demeter, what is it? Something’s the matter! Bombalurina, come talk to her, she won’t tell me what the matter is.”
“Demeter? What is it? We have Old Deuteronomy back. What is it?” Demeter only turned her back to her, and continued to flinch and act skittish. “Hmm,” Chryssie thought out loud. Tugger and Bombalurina approached her, and asked her what she thought.
“Well, Demeter was abducted at my age, so she would come to notice and recognize Macavity in an instant. She acts like we do around Old Deuteronomy, and she gets really scared when Macavity’s voice rings out...” At this Demeter had charged all the cats away from behind Old Deuteronomy.
“So, this is Not Old Deuteronomy! Everybody stay back!” Munkustrap approached the place where Demeter, who had come to Chryssie’s side, and asked Chryssie and Demeter
“Why are you two acting like this? It’s my grandfather.”
“Yes, if Macavity is your Grandfather! See, Demeter is proving it right now.” Demeter, who had outlined to Chryssie what she was going to do, gave her a nod and then sprung onto Old Deuteronomy’s back, who spun with surprising energy, for an Old Cat, and hurled Demeter off him. In doing so, his disguise came off, and revealed Macavity! All the cats were in a state of total surprise. Macavity turned, and started dragging Demeter off.
“Munkustrap!” Chryssie called and pointed to Macavity, carrying off a frightened Demeter. Munkustrap grabbed her by the ankles, and tried to heave her back, sending her into a swing. Chryssie shouted to Alonzo,
“When she swings your way, grab her and take her to safety!” Alonzo did as he was told. When Macavity tried to follow, Munkustrap blocked his path and prepared to fight.
Macavity scratched Munkustrap’s face and in turn, got his face scratched. They circled, and once again started scratching.
Macavity leaped onto Munkustrap’s back. Munkustrap summoned what strength, and threw Macavity off him. Then he leaped over Macavity, and then jumped on his back. He was thrown off.
Macavity and Munkustrap lunged at each other, and then started clawing the other’s back and legs. Munkustrap fell and rolled back, wounded.
The female cats that were there, ran to him. Alonzo then jumped onto Macavity’s back, and when he was thrown, landed a scratch that deeply hurt Macavity.
He clutched at his wound, and started backing up to the electric’s. Chryssie started bounding close to him, trying to scratch him, as did the other cats. He dodged her, and tried to scratch them all. He then reached the electric circuiting, quickly rigged up something, connected a few wires and then, the lights they had went out.
It was pitch dark. The only light was a light, that Tumblebrutus had used in Skimble’s train session. The cats all whispered,
“Macavity is not there!” Chryssie searched for Munkustrap. She found the place where he was last, but the cats all pointed in the direction he went. She was worried about him, for he was the perfect cat and she had pride in admitting that she liked him.
She found him, crawling painfully towards Demeter. Demeter bounded up to him, and they both nuzzled very closely and affectionately.
Chryssie saw this, and immediately stopped in her tracks. She stared, and felt her heart break. She then saw Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina, nuzzling in a corner, and they too, were as affectionate as Munkustrap and Demeter. She backed away, for fear of being seen. She had found the most perfect one, and he loved another. She tried to hide how aggrieved she was. But the more she tried, the more she became.
“We have to find Old Deuteronomy.” She sang sadly. Then she felt a rough tap on her shoulder. She looked about, and saw the angry eyes of Cassandra.
“Cassandra, what is it?”
“So, you think that since I like Munkustrap, you should take him away from me! I told you my secret, and you just had to go and make me jealous!” “No, you’re all wrong. Look,” She said, and pointed with her claw to Demeter and Munkustrap. “He already loves another.”
“Ahh, Demeter!” Cassandra growled.
“Well, you still liked him too, because you’re crying! See the tears streaming down your face!”
“Hey, what’s going on here?” Tugger asked, with Bombalurina entangled in his arm.
“SHE likes Munkustrap! She tried to take him away from me! Though, he was already taken! She learnt my secret, and tried to hurt me with it!” “What are you going on about, Cassandra! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh really, I saw you go into the woods after him! Just what we’re....Oh hello, Demeter! Wouldn’t you like to know that Munkustrap was cheating on you, with this!” and Cassandra pointed an accusing claw at Chryssie. Demeter looked puzzled and, with an imploring look on her face, asked Chryssie for an explanation.
“She went into the woods twice with him. First after Grizabella decided to show her face, and then shortly after Old Deuteronomy’s disappearance!”
“Well, I know about the second trip into the woods, I don’t know about the first one.”
“Explain, Chryssie. A good cat like you wouldn’t do this.” Tugger urged.
“Yes lass, tell Old Skimble what happened, both times in the woods with the lad.”
“Well, the first time was when he was explaining to me why you don’t allow Grizabella to join the Jellicle ball. The second time was, as Demeter knows, I was to accompany him to Look for Old Deuteronomy, or Macavity.”
“Yes, but did you volunteer to go along?”
“No, he asked me to come with him...”
“I knew it!” Cassandra screeched.
“I wasn’t finished. He asked me to come with him, because I know how to fight as well as a male. Old Deuteronomy told him why I was to accompany him, and Munkustrap used this knowledge, and asked me to go with him. Demeter even approved.” Munkustrap came up.
“What is happening here?”
“Oh, Munkustrap! This little one is in love with you!” Cassandra finked.
“I do not!”
“Why are you crying then? You started crying after these two did their thing.” Munkustrap looked at her with a little of surprise in his eyes, followed by light humor. Chryssie looked perplexed. How did SHE know? “I didn’t mind them “Doing their thing,” as you call it.” “Then, why are you crying?” Both Demeter and Munkustrap said with concern. She quickly thought up another reason why she was upset. This was true too. She realized this after she had mentioned Old Deuteronomy.
“I screwed up. I had a responsibility to protect Old Deuteronomy, and I failed. Some protector I am. I failed on my first try. I have been no help, and since I screwed, I can’t come back next year. My parents would be too disappointed with me. I’d be lucky if I even get to come again!”
“Well, you ought to ask, the magical Mr. Mistoffelees, the Original Conjuring Cat. There can be no doubt about that. Please, Listen to me, and don’t scoff. All his inventions are off his own bat.” Chryssie whispered to Demeter
“What is he going on about?”
“Beats me.”
“Munkustrap, do you know?”
“I’m afraid I am as in the dark as you are...which of course isn’t saying much.” Demeter, Bombalurina, and Chryssie laughed.
“The greatest magicians have something to learn, from Mr. Mistoffelees conjuring turn. And we all say Oh, well, I never, was there ever a cat so clever as Magical Mr. Mistoffelees.” Chryssie was watching Mr. Mistoffelees and Tugger. She did not see Bombalurina, or Munkustrap head off towards Old Deuteronomy’s pedestal. Demeter caught up with Munkustrap, and whispered a question in his ear. He responded yes. Demeter then walked back to Chryssie, and gently placed a hand on the young, setback cats shoulder. Chryssie looked up into Demeter’s smiling face.
“Will you join us, Chryssie?”
“Oh, I can’t. I don’t think you’d really want me there. Already, I’ve lost a friend.”
“Well, you’ll always have a friend in Bombalurina, Munkustrap and me. Whichever one of us is near, and you need help, you come to us. Now, come. We want you with us.” She said, and Chryssie took her paw. She sat down at Demeter and Munkustrap’s feet. Then she settled to listen to Tugger.
“and not long ago this phenomenal cat, produced seven kittens, right out of a hat.” Mr. Mistoffelees received a yellow can, and out from it blew a multicolored ribbon. He then handed it to Jemima, who eagerly rushed away with it.
“And not long ago this phenomenal cat, produced seven kitten’s right out of a hat.” Mr. Mistoffelees let his eyes roam around the audience, and his sight fell upon Cassandra, who did a little curtsey. She sat near Chryssie. He took his magic sheet, and then gestured towards Cassandra, who did her curtsey. She then allowed the blanket to be tossed over her, and soon she was on all fours and crawled along the ground. Soon, she started struggling. Mr. Mistoffelees blew magic dust over the sheet, and it flashed once. He then took hold of the sheet, and then yanked it off. There was Old Deuteronomy! Chryssie heard herself and Demeter gasp.
“And we all say, oh well, I never, was there ever a cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffelees.” Mr. Mistoffelees turned and saw his leader. Joyously, he leapt into his leader’s arms, and gave him affections. All the cats then leaped for joy, and surrounded Old Deuteronomy. Demeter smiled, and was at ease. Chryssie relaxed too, because they got their leader back. When all the cats had settled down, Old Deuteronomy and Munkustrap acknowledged each other. Jemima told Chryssie that she might have enough confidence to sing alone, so she stood up and sang..
”Daylight, see the dew on the sunflower. And a rose that is fading, roses whither away. Like the sunflower, I yearn to turn my face to the dawn. I am waiting for the day.” Munkustrap acknowledged his grandfather and spoke, “Now, Old Dueteronomy, just before dawn, through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife, announces the cat who can now be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life.” Some cats reached out with their paws, imploring him to chose them. Grizabella walked out of the shadows. Mr. Mistoffelees noticed her and flounced away. Rum Tug Tugger drew behind her, and waved his arm in front of her as if to say
“Come in, it won’t do much good though.”
Victoria reached out to her, but Jellylorum Chryssie had soon learned, threw her arms away. Demeter wanted to help Grizabella, but she had to remind herself of the rules. Grizabella then sang Chryssie’s sad haunting ditty..
“Memory. . turn your face to the moonlight. Let your memory lead you. . open up, enter in. If you find there, the meaning of what happiness is. . then a new life. . will begin. Memory, all alone in the moonlight. I can smile at the old days. . I was beautiful then. I remember, the time I knew what happiness was. . Let the memory live again. Burnt out embers, smoky days, the stale, cold smell of morning. A streetlamp dies, another night is over, another day is dawning. Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise, I must think of a new life, and I mustn’t give in. When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too. And the new day. . will begin.” Grizabella then sank to her knees, and hid her face. Chryssie looked at her, and sang which was joined in unison with Jemima, which brought tears to Demeter’s eyes,
“Sunlight through the trees in summer, endless masquerading,”
Grizabella joined with them,
“Like a flower, the dawn is breaking.” Chryssie stopped because her eyes were full of tears, and her voice was stopped. Grizabella sang,
“The memory is fading...Touch me..” she pleaded, “It’s so easy to leave me. . all alone with the memory, of my days in the sun. If you touch me, you’ll understand what happiness is...Look, a new day has begun.”
She then turned to leave, but before she went, she reached a paw behind her. Victoria rose and looked to Old Deuteronomy for confirmation, he gave a nod. She approached and laid her paw in hers. Victoria then nuzzled Grizabela’s hand with her face, and put Grizabela’s hands into Mr. Mistoffelees, who smiled gently at her. He then handed her paws to another cat, then the next until it got to Demeter, who smiled at her, and handed her paws to Bombalurina, who handed her paws to Munkustrap. Grizabella smiled happily. Munkustrap looked Chryssie’s way, and she nodded to him. He then said to Grizabella,
“There is your great niece.” She looked behind her and saw Chryssie, who smiled at her, and blinked away tears. “Come back to us soon.” She said. Grizabella nodded tearfully, and then Munkustrap put Grizabella’s paws into Old Deuteronomy’s, who then started leading her around to his pedestal. Chryssie started singing, joined by her friends..
“Up, up, up, past the Russell Hotel, up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside layer. Up, up, up, past the Russell Hotel, up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside layer. Up, up, up, past the Russell hotel, up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside layer.” Demeter and Munkustrap walked beside Chryssie, and each took one of her paws in theirs. Then they sang loudly
“Up, up, up, past the Jellicle Moon, Up, up, up, up, to the Heaviside layer. The Mystical Divinity of Unashamed felinity, Round the cathedral rang, “Vivat!” Life to the everlasting cat!” Then they turned around, and listened to Old Deuteronomy, who sang these wise words.
“You’ve heard of several kinds of cats, and my opinion now is that you should need no interpreter, to understand our character. You’ve learned enough to take a view, that cats are very much like you. You’ve seen us both at work and games, and learned about our proper names, our habits and our habitat, but how would you address a cat? So first your memory I’ll jog and say: a cat is not a dog.” Chryssie heard Demeter sing, so she sang too.
“So first your memory I’ll jog, and say a cat is not a dog.” Old Deuteronomy sang again, more pearls of wisdom
“With cats, some say one rule is true. Don’t speak ‘till you are spoken to. Myself, I do not hold with that, I say you should address a cat but always keep in mind that he resents familiarity. You bow and taking off your hat, address him in this form.. ‘o cat.’ Before a cat would condescend, to treat you as a trusted friend, a little token of esteem is needed like a dish of cream. And you might now and then supply some caviar, or straussburg pie, some potted grouse, or sammon paste , he’s sure to have his personal taste, and so in time you’ll reach your aim, and call him by his name!” Demeter and Chryssie let their voices joyously ring out
“A cat’s entitled to expect these evidences of respect. So this is this and that is that, and there’s how you address a cat!” Everyone sang with Old Deuteronomy,
“A cat’s entitled to expect these evidences of respect. So this is this and that is that, and there’s how you address ....a!” Then with her new friends, they grabbed paws, and just stood in the breaking of dawn. Tears came to Chryssie’s eyes, as she looked to the sun.
“At last Grizabella, you’ll be happy. Because I am. Now that I have my friends” and she smiled at Demeter and Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger and Bombalurina who in turn, smiled at her. She looked off into the dawn again, and let her heart soar higher then any Jellicle feelings had before.

“Cats” is created by T. S Eliott. The idea and theme was his. The cats, with the acception of Chrychaesa/Chryssie belong to TS Eliott. Music and lyrics are created by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

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