Part 4

By: Krust and Ugly (UGLY and It.)

Creeping quietly, Krust, IT (UGLY) and everyone else went to save Jeminia. As they got closer they could hear Jelly's voice. Krust moitioned for everyone to put in their ear plugs. (~L~) When everyone did, they continued onward. They could see Jelly now and they all grimaced at the site. Jeminia had pinch marks all over her cheecks and she fought the force of sleep. "We'll save ya Jem!" everyone thought. Krust aimed her cat nip gun right at Jelly. "ready, aim, FIRE!"


A figure came into view as Krust fired her gun and took the blow. Krust stood stunned, "OH NO!!! INNOCENT VICTIMS!!!" she shouted as she jumped from her hiding spot. "No Krust! It's too dangerous!" Ugly called after her, but it was no use. Krust ran into the Danger Zone!!! (Oh no! What will become of me?!) She ran down to the hit cat. "HELP ME HERE!!!" Krust called to her companions. Jelly approached Krust shaking a paw. "Did you forget what I told you earlier?" "NNNNNOOOOO!!!" Krust screamed as she pulled on the helpless cat. "EVERLASTING CAT!!! NNNOOO!!!" Suddenly, a "Presto!" was heard and Mistoffelees saved Krust and the very high cat. Krust stood up and did her and Misto's secret handshake. "Thanks homie!" she said. Looking back she saw that Ugly, Electra, and Ditz pulled Jeminia to safty as Frizz took Jelly out with the cat nip gun. "We saved the day!!!" Ugly yelled. (WOOOOOOHHHHOOO!!!!!)


Krust, Ugly, Ditz, and Frizz all stared at the cat that was hit eariler. "What is he saying?" Ugly whispered to Krust. "I dunno, somethin bout trolls." Krust said back. Ditz and Frizz were giggling at him, becuase his fur was sticking out in all directions. Krust shook her head, then turned to face the readers. Pointing to Ugly she said. "This is your fur." turning and pointing at the drugged cat she said. "This is your fur on cat nip."

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