K, I'm typin now! (K) Cuz, you were gettin on my nerves. (Uh huh.) I'm mean seriously, (Hey, Idiot, you going to type or complain?) Type. (Go for it.) Ok...............where'd we leave off? (Check your last e-mail.) I leated it. (*sigh* Shadow.) Oh yeeeeah! I'll go back to the strangers then. (Please) K, Victoria and Jeminia were watching the strangers who were watching a poof of dust that was floating in the air. (Now, that's what I call entertainment!) No, it was a poof of dust. (Krusty, Krusty, Krusty.....) Uh.....yeah. Anywayz, soon Munk and Electra walked up and Victoria and Jeminia frowned.
"PLEASE don't interupt them YET!" and
"They are so funny!" were the cries that came from their mouths. (Uh, 'suze me?) You're excused, annyway! Munkustrap agreed and walked off. The three cats (who?) Ya know, Victoria, Jeminia, and Electra. (Oh.) jumped with joy as they continued to watch the strangers. (Hey! You really think that Munkus would just leave when there's strangers in the Yard?) Uh.........yeah. (PLEASE let me take over!) Why? (CAUSE YOU'RE NOT MAKING SENSE!!!) Yeah I am. (To who?) Me. (That's it, I'm takin' over!) But....SO! Munkustrap whirled around and went back over to the three Jellicles. "Strangers. Electra said there were strangers!" Victoria nodded. "Yeeeah." Munkus sighed, "Where are they at?"

(I can't beleive you did that!) Did what now? So Krust and Ectera were talking, "Yadayadayada." Let's get to Tugger baby! (Oook.....How's this, Tugger walks in the Yard, and sits and falls asleep?) Perfect! So Tugger was asleep, and then Bombalurina walked up and dumped TOILET PAPER ON HIM!!!!!!! (You are obbssessed.) Thank you. So, while Tug was drowning in TOILET PAPER, Misto was taking a nap. (SWITCH!!!) So Mistoff was takin a nap, like she said. (I said that.) I put 'WHAT SHE SAID'! Anywaz, and the three strangers, Munk, Victoria, Electra, Jeminia, Bombalurina, Tugger (w/ TOILET PAPER) yeah, yeah, with toilet paper, plus some green smily stuff falling from the sky, landed on him. (AND......) But I just started!! (Too bad! SWITCH!!!) So Misto woke up, covered with TOILET PAPER, which protected him from the green stuff which landed on Krust. (But I weren't there.) You are now. (Let's stop, before they dudes in the white coats come?) Alright.....BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET!!!!!!!!!! HARHARHARHAR!!!!!!!!!! (Har? What the spaze is a 'Har'? I say HA.) Har is more origanal. (Liek your face? OOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!)
Back to Part 1!!!

On to Part 3!!!!

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