What's New
Note for all tha Ladies out there. I love to see some mail from ya. Send me a letter sometime, include a picture of yourself. Let me know who you are.
Click on the image below to vote for my site:

Thursday, Jan 07 1999
I've updated my Pictures Page: added !!! check it out at: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/rampling/0/Double.J.html
Added this site to lots of Top rankings sites and to webrings. Please vote for this site, to make it to the no. 1 spot!
Thursday, Nov 19 1998
New book covers: updated version of Vibe book, I got your back. Added Merchandising section to books and video's. Upcoming albums page was updated.
Saturday, Nov 14 1998
I'm back. I have moved from www.trailerpark.com/tequila/jjtupac to www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Screen/4433. But the easiest way to remember my URL is just type come.to/jjtupac.
Saturday, Sept 19 1998
Updated Discography, especially the Upcoming album page, new info about the tribute album and Death Row: Inside Out and Trapp's new album, updated Dead or Alive page, Questions, facts, theories surrounding Tupac's unfortunate death. Finally put all info together, thanx to Stick.
Also updated the autopsy page.
September 13th 1998
Sorry 4 having no updates today.
R.I.P. Pac!
Be on the lookout for the Pics page, within a this couple of weeks big Picture update > more than 200 pictures!!
Sorry for the multimedia section. I finally thought I had a section with links which would be there for quite a while. But I was wrong.
If the links don't work, than that's a pity. I will try to update this site with good links. I'm working on my own sounds. But it's difficult to find alot of space for this.
The sounds that are on my soundspage are the ones that work.
Updated my soundspage:
Sunday, Aug 2 1998
Updated Autopsy, removed pic. See page for details why!!
Tuesday, July 29 1998
New album: "In His Own Words" should be out now. This album was released July 21, but note that this album is not done by Amaru Records, so is not official!!
Also take notice that most of the album is an interview [Interview by Sway of The Wake Up Show...it first aired on KMEL's Westside Radio on April 19 1996] done with Pac several years ago.
I have the tracklist for y'all :
1. Intro [some guy tells 2pac's life story]
2. The People Made Me [Tupac interview]
3. Evolution of a Thug [some guy tells 2pac's life story]
4. No Peace Treaty [Tupac interview]
5. Trouble Followed [some guy tells 2pac's life story]
6. What Happened [Tupac interview]
7. Mad Trouble [some guy tells 2pac's life story]
8. In His Own Words [lyrics from "Slipping into Darkness" w/Funky Aztecs mixed w/interview-parts]
9. Darkness comes to Light [Tupac interview]
10.My Enemies [Tupac interview]
11.Practice what you preach [by Outlawz, not with Pac]
12.Final Projects [Tupac interview]
13.Mourn Ya Till I Join Ya [Naughty By Nature]
14.The Last Days [some guy tells 2pac's life story]
15.Be the Realist [Tupac w/Biggie]
16.Stop the Gunfire [Tupac w/Biggie]
Updated Discography [as always!], Outlawz page: added more links to sounds, including Big Syke's album.
Major update on Dead or Alive page: check the weird interview and inside the las vegas shooting article, aslo added a link to an article where Suge speaks for the first time about the shooting.
Links, multimedia and more had some minor changes
Wednesday, July 15 1998
Updated Discography, Multimedia, Outlawz and some more minor updates. I embedded a real audio sound on my homepage!!
There won't be many updates, because of tha holidays I guess. But I will try
Thursday, June 25 1998
Updated Links, Lyrics, Outlawz, Multimedia: Real Audio
Tupac Soundspage; added following sound-files:
Live On The Streets Of New York (freestyle from the early days)
Gang Related 6: Jim Belushi - His Lecture To Tupac Shakur
Gang Related 6: Jim Belushi - Learning Of Tupac Shakur's Death
Gridlock'd 2: Hearing Of Tupac Shakur's Death
Gridlock'd 3: People Warned Him Against Working With Tupac Shakur
Thursday, June 18 1998
Updated Unreleased page (Discography), now that I've downloaded most of the unreleased songs in real audio from tha Internet, I
figured out alot of different titles were in fact the same song. So therefore I removed some errors from the list etc.
Real Audio page is also updated. Alot of Bootlegs are now available in Real Audio.
Wednesday, June 17 1998
Updated Outlawz page, more pics, added link to real audio file of upcoming album Retribution etc.
Guest Appearances updated, added new covers, almost all covers now have the same size.
Updated links page, sorry Will Koh, I did forget about ya.
Updated Multimedia page: added a real audio page. Includes links to bootleg-sounds, Makaveli 2, Ready 4 War etc.
Tuesday, June 16 1998
Happy Birthday 2Pac,
We will mourn ya longer than ya want us to, hahaa.
I want to say thanx to all tha fans out there who checked my site.
Thanx to you and my luv for Pac, I will continue to update this site.
Monday, June 15 1998
Ya probably know by now:
Orlando Anderson was shot to death in Compton on Friday (5-29-98) afternoon following a gun battle that left two other men dead.
The police have described it as a gang shootout at a Compton, Calif., car wash. see Dead or Alive for more info!
Tribute album will be released on Amaru Records. Afeni has cut a deal with Interscope.
More bootlegs see Upcoming Albums and Bootlegs.
Updated: discography, upcoming albums, Outlawz, Little known Facts or Rumours, Friends, Dead Or Alive, Links
Alot of pics were added, see discography, outlawz, from MC New York to Makaveli
Thursday, May 21 1998
Big Updates: Check Out My Brand New Look of my Homepage!!! Home Tell me what ya think of it!!!
Tattoos page is updated: almost every description has got a picture of a tattoo with it. If ya have clearer pics of tattoos please send them to me!!
New links have been added to my links page.
Removed some errors from pages. Some minor updates have been done with the discography.
Outlawz page is updated: added new pics!!
Tuesday, May 19 1998
Updated links page, Multimedia page is under heavy construction!! and updated info on bootlegs.
Wednesday, May 6 1998
Updated Filmography, Discography, Biography, some minor changes. Busy with Multimedia page should become pretty cool.
Added a big picture and as sharp as I can get it of the autopsy photo. Now ya can see that he does have tattoos on his arm etc.
Many of yall asked me where the tatoos were at, well now I don't think it's necessary anymore to ask me that question.
Monday, April 20 1998
Check solo albums, added some nice scans of cd's. tell me what ya think. I think it's original.
Updated Outlawz page and Makaveli page. And the index page has changed a little.
Saturday, April 18 1998
Updated Outlawz, Discography (added new covers), Books, Interviews, Biography, Autopsy (added some more info about the coroners report), Links, Tattoos (changed a fault tattoo name), and started a beginning page of "Little Known Facts or Rumours" about Pac.
Friday, April 10 1998
Updated Outlawz page. added a pic of Napoleon and changed a few little things.
Updated the following pages: Juice, Poetic Justice, Wrong Or Right?
Updated Discography: added info on some solo albums, added alfabetical list of Unreleased Tupac Songs and added new song titles.
added alot more info on bootlegs. One Nation will be released in the year 2000!!
Saturday, April 04 1998
Updated 30 New Pictures. Most of them are very Big!!
Check it out at my Pictures Page: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/rampling/0/pics17.htm
At my Pictures page are now more than 600 Pics of Pac available.
Go To Old Updates Of My Page: Updates Part 2
© 1998 Double J Productions / Webmastered by Double J