The Best Of Oz/Kenny Fic

Here are some of my fave fics. If you've written one you think worthy of my site ;) mail me it! Thanx. For the moment I'll try to get as many up as possible.

Dreamer (Part One)-By Hannah (me!)
My very first fic ever *sniff* how nostalgic! Not that great, but every fantastic writer has to start somewhere! :) Willow and Oz happiness
Hands-By Hannah (Me again!)
My second fic-much better than the first. Five parts- but they're all there... Willow and Oz take their relationship a bit further, and Xander can't deal (big surprise!). Funny, but kinda graphic at the very begining.
Loneliness and the Hacker-By Bumblebee
Very long one... but really cool! Willow tries to deal with Cordy and Xander's relationship, as hers with Oz starts to form.
New Years(Part One)-By Hannah
A story written in episode style, made to fill those lonely Ozless hours until a new Buffy...
Actually, it explains a lot-By Karen
Really suspensful. A fic explaining why Oz seemed unphased at Buffy's surprise party...
Oz's Bad Week -By Skittery
Oz seems to be suffering from multiple personalities...

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